Instructions for Completing VS Form 1-36A, National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) Application.
Block 1. Initial Accreditation: Check this block if you are applying for
initial accreditation. Enter the two-letter State abbreviation and your
complete veterinary license number for this State. Complete blocks 1, 7, 9
(if applicable), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15/16, 17-33, 37, and 38.
Block 2. Authorization in a new State: Check this block if you are
seeking authorization to perform accredited duties in an additional State.
Enter the two-letter State abbreviation and your complete veterinary license
number for this State. Complete blocks 2, 7, 8, 9 (if applicable) 10, 17-33,
37, and 38.
k 3. Change Accreditation Category: Check this block if you are
changing your Accreditation Category. Complete blocks, 3, 7, 8, 10, 15/16,
and 34-38.
Block 4. Contact Information Change: Check this block if you are
changing your contact information (e.g., name, address). Complete blocks
4, 7
, 8, 10, 37, 38, and the appropriate CONTACT INFORMATION fields.
Block 5. Accreditation Renewal: Check this block if you are renewing
your accreditation. Complete blocks 5, 7, 8, 10, and 34-38. You may not
apply for renewal prior to 6 months of your renewal date.
Block 6
. Post -Revocation Reaccreditation: Check this block if your
accreditation was revoked and you are applying for reaccreditation.
Complete blocks 6, 7, 8, 10, 15/16, 17-33, 37, and 38.
k 7. Name of Veterinarian: Enter your legal last name, first name and
middle initial. (If this is a name change request, enter your new legal name
in this block.) Check the block, if your name has changed and complete
Block 9.
Block 8
. Six-Digit National Accreditation No.: Enter the National
Accreditation Number that you have been assigned.
9. Other Names Used (e.g., Maiden Name): Enter other names
used – for example, maiden name, nickname (this name should not be the
same name as in block 7).
k 10. Date of Birth: Enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-
digit year of your birth.
Block 11. School of Veterinary Medicine: Enter the name of the school
of veterinary medicine from which you graduated.
Block 12. Year Graduated: Enter your four-digit year of graduation from a
school of veterinary medicine.
k 13. State where Orientation Completed: Enter the two letter
abbreviation of the State where core orientation was completed.
Block 14.
Are you interested in participating in State or Federal
agricultural emergency response efforts? Check “yes” or “no”, if you
would like to be contacted to assist with agricultural emergency response
y Selection
(Refer to Explanation of Codes)
Block 15. Category I: Check this block for authorization to only perform
accredited duties on canines, felines, amphibians/reptiles, furbearing
animals, laboratory animals (rodents), and/or non-human primates.
Block 1
6. Category II: Check this block for authorization to perform
accredited duties on all animals.
Species Code(s): Enter up to four code(s) associated with the species with
which you most often expect to perform accredited duties. These entries do
t limit the species on which you may perform accredited duties within
your Accreditation Category.
Practice Code(s): Enter up to two code(s) which most clearly describes the
species upon which you will perform accredited duties.
ry Medical Discipline: Enter the number associated with the
discipline that best describes your primary medical discipline.
Employment Type: Enter the number associated with your employment
Home Cont
act Information
Block 1
7. Home Mailing Address: Enter your complete home mailing
address. This is the address that will be used by NVAP to communicate
with you.
Block 1
8. City: Enter the city of your home address.
k 19. State: Enter the two-letter state abbreviation of your home
Block 2
0. ZIP Code: Enter the five- or nine-digit ZIP code of your home
Block 21.
County of Home Mailing Address: Enter the county in which
your home address is located.
Block 22
. Home Phone: Enter your 10-digit home phone number.
Block 23. Email Address: Enter your email address. (NOTE: If you enter
a shared email address, that information may be viewed by others.)
s Contact Information
Block 24. Name of Business: Enter the name of the business where you
work/practice. If you are self-employed without a specific business name,
enter your name from Block 7.
Block 25. Business Mailing Address: Enter complete business mailing
address. If your home mailing address is your business mailing address,
write “Same as home address.”
Block 2
6. City: Enter the city of your business address.
Block 2
7. State: Enter the two-letter state abbreviation of your business
Block 2
8. ZIP Code: Enter the five- or nine-digit ZIP code of your business
Block 29. County of Business Mailing Address: Enter the county in
which your business address is located.
Block 30. Bus
iness Phone Number: Enter your 10-digit business phone
Block 31.
Business Cell Number: Enter your 10-digit cell phone number.
Block 32
. Business FAX Number: Enter your 10-digit fax number.
Block 33. May your business contact information be released to the
public by the USDA? Check "yes" or "no" to having your business
contact information released.
Block 34. Module Number: Enter the module numbers, not the names, of
the APHIS approved supplemental training modules you have comple
Category I veterinarians: three modules; Category II veterinarians: six
Block 35. Course Type: Enter either Online, Lecture, CD, or Print. The
CD and Print designations indicate that you purchased a CD or printed
version of the module from the Center for Food Security and Public Health
at Iowa State University.
Block 36. Date Module Completed: Enter the two-digit month, two-digit
day, and four-digit year that you completed the module.
Block 37. Signature of Veterinarian: Read the certification statement
above block 37 and si
gn in blue or black ink. (NOTE: The applicant MUST
be licensed or legally able to practice as a veterinarian.)
Block 38. Date: Enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit
year that you signed this application.
Blocks 39-42: Do not enter any information in these blocks.
VS Form 1-36A
DEC 2013