2020 Ohio IT 1040
Individual Income Tax Return
Use only black ink/UPPERCASE letters.
ment of
Sequence No. 1
If deceased
check box
Single, head of household or qualifying widow(er)
Married ling jointly
Married ling separately
ZIP code
Ohio county (rst four letters)
Do not staple or paper clip.
1. Federal adjusted gross income (federal 1040 and 1040-SR, line 11). Include page 1
of your federal return if the amount is zero or negative. Place a "-" in the box at the right
if the amount is less than zero................................................................................................. .. 1.
2a. Additions – Ohio Schedule A, line 10 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE) .....................................................2a.
2b. Deductions – Ohio Schedule A, line 39 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE)..................................................2b.
3. Ohio adjusted gross income (line 1 plus line 2a minus line 2b). Place a "-" in the box at
the right if the amount is less than zero................................................................................... ..3.
4. Exemption amount (INCLUDE SCHEDULE J if claiming dependents) ...........................................4.
Number of exemptions including you and your spouse/dependents, if applicable:
5. Ohio income tax base (line 3 minus line 4; if less than zero, enter zero) .........................................5.
6. Taxable business income – Ohio Schedule IT BUS, line 13 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE) .................... 6.
7. Line 5 minus line 6 (if less than zero, enter zero) ............................................................................7.
Filing Status Check one (as reported on federal income tax return)
Check here if this is an amended return. Include the Ohio IT RE.
Do NOT include a copy of the previously led return.
Address line 1 (number and street) or P.O. Box
Primary taxpayer's SSN (required)
Spouse’s SSN (if ling jointly)
School district #
(see instructions).
Foreign country (if the mailing address is outside the U.S.) Foreign postal code
First name Last nameM.I.
Spouse's rst name (only if married ling jointly) Last nameM.I.
Residency Status Check only one for primary
Check only one for spouse (if married ling jointly)
Indicate state
Indicate state
Address line 2 (apartment number, suite number, etc.)
Check here if you led the federal extension form 4868.
Check here if someone else is able to claim you (or your spouse if
joint return) as a dependent.
Do not staple or paper clip.
Ohio Nonresident Statement See instructions for required criteria
Primary meets the ve criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident.
Spouse meets the ve criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident.
Check here if claiming an NOL carryback. Include Schedule IT NOL.
If deceased
check box
IT 1040 – page 1 of 2
Spouse’s SSN
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Clear Form
Sequence No. 2
2020 Ohio IT 1040
Individual Income Tax Return
If line 20 is MORE THAN line 13, skip to line 24. OTHERWISE, continue to line 21.
Preparer's printed name Phone number
Primary signature Phone number
Spouse’s signature
Date (MM/DD/YY)
Sign Here (required): I have read this return. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, the return and all enclosures are true, correct and complete.
If your refund is $1.00 or less, no refund will be issued.
If you owe $1.00 or less, no payment is necessary.
NO Payment Included Mail to:
Ohio Department of Taxation
P.O. Box 2679
Columbus, OH 43270-2679
Payment Included Mail to:
Ohio Department of Taxation
P.O. Box 2057
Columbus, OH 43270-2057
IT 1040 – page 2 of 2
Check here to authorize your preparer to discuss this return with the Department.
7a. Amount from line 7 on page 1 ........................................................................................................ 7a.
8a. Nonbusiness income tax liability on line 7a (see instructions for tax tables)...............................................8a.
8b. Business income tax liability – Ohio Schedule IT BUS, line 14 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE) ..........................8b.
8c. Income tax liability before credits (line 8a plus line 8b) ..............................................................................8c.
9. Ohio nonrefundable credits – Ohio Schedule of Credits, line 34 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE) ..........................9.
10. Tax liability after nonrefundable credits (line 8c minus line 9; if less than zero, enter zero)........................10.
11. Interest penalty on underpayment of estimated tax (include Ohio IT/SD 2210) ........................................11.
