Holiday Safety
The Holidays are always exciting with shopping, presents and family!
However, crooks love the opportunities this time of year provides. While
there’s no need to be afraid, you should keep in mind the following holiday
safety reminders to keep you from being victimized.
Holiday Tips:
For emergencies, call 911
Holidays requires extra driving precautions.
Keep emotions under control and give other
drivers space
Allocate extra time and prepare for winter
Use a designated driver if drinking alcohol
Take frequent breaks during long trips
Store valuables (presents) in the trunk
Don’t leave your purse on top of the car
Have keys ready before arriving at your car
Do not approach your car if suspicious people
are nearby
Buckle up!
at Home:
Don’t get careless during the holiday rush.
Lock doors & windows with secondary locks
Ensure doors and dark areas of the yard are lit
Gifts shouldn’t be visible through the windows
Do not open the door to strangers
If traveling, ask a friend to watch your home
Do not block the door with the Christmas tree
Use a sturdy base on your Christmas tree
Water your Christmas tree and never leave the
lights on when away from home
Do not burn wrapping paper in your replace
Flatten boxes and conceal product pictures
when putting garbage outside
Be alert! Criminals may pose as couriers
While Shopping:
Shopping presents unique dangers as people
usually carry more money and gifts than at other
time of the year.
Be aware of your setting and strangers
Trust your instincts - If you are uncomfortable
with a person or place, get away
Keep your cash in a front pocket and carry your
purse close to the body
Immediately notify your credit card company if
your card is lost, stolen or misused
Never leave buildings until you believe
everything is safe
Dress casually and comfortably
Shop with a friend or family member
Never overburden yourself with packages
Only use ATM’s during daylight hours or in well
lit public places
Never leave your purse in the shopping cart
The Holidays present potentially dangerous
situations for children. Keep them safe.
Keep children close at all times!
Before shopping, select a meeting spot in case
children get separated
Always accompany children to the rest room
Teach children their full name, address and
telephone number for police of cers or store
security in case they get lost
Never leave children alone in the car
Be happy - Be secure - Be safe!
Stay alert when out and about.
Check financial statements for bad
Dont drink and drive...
2211 Grade Road
Police Services
Lake Stevens Police Department
Lake Stevens, Wa., 98258