PBSD 1537 (Rev. 10/30/2019) ORIGINAL - Department of Choice Programs and School Choice
DIRECTIONS - Current PBCSD students must include Student ID on the application. Students applying for kindergarten must be 5
years old by September 1, 2020. Indicate your first and second program choices by placing a "1" for your first preference and a "2" for
your second preference in the columns marked "#". Only two program choices are permitted. Eligibility criteria for Choice
programs are indicated in the 2020-2021 Choice booklet located at http://www.palmbeachschools.org/choiceprograms
Review the eligibility criteria prior to selection. Completion of this application does not guarantee admission.
AUDITIONS - Bak MSOA, The Conservatory School @ North Palm Beach, A.W. Dreyfoos Jr. SOA, Boynton Beach High School
Arts programs, and West Boca Raton Performing Arts program. In order to be eligible for the Choice lottery, the student must
receive an eligible audition score for Bak Middle School of the Arts, The Conservatory School @ North Palm Beach, A.W. Dreyfoos Jr.
School of the Arts, Boynton Beach High School Arts programs, and West Boca Raton Performing Arts program. Approved applicants
will be notified via email and/or U.S. Mail of the audition procedures and/or time and date of student audition. Applicants who need
special accommodations or translations during audition(s) should contact the Choice Coordinator at Bak MSOA, (561) 882-3801/(561)
882-3819, at Dreyfoos SOA (561) 802-6005, at Boynton Beach High School (561) 752-1200, at The Conservatory School @ North
Palm Beach (561) 494-1844, or at West Boca Raton High School (561) 672-2932.
AUDITION APPEALS - Parents/legal guardians who believe their child was not allowed an equitable opportunity to a Choice program
during the audition or eligibility process as a result of a technical problem or inequity, may request an appeal within five (5) days of the
audition. An application for an appeal of Choice program eligibility must be submitted to the Director of Choice and Career Options
within five (5) school days of the audition. At the time of audition, parents are required to sign a statement acknowledging that they
have five days to appeal and no appeal will be available after the five day window following a student's audition. To download the
PBSD 2418 Choice Appeals Application, go to www2.palmbeachschools.org/ formssearch/pdf/2418.pdf.
APPEAL OF INVOLUNTARY EXIT DECISIONS - Parents/legal guardians on behalf of the student may appeal an involuntary exit
decision from a Choice school or program, a request for an appeal must be made in writing (PBSD 2418) by the parent/legal guardians
within five (5) school days from the school's written notice of its decision to exit the student. Appeals must be submitted to the Director
of Choice and Career Options at: 3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, C-124, West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5869 or fax 561-434-8843.
DUPLICATE PROGRAMS - If the student is applying for a Choice program that is offered at his/her zoned school, the zoned school
program must be listed as the first choice or the application will not be processed, with limited exceptions:
All students may apply for first choice to the following full choice schools: Suncoast Community High School, A.W. Dreyfoos Jr. School
of the Arts, Don Estridge High Tech MS, Bak Middle School of the Arts, Morikami Park ES, Northboro ES, Poinciana ES, SD Spady ES,
and Village Academy.
If a student is applying to a school that is currently at 95 percent capacity or above, students will be able to apply to another
elementary, middle, or high school that offers the like program as their first choice.
ELIGIBILITY - All applicants will be reviewed for residency and program eligibility. Students not currently enrolled in a PBCSD school
or are enrolled in Home Education or a private school must submit transcripts/portfolio to applicant school(s) for determination of
eligibility no later than February 3, 2020. Check the eligibility criteria as indicated on pages 6-7 in the 2020-2021 Choice booklet.
MONTESSORI - Northboro Elementary and S.D.Spady Elementary accept applications for Pre-K students. Northboro Elementary and
S.D. Spady Elementary Pre-K3, applicants must be 3 years old by September 1, 2020 and Pre-K4, applicants must be 4 years old by
September 1, 2020.
RESIDENCY - Parent/legal guardian and student must be full-time residents of Palm Beach County on date of submission.
Falsification of information on this application could lead to ineligibility. Students not currently enrolled in a PBCSD school or are
enrolled in Home Education or a private school must submit proof of residency in Palm Beach County, along with the completed
TRANSPORTATION - Transportation is provided for K–12 Choice students in the form of bus stops within the Choice Transportation
Zone for each school. Transportation is not provided for students who are assigned to Pre– K3 and Pre–K4 programs. Bus stops to
Choice schools may be limited and located significantly farther from the student's home than transportation to the student's zoned
school. Bus stops for Choice schools may not be within walking distance of a student's home. Additional bus stops for Choice students
will not be created. It is the parent's responsibility to safely transport the student to the nearest bus stop or school regardless of where
the student resides. Check the existing stops using the “Find My Bus Stop” link on the school district website:
. Bus stops are subject to change.
Choice Programs Application
School Year 2020-2021
Student Name
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Apply online at www.mypbchoiceapp.com