12. Use tax due on internet, mail order or other out-of-state purchases (see instructions) ..............................12.
13. Total Ohio tax liability before withholding or estimated payments (add lines 10, 11 and 12) ...................13.
14. Ohio income tax withheld – Schedule of Ohio Withholding, part A, line 1 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE) ..........14.
15. Estimated and extension payments (from Ohio IT 1040ES and IT 40P), and credit carryforward
from last year's return .................................................................................................................................15.
16. Refundable credits – Ohio Schedule of Credits, line 40 (INCLUDE SCHEDULE) .....................................16.
17. Amended return only – amount previously paid with original and/or amended return .............................17.
18. Total Ohio tax payments (add lines 14, 15, 16 and 17) ............................................................................ 18.
19. Amended return only – overpayment previously requested on original and/or amended return .............. 19.
20. Line 18 minus line 19. Place a "-" in the box at the right if the amount is less than zero ........................... ....20.
21. Tax liability (line 13 minus line 20). If line 20 is negative, ignore the "-" and add line 20 to line 13 ............. 21.
22. Interest due on late payment of tax (see instructions) ..............................................................................................22.
23. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (line 21 plus line 22). Include Ohio IT 40P (if original return) or IT 40XP
(if amended return) and make check payable to “Ohio Treasurer of State” ....... AMOUNT DUE.23.
24. Overpayment (line 20 minus line 13) ..........................................................................................................24.
25. Original return only – amount of line 24 to be credited toward next year's income tax liability ................... 25.
26. Original return only – amount of line 24 to be donated:
a. Ohio History Fund b. State nature preserves c. Breast/Cervical Cancer
Total ....26g.
d. Wishes for Sick Children e. Wildlife species f. Military injury relief
27. REFUND (line 24 minus lines 25 and 26g) ................................................................. YOUR REFUND27.
Preparer's TIN (PTIN)
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2020 Ohio Schedule A
Income Adjustments
Use only black ink/UPPERCASE letters.
Sequence No. 3
Primary taxpayers SSN
(Add the following if not included on Ohio IT 1040, line 1)
1. Non-Ohio state or local government interest and dividends ....................................................................... 1.
2. Certain Ohio pass-through entity taxes paid .............................................................................................. 2.
3. Ohio529planfundsusedfornon-qualiedexpenses ............................................................................... 3.
4. Losses from sale or disposition of Ohio public obligations ......................................................................... 4.
5. Nonmedical withdrawals from a medical savings account ......................................................................... 5.
6. Reimbursement of expenses previously deducted on an Ohio income tax return ..................................... 6.
7. Internal Revenue Code 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense addback ................................................... 7.
8. Exempt federal interest and dividends subject to state taxation ................................................................ 8.
9. Federal conformity additions ...................................................................................................................... 9.
10. Total additions (add lines 1 through 9 ONLY). Enter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 2a ..............10.
(Deduct the following if included on Ohio IT 1040, line 1)
11. Business income deduction – Ohio Schedule IT BUS, line 11 ................................................................. 11.
12. Employee compensation earned in Ohio by residents of neighboring states ............................................. 12.
13. Taxablerefunds,credits,orosetsofstateandlocalincometaxes(federal1040,Schedule1,line1) .. 13.
14. TaxableSocialSecuritybenets(federal1040and1040-SR,line6b) .................................................... 14.
15. Certainrailroadretirementbenets .......................................................................................................... 15.
16. Interest income from Ohio public obligations and purchase obligations; gains from the
disposition of Ohio public obligations; or income from a transfer agreement ........................................... 16.
17. Amounts contributed to an Ohio county's individual development account program ............................... 17.
18. Amounts contributed to STABLE account: Ohio's ABLE plan ..................................................................18.
19. Income earned in Ohio by a qualifying out-of-state business or employee for disaster
work conducted during a disaster response period .................................................................................. 19.
20. Federal interest and dividends exempt from state taxation ...................................................................... 20.
