and assigns firmly to the payment of the bond amount outlined herein.
NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above-named Non-Participating
Manufacturer or, if applicable, its United States importer, as principal, shall faithfully and truly fulfill all of its
duties and obligations under Act 1099 of 1999, A
RK. CODE ANN. §§ 26-57-260 and 26-57-261, and Act 1073
of 2003, A
RK. CODE ANN. §§ 26-57-1301, et seq., as amended, then the bond obligation shall be satisfied,
although such document shall remain in full force and effect. If, however, the above-named Non-Participating
Manufacturer or, if applicable, its United States importer, as principal, fails to faithfully and truly fulfill all of its
duties and obligations under Act 1099 of 1999, ARK. CODE ANN. §§ 26-57-260 and 26-57-261, and Act 1073
of 2003, A
RK. CODE ANN. §§ 26-57-1301, et seq., the State of Arkansas may execute any judgment upon this
bond. The aggregate accumulated liability under this bond shall in no event exceed the penal sum named
herein, for any and all claims which may accrue during the term of this instrument.
This bond shall become effective on the _____ day of __________________, __________, and continues
Day Month Year
in effect until the Surety withdraws from this bond by giving 60 days advance notice by registered mail to the
Office of the Arkansas Attorney General, provided such withdrawal shall not release said Surety from any
liability existing hereunder at the time of the effective date of the said withdrawal and further provided that said
60 days shall begin to run on the day following receipt of notice by the Office of the Arkansas Attorney
General. More particularly, all obligations existing on the effective date of the Surety’s withdrawal, including,
but not limited to any escrow obligations, penalties, costs, and attorney’s fees, shall continue to be protected by
this bond, even though no cause of action has accrued at the time of the withdrawal, until the running of the
statute of limitations on actions claiming against this bond.
Initial of Surety:
Authorized Designee: Title:
Designee Signature: Date:
Authorized Designee: Title:
Designee Signature: Date:
Subscribed and Sworn Before Me on this Date:
Signature of Notary Public:
City or County of:
My Commission Expires:
→ Seal of Notary must be included and should overlap the right-hand column of the above box.