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County Judge Order 2020-24,
Relatmg to COVID-19 and the 1mplementation of Modified Operations
on March 6, 2020, a Declaration of Local Disaster was issued by the Travis
County Judge to allow the County of Travis ("County" or "Travis County"), Texas, to take
measures to reduce the possibility of exposure to COVID-19 and promote the health and safety
of Travis County residents, and
Whereas, on March 13, 2020, a Declaration of State of Disaster was issued by Governor
Greg Abbott to take additional steps to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the spread of
COVID-19 to protect the health and welfare of Texans, and
Whereas, on October 7, 2020 the Governor issued Executive Order GA-32 ("GA-32"),
related to the reopemng of services and busme~s, with reduced occupancy hmits and gathenng
restnchons for mdividuals and busmesses, as well as contmumg recommended health protocols
and social d1stancmg measures to attempt to mitigate mcreased transfer of COVID-19 associated
with the expandmg commercial and social mteractions, and
Whereas, GA-32 proh1b1ts any outdoor gathermg m excess of 10 people, except as
specifically exempted m paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of GA-32, or unless approved by the county Judge
or mayor, subject to conditions and restnct1ons not mcons1stent with GA-32, and
Whereas, GA-32 further prolnbits bars or similar estabhshments that hold a permit from
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission ("TABC") from operatmg unless the County Judge
opts m and allows bars and s1m1lar estabhshments to opeiate by filmg the reqmsite form with
TABC, and the Travis County Judge has not authonzed bars or s1m1lar establishments to open m
Travis County, and
Whereas, on December 15, 2020, the County Judge issued Order 2020-21, effective
I6, 2020, proh1b1tmg any gathermgs m excess of IOpeople, requmng face covenngs,
except as penmtted by the Governor's orders, and for busmesses that provide goods or services
directly to the pubhc to develop and implement a Health and Safety Pohcy related to preventmg
the t1ansm1ssion of the COVID-19 virus, and
Whereas, as of December 28, 2020, Travis County has expeuenced 48,951 confirmed
cases of COVID-19 and 542 deaths as a result of the disease,
Whereas, as of December 28, <2020, Williamson County has experienced 19,519
confirmed cases ofCOVID-19 and 198 deaths,
Whereas, as of December 29, 2020, the number of hospitahzat10ns m Austm-Travis
County was 434, and the ICU capacity m Austm/Trav1s County 1s at 69% of the estimated
max11num ava1lab1hty for COVID-19 patients, which ts havmg a detrimental effect on the area's
health system, and
Whereas, on December 29, 2020, the 7-day rollmg average of new hosp1tahzatlons m
Travis County was 63, and
Whereas, on December 23, 2020, the County entered the Stage 5 Risk Level based on
the recomrnendat1ons of the Health Authority due to the contmued increase m the 7-day roll mg
average of new hosp1tahzat1ons and other contnbuting indicators, and
Whereas, Dr Mark Escott, the intenm Health Authority for Austm/Trav1s County,
contmues to encourage people to stay home except when necessary, and to wear face covenngs
to provide for the safety of the public while businesses are reopenmg and when md1v1duals are
outside thelf household, and
Whereas, the virus that causes COVID-19 1s contagious and spreads through person-to-
person contact, especially m group settmgs, and
Whereas, weanng a face covenng contmuously and spacmg at least six feet apart when
outside of one's household 1s necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19,
Whereas, Governor Abbott's Executive Order GA-29, County Judge Order No 2020-21,
and the Health Authonty Rules allow for an exception to the face covermg reqmrement when a
person 1s seated at a restaurant to eat or dnnk, and
'Whereas, because the weanng of a face covenng and physical distancmg 1s not possible
while md1v1duals are seated together and dmmg at a restaurant or s1m1lar establishment, thereby
mcreasmg the nsk of spreadmg COVID-19, the need to modify operations at busmesses
prov1dmg dme-m food and beverage service dunng the hours of 10 30 P M and 6 00 A M for
the term of this Order 1s necessary to protect the commumty and slow the spread of the COVID-
19 virus, and
Whereas, the New Year's hohday presents a s1gmficant health nsk due to the mcreased
potential for large social gathermgs at restaurants, hotels and households, and
Whereas, restnctions on social gathenngs dunng the New Year's holiday 1s necessary to
help prevent a surge m new cases and eorrespondmg mcreases m hosp1tahzat1ons that will