21. Deduction of prior year 168(k) and 179 depreciation addbacks ............................................................... 21.
22. Refund or reimbursements from the federal 1040, Schedule 1, line 8 for federal
itemized deductions claimed on a prior year return .................................................................................. 22.
Schedule A – page 1 of 2
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Sequence No. 4
2020 Ohio Schedule A
Income Adjustments
Primary taxpayers SSN
23. Repayment of income reported in a prior year ......................................................................................... 23.
24. Wage expense not deducted based on the federal work opportunity tax credit ....................................... 24.
Federal conformity deductions ................................................................................................................... 25.
Uniformed Services
26. Military pay received by Ohio residents while stationed outside Ohio ....................................................... 26.
27. Compensation earned by nonresident military servicemembers and their civilian spouses ...................... 27.
28. Uniformed services retirement income ..................................................................................................... 28.
29. Military injury relief fund grants and veteran’s disability severance payments .................................................. 29.
30. CertainOhioNationalGuardreimbursementsandbenets ..................................................................... 30.
31. Amounts contributed to Ohio CollegeAdvantage: Ohio’s 529 Plan .......................................................... 31.
32. Pell/Ohio College Opportunity taxable grant amounts used to pay room and board ............................... 32.
33. Ohio educator expenses in excess of federal deduction .......................................................................... 33.
34. Disabilitybenets ..................................................................................................................................... 34.
35.Survivorbenets ....................................................................................................................................... 35.
36. Unreimbursed medical and health care expenses (see instructions for worksheet; include a copy) ..... 36.
37. Medical savings account contributions/earnings (see instructions for worksheet; include a copy) ........ 37.
38. Qualiedorgandonorexpenses .............................................................................................................. 38.
39. Total deductions (add lines 11 through 38 ONLY). Enter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 2b ...............39.
Schedule A – page 2 of 2
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2020 Ohio Schedule IT BUS
Business Income
Sequence No. 5
Part 1 – Business Income From IRS Schedules
Note: Do not include amounts listed on the IRS schedules below that are nonbusiness income.
See R.C. 5747.01(C). If the amount on a line is negative, place a “-“ in the box provided.
1. Schedule B – Interest and Ordinary Dividends ...........................................................................................1.
2.ScheduleC–ProtorLossFromBusiness(SoleProprietorship).................................................. ....2.
3.ScheduleD–CapitalGainsandLosses ......................................................................................... ....3.
4.ScheduleE–SupplementalIncomeandLoss................................................................................ ....4.
5. Guaranteed payments or compensation from a pass-through entity to a 20% or greater direct
or indirect owner .........................................................................................................................................5.
6.ScheduleF–ProtorLossFromFarming ..................................................................................... ....6.
7. Other business income or loss not reported above (e.g. form 4797 amounts)
............................... ....7.
8. Total business income (add lines 1 through 7) ................................................................................ ....8.
Part 2 – Business Income Deduction
9. Enter the lesser of line 8 above or Ohio IT 1040, line 1. If less than zero, enter zero;
stop here and do not complete Part 3 ........................................................................................................9.
10. Enter$250,000iflingstatusissingleormarriedlingjointly;OR
Enter$125,000iflingstatusismarriedlingseparately .........................................................................10.
11. Enter the lesser of line 9 or line 10. Enter here and on Ohio Schedule A, line 11 ...........................................11.
Part 3 – Taxable Business Income
Note: If Ohio IT 1040, line 5 is zero, do not complete Part 3.
12.Line9minusline11 ...................................................................................................................................12.
13. Taxable business income (enter the lesser of line 12 above or Ohio IT 1040, line 5). Enter here and
on Ohio IT 1040, line 6 ..............................................................................................................................13.
14. Business income tax liability – multiply line 13 by 3% (.03). Enter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 8b .........14.
inyourfederaladjustedgrossincome.Only one IT BUS should be used for each return led. See R.C. 5747.01(B).
Schedule IT BUS – page 1 of 2
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Use only black ink/UPPERCASE letters.
