(You must fill out both sides of this form)
Name: ___________________________________ Account Number(s) ________________________
Address: ___________________________________ ________________________
___________________________________ ________________________
Telephone: ____________________ (home) ________________________
____________________ (work) Social Security No. ________________________
I request deferment of my student loan(s) payments, beginning _______ and ending ______. I meet the qualification(s) I have checked below, and I have
attached the required documentation. I understand that the maximum benefit is three years, which will be granted to me in periods of not more than six
months at a time. Read this entire form before you fill it out. If you do not qualify for any of these benefits, please send a request for forbearance.
Prolonged illness, starting ______ and ending _______. Attach explanation of how your health affects your ability to pay this loan(s). Provide
physician statement of diagnosis, and submit with this application. Complete the Income & Expense Summary on reverse side. I understand that
interest accrues during this type of deferment.
Unemployed since _______. Provide documentation such as proof that you are collecting unemployment benefits and, if you are still unemployed,
that you are actively seeking employment (attach a list of firms where you have applied for employment, including the firms' name and address, and
the name and telephone number of a person to contact for verification); or
working part time and unable to find full-time employment (full time = 30 hours per week for three consecutive months). I have not worked full
time since __________. To receive deferment of payments under this provision, provide one of the following information:
I registered with the following public or private employment agency (does not include school placement offices or temporary employment
Name of agency:___________________________________ Address: _______________________________________
Contact: ___________________________________ _______________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________________ _______________________________________
I have not registered with an employment agency (attach explanation).
In the last six months, I have attempted to secure employment. Attach a list of firms where you have applied for employment, including the
firms' name and address, and the name and telephone number of a person to contact for verification.
I have been granted an Economic Hardship Deferment on my other federal loan(s) for the period starting ________ and ending _______, and I
request this same deferment, for the same period of time, on my Federal Perkins Loan. I have attached documentation of the deferment I received on
my other federal loan(s).
I receive payment under a federal or state public assistance program, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Supplemental Security
Income, Food Stamps, or state general public assistance. I have attached documentation that I am receiving these benefits.
5. I work full time (30 or more hours per week), and
my Total Monthly Gross Income (TMGI) does not exceed the federal minimum wage, or 100% of the poverty line for a family of two;
my TMGI is not greater than twice the federal minimum wage or the poverty line for a family of two
and when I subtract the amount of payments I
must make on all my federal education loans from my TMGI, the result is not more than the greater of the federal minimum wage or the poverty line
for a family of two; or
the amount of payments I must make on all my federal education loans is at least 20% my TMGI, and the difference between my TMGI and the
amount of payments I must make on my federal education loans is less than 220% of the minimum wage or the poverty line, whichever is greater. To
determine your eligibility for deferment of payments under No. 5, provide the following:
Total monthly gross income (the gross amount you receive from employment and other sources before taxes and other deductions): $_____________
(attach copy of last tax return, and most recent pay statement).
Total monthly payments on federal education loans (list each federal loan lender (school/financial institution), type of federal education loan
(Perkins/NDSL, Stafford, Direct, Consolidation, Health Professions/Nursing, etc.), the amount you borrowed, and the amount of your monthly
payment for each one. Attach copy of monthly bill for each loan.
Lender: Type of Loan: Amount Borrowed Monthly Payment
1. ________________________________ ___________________ $______________ $ __________
2. ________________________________ ___________________ $______________ $ __________
3. ________________________________ ___________________ $______________ $ __________
4. ________________________________ ___________________ $______________ $ __________
5. ________________________________ ___________________ $______________ $ __________
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________
Return to: Campus Partners, P.O. Box 2901, Winston-Salem, NC 27102-2901
Hardship.Fm 12/98, revised 01-04 Property of Campus Partners