overwhelm current hospital and ICU capacity, and
Whereas, the County Judge has determmed that extraordmary emergency measures must
be taken to try and mitigate the effects of this pubhc health emergency and to facilitate a
response to the public health threat m order to protect the health and safety of the commumty,
Whereas, pursuant to Government Code sect10n 418 108(g), a County Judge 1s
authonzed to control mgress and egress from a local disaster area, and control the movement of
persons and the occupancy of premises m that disaster area, and
Whereas, an order that controls mgress and egress from a local disaster area, and
controls the movement of persons and the occupancy of premises m that disaster area 1s needed
for the duration of tins Order to protect the health and safety of all md1v1duals m the County of
Travis, by modrfymg dme-m services to slow the spread of the virus, and
Whereas, thts Order shall cover all mdlVlduals cunently hvmg w1thm Travis County,
mcludmg but not hm1ted to all of the c1t1es and mumc1paht1es w1thm the boundaries of Travis
County and specifically hsted m
Exh1b1t A
Effective as of 10 30 P M on December 31, 2020, and contmumg through 6 00 A M on January
3, 2021 ("Effective Date"), that m the County of Travis
SECTION 1 That the findmgs and rec1tat1ons set out m the preamble to this ORDER are
found to be true and correct and they are hereby adopted and made a part hereof for all purposes
SECTION 2 Modified Operations for Dme-In Food and Beverage Services
Because the wearmg of a face covenng and physical d1stancmg 1s not possible while mdtv1duals
are seated together and dmmg, thereby mcreasmg the nsk of spreadmg the COVID-19 vrrus, a
busmess must end mdoor and outdoor dme-m food and beverage service at 10 30 P M but may
contmue to operate after
IO 30 PM usmg dnve-thru, curbside pick-up, take-out, or dehvery
services Dme-m food and beverage service may resume beglililmg at 6 00 AM Also, all dme-m
food and beverage service providers are strongly encouraged to offer only dnve-thru, curbside
pick-up, take-out, or dehvery services between 6 00 AM and 10 30 PM as recommended m
Order No 2020-23
SECTION 3 The busmesses descnbed m Section 2 of this Order do not mclude
rebg10us services as defined by the Governor m GA-32
SECTION 4 The Austm Pubhc Health Department and the Travis County Clerk will
post this Order on theIT websites In addition, the owner, manager, or operator of any facihty that
s hkely to be impacted by this Order 1s strongly encouraged to post a copy of this Order ons1te
and to provide a copy to any member of the pubhc askmg for a copy
SECTION 5 Savmgs Clause If any provision of this Order or its apphcat10n to any
person or circumstance 1s held to be mvahd, then the remamder of the Order, mcludmg the
apphcatrnn of such part or prov1s10n to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected and
shall contmue m full force and effect To this end, the prov1s1ons of this Order are severable
SECTION 6 ENFORCEMENT A v1olat10n ofthts Order may be pumshable through
civil or cnmmal enforcement, except as hm1ted by state order The Travis County Shenffs
Office, the Travis County Ftre Marshal's Office, and other peace officers are hereby authonzed
to enforce this Order and the Governor's Executive Orders A cnmmal violation of this Order 1s
a misdemeanor puntshable by a fine not to exceed $1,000, but not by confinement Cnmmal
violations of this Order may be enforced by the fihng of a probable cause affidavit allegmg the
v10lat1on with the appropnate court or by u,sumg a c1tat1on to the person v1olatmg the Order,
which contains wntten notice of the name and address of the person charged, and the offense
SECTION 7 This Order does not supersede Order 2020-21 issued on December 15,
2020 To the extent there 1s a conflict between this Order and Order 2020-21, this Order shall
SECTION 8 This Order mcorporates by reference the followmg
Exh1b1t A- List of cities w1thm Travis County
ORDERED this the _ll day ofDecem , 2020, m the County of Travis, Texas
avis County, this z_qday of December, 2020
Dana DeBeauvorr, County Clerk
List of C1t1es and Munic1paht1es w1thm Travis County Jur1sd1ct1on
covered by the Order
City of Austin
City of Bee Cave
City of Cedar Park
City of Creedmoor
City of Elgin
City of Jonestown
City of Lago Vista
City of Lakeway
City of Leander
City of Manor
City of Mustang Ridge
City of Pflugerville
City of Rollingwood
City of Round Rock
City of Sunset Valley
City of West Lake Hills
Village of Bnarchff
Village of Point Venture
Village of San Leanna
Village of The Hills
Village of Volente
Village of Webberville
Dana DeBeauvo1r, County Clerk
Travis County, Texas
2020254313 Dec 29, 2020 06 23 PM