Waterford Township Zoning Board of Appeals Instructions & Application
Development Services Department
5200 Civic Center Drive
Waterford, MI 48329
(248) 674-6238
All applications to the ZBA must be made with full knowledge and written consent of all owners of the property in
This requirement shall include, but is not limited to, the consent of a land contract seller to the relief sought
by a land contract purchaser. All applications must be signed by all property owners and these signatures shall be
ALL of the following must be submitted to the Development Services Department by the application deadline
to be considered for the scheduled meeting:
1. Ten (10) copies of the completed and notarized Application Form (Attached)
Ten (10) copies of the completed Supplemental Information Form (Attached)
Ten (10) copies of a Plot Plan (As required by Waterford Township Zoning Ordinance Section 6- 100.2(5)
and as defined in Section 1-007, see below)
Fees will be determined once the application and site plan are deemed complete and accurate. Staff will contact you
with the fees that are owed. The fees must be paid at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting date. Fees are
Ten (10) copies of any additional information (i.e. photos, letters of support, etc.)
Plot Plan Requirements
A plot plan shall be the graphic depiction of existing conditions and proposed improvements on a subject zoning
lot drawn on at minimum an eleven (11) inch by seventeen (17) inch sheet and properly scaled within the range of
one (1) inch = twenty (20) feet to one (1) inch = fifty (50) feet and shall consist of the following items of
A. Name, address and telephone number of property owner.
B. Name, business address and phone number of individual who prepared the plan.
C. North arrow.
D. Scale.
E. Legend.
F. A certified survey completed by a State of Michigan licensed land surveyor, which indicates the legal
description and recorded and measured dimensions of the property lines and other pertinent data as prescrib
in Public Act 132 of
1970, Certified Surveys, as amended. The plan shall be drawn in acco
rdance with the
dimensions shown on
this survey
G. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed permanent and accessory buildings and structures,
and where applicable all proposed temporary structures
, on the site.
H. Existing and proposed streets, drives, drive approaches (including acceleration, deceleration and passing
lanes), parking areas indicating ty
pe of surfacing and listing number and size of parking spaces, and outdoor
display areas where applicab
I. Wetland, floodplain, and drainage course boundaries.
J. Location of all proposed signs - type, size and details.
K. Where required by the Township Engineer, the following additional information:
(1) Existing and proposed topography using U.S.G.S. datum with contours at two (2) feet intervals extending
to a minimum of one hundred (100) feet beyond the site property lines. In
certain instances additional
hy may be requ
(2) The location and capacity of existing or proposed water, sanitary, stormwater, and other utilities serving
the site with approxim
ate rim elevations, inverts, size and lengt
(3) Proposed public and private sidewalks.
Charter Township of Waterford
Scheduled Zoning Board of
Appeals Meetings
All meetings will be held at the Waterford Township Hall Auditorium, located at:
5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford, Michigan, 48329
on the following Tuesday afternoons beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Please Note: Agendas are limited to 10 new business cases
Zoning Board of Appeals Fee Schedule
Single Family Residential / Non-profit Organizations
All Other Zoning Distric
All Other Zoning Districts - Code Violation
$100 each (Max $550)
Duration of Approval
Any relief granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals is valid for one (1) year from the date of the
public hearing, unless otherwise specified by the Board. The applicant will not receive written
confirmation of the approval/denial. Copies of the minutes are available upon request from
the Development Services Departmentor at www.waterfordmi.gov once approved.
Each Additional Variance
Single Family Residential - Code Violation
$100 each
Each Additional Variance
February 8, 2020 (application GHDGOLQH January 21)
March 7, 2020(application deadline February 8)
pril 21, 2020 (application deadline March 24)
May 19, 2020 (application deadline April 1)
June 16, 2020 (
application deadline May 19)
July 21, 2020 (application deadline June 23)
August 18, 2020 (application deadline July 21)
September 15, 2020 (application deadline August 18)
October 20, 2020 (application deadline September 22)
November 7, 2020 (application deadline October 20)
Special Hearing Fee (in addition to fee as listed above)
I, (WE), the undersigned do hereby make application to the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Charter Township of Waterford.
Name of Applicant(s)
Address of Applicant(s)
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Name of Property Owner
Address of Subject Property
Zoning of Subject Property
Parcel I.D. Number(s)
Type of Request (Please check appropriate box.)
A variance of a Requirement of the Zoning Ord
Review of an Administrative Decision
Appeal of a Planning Commission Denial of Special Approval
An Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance Text
An Interpretation
of the Zoning Map
An Extension of ZBA Approval Timeframe
I, (WE), the applicant(s), request that the following variances be granted. (i.e. The difference between what is required and what
is proposed.)
Legal Description (attach additional sheet if necessary)
Interest in Request (buyer, owner, representative, etc.)
In order to enable the members of such decision-making body to make an informed decision on my (our) request, I
(we), do hereby consent to allow the members of the decision-making body to inspect the subject property up to the
date of the meeting of the decision-making body at which such body issues its final decision on the request(s),
provided that such inspections are limited to:
gathering information specific to the requested action,
typical hours of daily human activity, unless specified otherwise below, and
the following restrictions (please list or indicate "none"):
scribed and sworn to before me this _____ d
ay o
Notary Public
My commission expires:
State of Michigan, County of
Property Owner/Applicant (Signature): __________________________________________________
Property Owner/Applicant (Print).: __________________________________________________________________
By signing, I (owner) understand that application to the Charter Township of Waterford has been made for land use
matters to be considerd and decisions made by the Zoning Board of Appeals that will affect use of my property. I
(owner/applicant) hereby affirm that all of the information submitted with and including this application are correct to
the best of my knowledge.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Supplemental Information
For variances to be granted, Section 6-100.5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the ZBA to find that the
APPLICANT has demonstrated that each of the six (6) specified review standards are satisfied. It is to
your advantage to provide as detailed and complete a response to each question as possible. Additional
sheets may be attached.
Explain how strict compliance with the applicable Zoning Ordinance Standard(s) would prevent the owner from
using the property for a permitted purpose or be unnecessarily burdensome?
Explain how the requested variance will ensure substantial justice to the applicant as well as other property owners.
Explain why a lesser variance than requested would not give substantial relief to the applicant and/or be consistent
with justice to other property owners.
Explain how the problem and resulting need for the variance has not been self-created by the applicant and/or the
applicant's predecessors.
Explain how the spirit of the Zoning Ordinance will be observed, public safetly and welfare secured, and substantial
justice done.
Explain how the need for a variance is due to unique circumstances peculiar to the property and not generally
applicable in the area or to other properties in the same zoning district.