Plan Requirements
12. IBC construction type classification
13. Number of square feet in space and on building floor
14. Number of stories above and below grade
- Check with
15. Allowable are
16. Occupant load
17. Number of required exits and provided exits
18. Indicate if building is or is not fire sprinklered
- Check with
19. Sprinkler certification of building (Required if any part of building is using
BC “fully-sprinklered building” provisions)
20. Common path of egress travel, measured at right (90 degree) angles
21. Separated/non-separated uses with supporting information
- Check with
22. Plumbing fixture count
Building key plan includes:
23. Exit path to the exterior or to an exit enclosure
24. Occupancy classification of adjacent tenants
25. Location of space in building
26. Direction indicator (North, South, East or West) with arrow
27. Scale on each plan and/or detail
28. Rooms marked with number and room name or use
29. Fire-rated and smoke-rated assemblies identified using IBC Chapter 7
30. Reflected ceiling plan with exit signs and emergency lighting
- Check with
31. Material specifications
32. Room finish schedule (see City of Edina Code Article XII for Public
Bathrooms and Restrooms)
33. Door and hardware schedules, including all locking arrangements
34. Details of all required accessible components including data on required
20% accessible upgrades
35. Furniture/fixture/equipment layout plan
Plans may be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Health Departments, in addition to the Fire and Building Inspections
Departments. Plan review time will vary, but in all cases permit applicants should allow a minimum of three weeks of plan review
time after application and completed submittals have been forwarded to the Building Inspections Department.
I acknowledge that the items checked on the list above are included on or with the submitted plans:
Licensed Design Professional Signature ______________________________ Print Name _____________________________
Work Phone_______________________ Cell Phone____________________Email___________________________________
Company Name______________________________ Address _______________________________________Zip__________
ilding\SafetyPoliciesInformation\2017\Website\COMMERCIAL CL02 TENANT FINISH.pdf
click to sign
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