Primary taxpayers SSN
Part 4 – Business Sources
in the spaces provided. You must enter the 6-digit NAICS code of the business, found at naics.com/search. If necessary, complete additional copies of this
page and include with your return.
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownership
FEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
2020 Ohio Schedule IT BUS
Business Income
Sequence No. 6
Primary taxpayers SSN
Schedule IT BUS – page 2 of 2
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownership
FEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownership
FEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownershipFEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownershipFEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownershipFEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownershipFEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
6-digit NAICS codeSpouse’s ownershipFEIN/SSN Primary ownership
Business name
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2020 Ohio Schedule of Credits
Department of
Schedule of Credits – page 1 of 2
Nonrefundable Credits
1. Tax liability before credits (from Ohio IT 1040, line 8c) .............................................................................. 1.
2. Retirement income credit (see instructions for table; include 1099-R forms) ........................................... 2.
3. Lump sum retirement credit (see instructions for worksheet; include a copy) ....................................... 3.
4. Senior citizen credit (must be 65 or older to claim this credit) ................................................................. 4.
5. Lump sum distribution credit (see instructions for worksheet; include a copy) ...................................... 5.
6. Child care & dependent care credit (see instructions for worksheet; include a copy)......................... ... 6.
7. Displaced worker training credit (see instructions for all required documentation; include copies) ....... 7.
7a. CampaigncontributioncreditforOhiostatewideoceorGeneralAssembly ........................................ 7a.
8. Income-based exemption credit ($20 times the number of exemptions) ................................................. 8.
9. Total (add lines 2 through 8) .................................................................................................................... 9.
10. Tax less credits (line 1 minus line 9; if less than zero, enter zero) ......................................................... 10.
11. Jointlingcredit(seeinstructionsfortable).%timesline10,upto$650.......................................... .....11.
12. Earned income credit ............................................................................................................................. 12.
13. Ohio adoption credit ............................................................................................................................... 13.
14. Nonrefundable job retention credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ..................................... 14.
15. Credit for eligible new employees in an enterprise zone (include a copy of the credit certicate) ... 15.
16. Credit for purchases of grape production property ................................................................................ 16.
17. InvestOhio credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ................................................................ 17.
18. Lead abatement credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ....................................................... 18.
19. Opportunity zone investment credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) .................................... 19.
20. Technology investment credit carryforward (include a copy of the credit certicate) ........................ 20.
21. Enterprise zone day care & training credits (include a copy of the credit certicate) ....................... 21.
22. Research & development credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ......................................... 22.
23. Nonrefundable Ohio historic preservation credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ................ 23.
24. Total (add lines 11 through 23) ............................................................................................................... 24.
25. Tax less additional credits (line 10 minus line 24; if less than zero, enter zero) .................................... 25.
Primary taxpayers SSN
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Do not write in this area; for department use only.
Sequence No. 7
2020 Ohio Schedule of Credits
Sequence No. 8
Schedule of Credits – page 2 of 2
Date of nonresidency to State of residency
Nonresident Portion of Ohio adjusted gross income -
Ohio IT NRC Section I, line 18 (include a copy)
............ 26.
27. Ohio adjusted gross income (Ohio IT 1040, line 3) ........ 27.
28. Divide line 26 by line 27 and enter the result here (four digits; do not round).
Multiply this factor by line 25 to calculate your nonresident credit ......................................................... 28.
Resident Credit
29. Portion of Ohio adjusted gross income taxed by another
state or the District of Columbia while an Ohio resident-
Ohio IT RC, line 1a (include a copy) .............................. 29.
30. Ohio adjusted gross income (Ohio IT 1040, line 3) ........ 30.
31. Divide line 29 by line 30 and enter the result here (four digits; do not round).
Multiply this factor by line 25 and enter the result
here ................................................................................31.
32. 2020 income tax liability after credits paid to
another state or the District of Columbia
Ohio IT RC, line 1b (include a copy) ..............................32.
