parent(s) of the above student, please check the box below that correctly indicates how you will submit federal
information to us. CHECK ONLY ONE BOX. Provide all applicable documentation as noted in italics.
** Important: p
lease include student name and ID on all documents submitted**
, the parent, certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best
of our knowledge.
understand that if information differs from the FAFSA, it may result in a
change in eligibility for federal funds.
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _____________
I, the parent (and parent’s spouse if applicable), filed 2019 taxes
, and have used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool
in FAFSA on the Web to transfer 2019 IRS income tax return information into the FAFSA. STOP. Sign below.
I, the parent (and parent’s spouse if applicable), filed 2019 taxes, and I am unable or choose not to use the
IRS Data Retrieval Tool in FAFSA on the Web, and instead will provide the school a SIGNED 2019 IRS Tax
Return 1040 and applicable schedules or a 2019 IRS Tax Transcript*. STOP. Sign below.
*If you filed a tax return in a foreign country
, submit a copy of the foreign tax return transcript, translated into English and converted into US dollars.
I, the parent (and parent’s spouse if applicable), did not file and was not required to file a 2019 IRS Tax
Return. Complete the list below for each employer for y
ou (the parent) and your spouse during 2019, along with
any other sources of income. You are required to provide an IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter and
copies of IRS W-2 forms for each employer listed.
2019 Income Information: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Source of Employment Income
(put NONE if not employed)
Check if you
(put 0 if no wages earned)
o wages were earned, enter “0” in the box above labeled “Total.”
Return completed form to: Russell Sage College, Attn:
Financial Aid Office, 65 First St
reet, Troy, NY 12180
Please note: This form must hav
e a "wet" signature, we cannot accept electronic signatures.
The safest method to submit the form is via mail or fax, as email may not be secure.