COM/RAD 317 12-49
Purpose of Form
Under the Tax Reform Act of 2007, as amended by Chapter
177 / 178 (Senate Bill 444/House Bill 664) of the 2008 regular
se s si on of the Gene r al A s sembly, the C o m p t rolle r of Mar yland is
required to report to the General Assembly each manufacturing
corporation that has more than 25 employees and apportions its
income under the single sales factor. These corporations should
complete Form 500MC which serves to provide the comparison
between using a single-factor apportionment formula and the
three-factor formula that was required prior to January 1, 2001,
as described in statute and regulation.
Additional information can be found at Our corporate
information reporting hot line is 410-767-3015 (toll-free 866-
General Instructions
Multistate manufacturing corporations are required to use a
single-factor apportionment formula based on receipts. If the
corporation has more than 25 employees, Form 500MC must
also be led.
Complete the worksheet above using the standard three-factor
formula. See instructions for completing Schedule A for Forms
500 or 510. Submit the completed 500MC form with the income
tax return.
Specic Instructions
Enter the identifying information at the top of Form
500MC, and then answer the two questions that
follow, using the check boxes provided.
Lines 1 through 8.
Instructions for each of these lines are provided on
page 1 of Form 500MC.
Line 9. Volume of sales (receipts).
Enter the amount from line 1A.a, page 3 of Form
500 or page 2 of Form 510. Enter the amount from
column 1 for “In Maryland” and from Column 2 for
Line 10. Taxable income.
For Form 500, enter the amount from line 13, page
1 for “In Maryland” and from line 1a, page 1 for
“Worldwide.” For Form 510, enter the amount from
line 4, page 1 for “In Maryland” and line 2, page 1
for “Worldwide.”
Line 11. Book value of plant, land and equipment.
Enter the book value of your plant, land and
equipment in Maryland and worldwide as they are
valued at the end of the tax year.
Page 2
(Applies only to multistate corporations)
1A. Receipts a. Gross receipts or sales less returns and allowances ...
b. Dividends ................................
c. Interest..................................
d. Gross rents ...............................
e. Gross royalties .............................
f. Capital gain net income ......................
g. Other income (Attach schedule).................
h. Total receipts (Add lines 1A(a) through 1A(g),
for Columns 1 and 2) .........................
1B. Receipts Enter the same factor shown on line 1A, Column 3.
Disregard this line if special apportionment formula used
2. Property a. Inventory ................................
b. Machinery and equipment .....................
c. Buildings .................................
d. Land ....................................
e. Other tangible assets (Attach schedule) ...........
f. Rent expense capitalized (multiplied by eight) ......
g. Total property (Add lines 2a through 2f,
for Columns 1 and 2) ........................
3. Payroll a. Compensation of officers ......................
b. Other salaries and wages ......................
c. Total payroll
(Add lines 3a and 3b, for Columns 1 and 2) ..
4. Total of factors (Add entries in Column 3) .................
5. Maryland apportionment factor Divide line 4 by four for three-factor formula, or by the number of factors
used if special apportionment formula required. (If factor is zero, enter 000001 on line 2 page 1) .........
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
(Column 1 ÷ Column 2
rounded to six places)