33. Enter the lesser of line 31 or line 32. This is your Ohio resident tax credit. Enter the two-letter
state abbreviation in the boxes below for each state in which income was subject to tax ..................... 33.
34. Total nonrefundable credits (add lines 9, 24, 28 and 33; enter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 9) .... 34.
Refundable Credits
35. Refundable Ohio historic preservation credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ..................... 35.
36. Refundable job creation credit & job retention credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ..................36.
37. Pass-through entity credit (include a copy of the Ohio IT K-1s) ......................................................... 37.
38. Motion picture & Broadway theatrical production credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ..... 38.
39. Venture capital credit (include a copy of the credit certicate) ......................................................... 39.
40. Total refundable credits (add lines 35 through 39; enter here and on Ohio IT 1040, line 16) ............. 40.
Nonresident Credit
Primary taxpayers SSN
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Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Do not list the primary ler and/or spouse (if ling jointly) as dependents on this schedule. Use this schedule to claim dependents. Complete all elds
for each dependent you list. If you have more than 15 dependents, complete additional copies of this schedule and include them with your income tax return.
Abbreviate the “Dependent’s relationship to you” if there are not enough boxes to spell it out completely.
Primary taxpayer's SSN
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name Dependent's last nameM.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name Dependent's last nameM.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name Dependent's last nameM.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Tax Year
2 0 2 0
Schedule J – page 1 of 2
Ohio Schedule J
Use only black ink/UPPERCASE letters.
Sequence No. 9
Do not write in this area; for department use only.
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name Dependent's last nameM.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name Dependent's last nameM.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name Dependent's last nameM.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Dependent's date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY)
Dependent's last name
Dependent’s SSN
Dependent’s rst name M.I.
Dependent’s relationship to you
Primary taxpayer's SSN
Tax Year
2 0 2 0
Schedule J – page 2 of 2
Sequence No. 10
Ohio Schedule J
Part A - Total Withholding
1. Total of all Ohio state tax withheld on pages 1 and 2 as well as any additional pages. Enter here
and on line 14 of your Ohio IT 1040 ...................................................................................................................1.
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number
Schedule of Withholding – page 1 of 2
List your and your spouse’s (if ling jointly) W-2, 1099, and W-2G forms only if they have Ohio withholding. Complete all elds for each form entered.
Enter “P” in the “P/S” box if the form is the primary taxpayers and enter “S” if it is the spouse’s. Complete additional copies if necessary. Place state cop-
ies of your income statements after the last page of your return.
Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
Part B - W-2s
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
Box 2 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Wages, tips, other compensation
P/S Box b - EIN
Box 15 - Employers Ohio ID number Box 16 - Ohio wages, tips, etc. Box 17 - Ohio income tax
2020 Schedule of Ohio
Sequence No. 11
Primary taxpayers SSN
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Box 1 - Gross distribution
P/S Payers TIN
Box 15 - Payers Ohio number Box 4 - Federal income tax withheld Box 14 - Ohio tax withheld
Part C - 1099-Rs
Box 4 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Reportable winnings
P/S Payers federal ID number
Box 13 - Ohio state ID number Box 14 - Ohio state winnings Box 15 - Ohio income tax withheld
Box 4 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Nonemployee compensation
P/S Payers TIN
Box 6 - Payers Ohio number Box 7 - State income Box 5 - Ohio tax withheld
Box 4 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Nonemployee compensation
P/S Payers TIN
Box 6 - Payers Ohio number Box 7 - State income Box 5 - Ohio tax withheld
Box 7 -
Distribution code
Box 1 - Gross distribution
P/S Payers TIN
Box 15 - Payers Ohio number Box 4 - Federal income tax withheld Box 14 - Ohio tax withheld
Box 7 -
Distribution code
Box 1 - Gross distribution
P/S Payers TIN
Box 15 - Payers Ohio number Box 4 - Federal income tax withheld Box 14 - Ohio tax withheld
Box 7 -
Distribution code
Box 1 - Gross distribution
P/S Payers TIN
Box 15 - Payers Ohio number Box 4 - Federal income tax withheld Box 14 - Ohio tax withheld
Box 7 -
Distribution code
Part D - W-2Gs
Box 4 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Reportable winnings
P/S Payers federal ID number
Box 13 - Ohio state ID number Box 14 - Ohio state winnings Box 15 - Ohio income tax withheld
Box 4 - Federal income tax withheldBox 1 - Reportable winnings
P/S Payers federal ID number
Box 13 - Ohio state ID number Box 14 - Ohio state winnings Box 15 - Ohio income tax withheld
Part E - 1099-NECs
Schedule of Withholding – page 2 of 2
2020 Schedule of Ohio
Sequence No. 12
Primary taxpayers SSN
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0 0
Ohio IT RE - Reason and Explanation of Corrections
Note: For amended individual return only
Complete the Ohio IT 1040 (checking the amended return box) and include this form with documentation to support any adjustments to
the line items on the return.
