Instructions for Completing the EFS-2 Form
This statement must be typed or legibly printed. Submit the EFS in triplicate to receive a filed stamped confirmation copy.
For faster return of the confirmation copy, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Please sign original signatures in ink.
Original signatures are required on at least one statement. Additional statements may have photocopied signatures.
The file number and date filed should be taken directly from the original EFS-1 filing. If an earlier amendment, assignment
or partial release has changed the original filing information, complete the form with the current information. If the Secured Party has
changed due to a merger or name change, please fill in the current Secured Party name and Tax ID number.
Please indicate whether this filing is an Amendment, Assignment, Continuation, Partial Release or Termination.
Multiple actions may be selected.
AMENDMENT - Signatures of the Secured Party and all Debtors are required. The EFS should be filled out completely,
making all changes needed. Debtor information can be changed, added or dropped; collateral can be added; or the description can be
changed. There is a limit of 20 product listings per EFS filing. Collateral may not be released with an amendment.
Statutes require an EFS to be amended in writing within three months of material changes. The date of filing of the
Amendment does not affect the expiration date of the active record.
ASSIGNMENT - Only the current Secured Party signature is required. Complete the Assignee information below the
current Secured Party information. The filed copy will be returned to the Secured Party who is assigning the EFS unless a self-
addressed envelope is enclosed.
Sections I and II must be completed to match the active record. The assignment will change only the secured party
information. The date of filing of the Assignment does not affect the expiration date of the active record.
CONTINUATION - Only the Secured Party signature is required. Sections I and II must be completed to match the active
record. No changes may be made to debtor or product information.
The Secured Party may file a continuation within the six months prior to the current expiration date to extend the filing for
another five years. The expiration date will be extended five years from the current expiration date.
EFS’s are removed from active records when they expire. If an EFS has expired, the secured party must file a new EFS.
Expired EFS’s will not be continued.
PARTIAL RELEASE – Only the Secured Party signature is required. Section I must be completed to match the active
record. In Section II, list only the products the Secured Party is not releasing. The Partial Release does not affect the expiration date
of the active record.
TERMINATION - Only the Secured Party signature is required. Sections I and II must be completed to match the active
record. A termination will remove the EFS from the lien list distributed to registered buyers.
The Secured Party must file a termination within twenty days after there is no outstanding secured obligation. If it is
mutually agreeable, the debtor can request in writing to the Secured Party that a termination not be filed. The Secured Party is not
required to notify the Secretary of State, but must inform the debtor that a two-party check will be issued when collateral is sold as
long as the EFS remains active.
If a termination is not filed when required, the Secured Party is liable to the debtor for any loss caused by the failure to
terminate the filing and is also liable to the Secretary of State for $500.00.
DURATION OF FILING: A continuation extends the current effecti
ve date by five years, regardless of the file date of the
continuation. A termination removes the EFS record from the active files. The expiration date of the EFS is not affected by any other
EFS-2 filing.
ATTACHMENTS: If there is more debtor or product information than can be listed on the first EFS form, an additional EFS form
may be used as an attachment. Indicate on the top of the original form there is to be an attachment. Submit three copies of each EFS
form & attachment when filing. There is no additional fee for filing an EFS with attachments.
FILING FEE: $10.00 per action selected
For information, please visit us at www.sos.ok.gov
or call 405-521-2474
MAIL FORMS TO: Secretary of State, Central Filing System for Agricultural Liens
421 NW 13th Street, Suite 220
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
All EFS-2 filings accepted by the Central Filing System on or before the 20
day of each month will be reflected on the
agricultural lien list distributed to registered buyers by the end of that month. All EFS-2 filings accepted after the 20
will be
reflected on the following mon th’s liens list. Mar-2020