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County Judge Order 2020-24,
Relatmg to COVID-19 and the 1mplementation of Modified Operations
on March 6, 2020, a Declaration of Local Disaster was issued by the Travis
County Judge to allow the County of Travis ("County" or "Travis County"), Texas, to take
measures to reduce the possibility of exposure to COVID-19 and promote the health and safety
of Travis County residents, and
Whereas, on March 13, 2020, a Declaration of State of Disaster was issued by Governor
Greg Abbott to take additional steps to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the spread of
COVID-19 to protect the health and welfare of Texans, and
Whereas, on October 7, 2020 the Governor issued Executive Order GA-32 ("GA-32"),
related to the reopemng of services and busme~s, with reduced occupancy hmits and gathenng
restnchons for mdividuals and busmesses, as well as contmumg recommended health protocols
and social d1stancmg measures to attempt to mitigate mcreased transfer of COVID-19 associated
with the expandmg commercial and social mteractions, and
Whereas, GA-32 proh1b1ts any outdoor gathermg m excess of 10 people, except as
specifically exempted m paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of GA-32, or unless approved by the county Judge
or mayor, subject to conditions and restnct1ons not mcons1stent with GA-32, and
Whereas, GA-32 further prolnbits bars or similar estabhshments that hold a permit from
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission ("TABC") from operatmg unless the County Judge
opts m and allows bars and s1m1lar estabhshments to opeiate by filmg the reqmsite form with
TABC, and the Travis County Judge has not authonzed bars or s1m1lar establishments to open m
Travis County, and
Whereas, on December 15, 2020, the County Judge issued Order 2020-21, effective
I6, 2020, proh1b1tmg any gathermgs m excess of IOpeople, requmng face covenngs,
except as penmtted by the Governor's orders, and for busmesses that provide goods or services
directly to the pubhc to develop and implement a Health and Safety Pohcy related to preventmg
the t1ansm1ssion of the COVID-19 virus, and
Whereas, as of December 28, 2020, Travis County has expeuenced 48,951 confirmed
cases of COVID-19 and 542 deaths as a result of the disease,
Whereas, as of December 28, <2020, Williamson County has experienced 19,519
confirmed cases ofCOVID-19 and 198 deaths,
Whereas, as of December 29, 2020, the number of hospitahzat10ns m Austm-Travis
County was 434, and the ICU capacity m Austm/Trav1s County 1s at 69% of the estimated