Note: Include any worksheets and/or documentation necessary to support your changes. See the ling tips on the next page as well as
the Ohio Individual and School District income tax instructions.
Detailed explanation of adjusted items (include additional sheet[s] if necessary):
E-mail address Telephone number
Primary taxpayer's SSN
Federal adjusted gross income decreased
* Filing status changed*
Exemptions increased (include Schedule J)*
Tax Year
* If you checked one of the boxes above, do not le your Ohio amended return until the IRS has accepted the changes on your federal
amended return. To avoid delays you must include a copy of your federal account transcript OR a copy of your federal amended income
tax return with a copy of the federal acceptance letter or refund check.
Federal adjusted gross income increased
Exemptions decreased (include Schedule J
Residency status changed
Ohio Schedule A, additions to income
Ohio Schedule A, deductions from income
Ohio Schedule of Credits, nonrefundable credit(s) increased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, nonrefundable credit(s) decreased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, nonresident credit increased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, nonresident credit decreased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, resident credit increased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, resident credit decreased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, refundable credit(s) increased
Ohio Schedule of Credits, refundable credit(s) decreased
Other (describe the reason below)
Federal Privacy Act Notice: Because we require you to provide us with a Social Security number, the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 requires us to inform you that providing us
with your Social Security number is mandatory. Ohio Revised Code sections 5703.05, 5703.057 and 5747.08 authorize us to request this information. We need your Social
Security number in order to administer this tax.
Clear Form
If your amended IT 1040 results in tax due, you should always include an IT 40XP payment voucher with your payment. Do not use the
IT 40P payment voucher.
Amended IT 1040 Filing Tips
When amending due to changes to my federal return, should I le my amended Ohio return(s) at the same time I le my
amended federal return with the IRS?
Refund: You should wait to le your amended Ohio IT 1040 and/or SD 100 until the IRS has approved the changes to your
amended federal return. When ling your amended returns, you must include:
Option #1
A copy of your federal amended return (1040X), AND
A copy of the IRS acceptance letter -or- refund check.
Option #2
A copy of your updated IRS account transcript reecting
the changes to your federal return.
Tax Due: To reduce the amount of interest you will owe, you should le your amended Ohio IT 1040 and pay any tax due as soon
as possible.
What documentation should I include when amending to show a change in my Ohio residency status?
Submit any and all relevant information you believe supports your change in residency status from one state to another. Provide
as many relevant documents as possible. Relevant documents include, but are not limited to, the following: driver's license or
state IDs, property records, voter registration, resident state tax returns, and vehicle registrations.
When should I NOT le an amended return?
Some common mistakes may not require an amended return. Instead, the Department of Taxation will either make the corrections
or contact you to request documentation. For example, the following mistakes generally do not require an amended return:
• Math errors;
• Missing return pages, schedules, or worksheets;
• Unclaimed withholding;**
• Missing credit certcate granted by the Ohio Development
*Generally, unclaimed estimated and/or extension payments will automatically be added to your original return when led.
