First Step...
Complete Balance Sheet and Schedules B, C & D
(Must be returned with annual return)
Line 1 (through 3) Cash, notes, accounts receivable, and inventories
are to be reported at book value.
Line 4 United States, municipal, commercial and other bonds owned
by the corporation.
Line 5 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges are to be included as
assets at book value.
Line 8 Stock or other evidence of ownership in subsidiary organiza-
tions as shown on the corporations books of account.
Lines 9b, 10b, 11b. If accumulated depreciation and depletion appear
to be excessive, the excess may be disallowed.
Line 13 Patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc., and franchises are to
be included as assets to the extent of their cost. In the case of
a denite term franchise, the cost thereof may be amortized
over its life. Goodwill is an asset and should be shown at book
value. All intangibles including cash, are to be apportioned
wholly to Oklahoma unless a commercial or business location
for the intangibles has been established elsewhere.
Line 14 Life insurance, where the reporting taxpayer is beneciary, is
to be shown at cash surrender value.
Line 15 Total net amount of lines 6 through 14.
Line 18 Total lines 15,16, and 17.
Line 20 Reserves for taxes are allowed to the extent such taxes are
unpaid. Deferred credits are included in capital employed un-
less they can be shown to be actual liabilities.
Line 21 Current liability includes indebtedness payable in three (3)
years or less after issuance.
Line 26 Stockholder loans must be repaid within three years of cre-
ation to be considered a current liability. Contingent assets or
liabilities should not be included unless fully explained and the
condition under which they become actual is clearly set forth.
Line 32 Total lines 23 through 31. The amounts as shown by the
books of account shall be the measure of value of the assets
and liabilities, except when the items on the books of account
are in error or lack sufcient detail to truly reect the amount
of capital invested and employed in the business.
Second Step...
Complete the Oklahoma Annual Franchise Tax Return
Item A Place the taxpayer FEIN in Block A.
Item B Enter the Account number issued by the Oklahoma Tax
Commission beginning with FRX followed by ten digits. If no
number has been issued, leave blank.
Item C • Place the beginning and ending reporting period (MM/DD/
YY) for the Franchise Tax license year for which you are re-
porting in Block C. Example: For returns due July 1, 2016 the
reporting period beginning would be 07/01/16. The reporting
period ending would be 06/30/17.
• The reporting period for corporations which have led Form
200-F, and elected a different ling date, will be the next scal
year. Example: A corporation has a year end of 05/31/16 with
a return due August 15, 2016. The reporting period begin-
ning will be 06/01/16 and the reporting period ending will be
Item D Place the due date (MM/DD/YY) in Block D.
Item E Place an “X” in the box if you are incorporated in the State of
Item F Place an “X” in the box if you are incorporated in a state other
than Oklahoma.
Item G Place an “X” in the box if you are ling an amended return.
Item H Place an “X” in the box if you have not completed a year end
balance sheet and are therefore ling an estimated return.
You must le an estimated return and remit tax due.
Item I Place an “X” in the box if your mailing address has changed.
Write your new address in the space provided.
Item J Enter your balance sheet date (MM/DD/YY) of your most
recent income tax accounting year. Do NOT leave blank. If the
corporation has not completed its rst taxable year enter June
30 of the current year as the balance sheet date.
Lines 1 through 11 (except 9) are derived from your balance sheet.
Please put the date of the balance sheet in box J.
Line 9 (Percent of Oklahoma Assets)
Select which option you will use to determine the apportion-
ment of Oklahoma assets.
Option 1: Percent of Oklahoma assets and business
done to total assets and business done. (line
6 divided by line 8). Round to six decimal
Option 2: Percent of Oklahoma assets to total net
assets (line 1 divided by line 2). Round to
six decimal points.
Line 12 (Tax)
Compute tax at $1.25 per $1,000.00 of capital. (Either line 4
or line 11) If tax is more than $20,000.00 enter $20,000.00
on line 12. If your return is due July 1, 2014 or later, you are
exempt from paying tax if your tax liability is $250.00 or less,
however, a return must still be led.
Line 13 (Registered Agent Fee)
If the corporation originated in a state other than Oklahoma,
the Oklahoma Secretary of State charges an annual regis-
tered agent fee of $100.00 and is collected on the franchise
tax return. Non-prot corporations originating in another state
will be sent Form 200-N “Foreign Not-For-Prot Corporation
Annual Franchise Tax Return”.
Line 14 (Interest)
If this return is postmarked after the due date the tax is sub-
ject to 1.25% interest per month from the due date until it is
paid. Multiply the amount in Line 12 by .0125 for each month
the report is late.
Line 15 (Penalty)
Tax not paid by the original due date is subject to a penalty of
10%. Multiply the amount in Line 12 by .10 to determine the
Line 16 (Reinstatement Fee)
If your corporate charter has been suspended, you must meet
all outstanding ling and payment obligations in order to be
reinstated. Effective July 1, 2017, a $150.00 reinstatement fee
is also required. Only one reinstatement fee is required even if
multiple past due returns are being led.
Line 17 (Previous Estimated Franchise Payment)
• Enter any estimated franchise tax paid with Form 200
• If ling an amended return, enter any franchise tax paid
with the original return and amounts paid after it was led.
Line 18 (Total Due)
Add the amounts from lines 12 through 16, subtract any entry
on line 17, and enter total on line 18. Amount on line 18 can-
not be less than zero.
Third Step...
Schedule A Ofcer Information
Enter the effective date of ofcers. Please refer to the example on
Schedule A. Failure to provide this information could result in the corpo-
ration being suspended.
Fourth Step...
Mail this return to the address below. Please include your return, pay-
ment made payable to Oklahoma Tax Commission, balance sheet, and
schedules A, B, C, and D.
Please Mail To:
Oklahoma Tax Commission
PO Box 26850
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0850
Phone Number for Assistance – 405.521.3160
Mandatory inclusion of Social Security and/or Federal Employer’s Identi-
cation numbers is required on forms led with the Oklahoma Tax Com-
mission pursuant to Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes and regulations
thereunder, for identication purposes, and are deemed to be part of the
condential les and records of the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
The Oklahoma Tax Commission is not required to give actual notice to
taxpayers of changes in state laws.
(Continued from lower left column)
(Continued top of right column)
Form 200 - Page 6