Rec’d By: Via:
Solano Community College
Petition for Reprint of AA / AS /AD-T Degree or Certificate
Read and initial the information below before completing application. Check for accuracy before submitting.
Please allow 5-10 business days for processing.
1. I understand there is a $15.00 fee for each degree/certificate to be reprinted, which must be paid in full
or to processing reprints.
2. I understand that all holds and fees must be cleared before my request will be completed.
3. I understand SCC may require more documentation be made available to them prior to issuing a reprint.
I hereby request a reprint of my AA degree AS degree AD-T degree
(refer to SCC transcripts for degree type and title)
Degree Awarded in: Summer Fall Spring
(Required) SCCID:
Last Name in System: _______________________________________ First Name in System: ____________________________ MI ____
DOB: - - Phone: ( )
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Full name as you wish for it to appear on your degree
Mailing address to receive diploma
Title of Degree to be Reprinted
Title of Certificate to be Reprinted
I certify that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge.
Student Signature Required
Verify degree/cert was awarded in Banner: Yes No (initial)
Posting $15.00 per reprint of degree/cert: Entered in Banner (Initial) (date)
Mailed (Initial) (date)
Picked up by student (Initial) (date)