6. Does the video belong in a playlist?
Appendix 1-C. Video Submission Checklist
☐ Ye
s ☐ No
7. Does the p
laylist currently exist?
Yes ☐ No
If yes, playlist name:
If we need to create a playlist, propose a name for the playlist and a short description:
8. Suggested title for the video (no more than 100 characters, including spaces):
9. Description of video. Include speaker names and dates for webinars.
Managing editor use only: Insert the .gov URL of the video at the end of the description. All videos posted on YouTube
are intended to be embedded onto a .gov page. If the page is being created with the posting of this video, please
indicate that the Web Team should insert new URL.
10. Suggest keywords for your video. Keywords are limited to 175 characters, including spaces and commas.
11. What is the resolution of the video? (Minimum required: 720 x 480)
12. Does your video have music or a soundtrack?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, submit a copy of the signed license agreement for usage rights, restrictions, limitations, and expiration date to
the submission email. If your music or soundtrack is in the public domain or has no restrictions, attach a letter, PDF
of a web page, or other documents noting that.
13. Is the video to be available to the public or private (unlisted)? ☐ Public ☐ Priv
ate (Unlisted)
Note: Both types of videos can be embedded into the .gov page, but only public will be searchable and visible from
the main YouTube channel page.
14. When doe
s the video need to be posted? (Date [and time, if necessary]). Note that OC prefers to have 1 week to
post videos.
Managing editor use only: Provide the YouTube URL to the AHRQ Social Media team and include it here:
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