**If you have unclaimed withholding, please submit a detailed explanation along with legible copies of all income statements
(W-2s and 1099s) showing the Ohio withholding amounts instead of ling an amended return.
For additional information, you can go to tax.ohio.gov for FAQs (located under the "Income - Amended Returns" topic).
Demographic errors (such as name, address or SSN
corrections); Services Agency.
• Unclaimed estimated and/or extension payments;*
What documentation should I include when amending to show a change to Ohio Schedule A, deductions from income?
You should always include supporting documentation to substantiate your changes specic to the deduction. Some common
deductions and related documentation include, but are not limited to, the following:
Business income – Ohio Schedule IT BUS, page 1 and 2 of your federal return, the federal schedule(s) showing your business
income, federal K-1(s), wage and income statement(s), along with any other supporting documentation. Include a short statement
explaining your position on the amounts claimed as business income, along with all relevant facts and law used in making that
Disability/survivorship benetsA copy of your wages and income statements (such as 1099’s), page 1 and 2 of your federal
return, your disability/survivorship plan, and, if you are deducting disability benets, you must also provide a letter from your
employer from when your disability was approved, your social security disability award letter, and your age at the time of disability.
Unreimbursed medical and health care expensesA copy of Ohio's medical expense worksheet, federal Schedule A (if com-
pleted), and proof of payments (cancelled checks, bank statements, credit card statements, etc.).
Ohio 529 Plan Contributions – Proof of payments (cancelled checks, bank statements, credit card statements, etc.) and proof
of an Ohio 529 account (by providing the plan year-end statement). If the statement is unavailable, (e.g. you are not the account
holder), provide a list of the beneciaries with the contribution dates and amounts. If the deduction is based on a prior year car-
ryforward, provide proof of prior year contributions for each beneciary.
What documentation should I include when amending to show a change to the nonresident or resident credit?
Nonresident credit: A copy of form IT NRC and all wage and income statements (W-2, 1099, K-1, etc.).
Resident credit: A copy of form IT RC, all other state returns and proof of taxes paid to other states (cancelled checks, tran-
First name M.I. Last name
Spouse’s rst name (only if joint ling) M.I. Last name
City, State, ZIP code
2020 Ohio IT 40XP
Include the voucher below with your payment for your AMENDED 2020 Ohio income tax return.
Make payment payable to: Ohio Treasurer of State
Include the tax year and the last four digits of your SSN on the “Memo” line of your
Do not send cash.
Do not use this voucher to make a payment for an original return. Use Ohio IT 40P.
Do not use this voucher to make a payment for a school district income tax return.
Use Ohio SD 40XP for an amended school district income tax return. Use Ohio SD 40P
for an original school district income tax return.
Electronic Payment Options
You can make your payment electronically even if you le by paper. Pay by electronic
check, credit card or debit card via the Department’s Online Services. Go to tax.ohio.gov
for more information.
Cut on the dotted lines. Use only black ink.
Federal Privacy Act Notice
Because we require you to provide us with a Social Security number, the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 requires us to inform you that providing
us with your Social Security number is mandatory. Ohio Revised Code sections 5703.05, 5703.057 and 5747.08 authorize us to request this
information. We need your Social Security number in order to administer this tax.
Taxpayer’s SSN
Spouse’s SSN
(only if joint ling)
Amount of
last name
Use UPPERCASE letters
to print the rst three letters of
Spouse’s last name
(only if joint ling)
Tax Year
Amended Income Tax Payment Voucher
Make payment payable to: Ohio Treasurer of State
Sending with return - Mail to: Ohio Department of Taxation,
P.O. Box 2057, Columbus, OH 43270-2057
Sending without return - Mail to: Ohio Department of Taxation,
P.O. Box 182131, Columbus, OH 43218-2131
Do NOT send cash
Do NOT fold, staple,
or paper clip
Clear Form
Print blank form