Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation
Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS)
Form 2: Travel and accommodation supplement
Use our online services
You can apply online. This means you do not have to complete
this paper form. You can register to use our online services at
When to use this form
You require a separate form for each different practitioner or
healthservice you travel to.
You should use this form:
y if you have previously submitted an application to this
practitioner or health service
y as a supplement to Form 1. Application for travel and
accommodation assistance if you would like to claim in
transittravel or more than one trip
y to complete your application if you received advance
y to complete your application if you bulk billed your
Do not use this form if:
y this is your first application to this practitioner or health
service and/or
y your personal details have changed and/or
y you have not submitted a referral for this practitioner or
health service in the last two years
What else you may need to provide
We may require documentation to support your application. You
may need to provide:
y invoices for travel and accommodation costs
y evidence that you have attended your appointment
Applications must be submitted within 12 months of your
discharge or appointment end date.
For more information
Go to our website www.iptaas.health.nsw.gov.au or call us
on 1800 IPTAAS (1800 478 227).
Part A. Patient details
1. Patient ID (if known)
2. Your name
Given name
3. Your date of birth
4. Your residential address
State Postcode
Part B. Treatment details
5. Name of specialist, allied health clinic, dentist or
Medicare provider number (not applicable to allied health or
prosthetic/orthotic treatment)
OPTIONAL: AHPRA registration number (if known) (not
applicable to allied health or prosthetic/orthotic treatment)
Phone number
( )
Part C. Payment details
6. Your bank account details (if different to details
previously provided)
Account name
BSB number
Account number
7. Would you like a third party organisation to receive part
of your subsidy?
No Go to question 8
Yes Give details below
What part of your subsidy would you like the third party
organisation to receive?
Travel Accommodation Both
Third party organisation details
Phone number
( )
Supplier number (if known)
Part D. Escort details
8. Were you accompanied by an escort?
No Go to question 10
Yes Give details below
Your escort’s full name
9. Does your escort have a concession card issued by
Centrelink or DVA?
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