I:\Building\SafetyPoliciesInformation\EdinaExtrasServer\Docx's\RESIDENTIAL CL03 RESIDENTIAL DEMO MOVING.pdf
Instructions: Please fill out checklist completely and submit with your permit application when all items are
SITE ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________
Items Required Prior to Permit Approval
Existing conditions survey. Survey to include:
a) Grade elevations at each lot corner
b) Grade elevations at four corners (NW, NE, SW, SE) of the existing foundation
c) Elevation at top of entry floor
Public Works Dept. (952.826.0375) has been contacted for water meter removal and water shut off at
curb stop Please allow a minimum of 48 hours advance notice. Date notified: __________________
Sewer & Water disconnect through Public Works Dept. must be complete. Permit Number
Signature _____________________________ verification Electrical service is disconnected.
Signature_____________________________ verification Natural Gas service is disconnected.
Completed Construction Management Plan, read and signed by prime contractor
A copy of the Neighborhood Meeting Notification letter ( sample letter)
List of all properties within 300’ of the perimeter of your site that were sent notification letters. *Mailing
labels may be purchased by contacting the Planning Dept. at 952.826.0369.
Verification from licensed abatement contractor that hazardous materials removal has been
completed OR copy of the asbestos survey indicating no removal of materials required per MDH
Site safety plan/written explanation indicating 4’ safety fencing will be installed to enclose existing
basement perimeter and excavations with steep slopes immediately following demolition. *If no new
construction permit has been applied for at the same address, a written statement detailing that the
site will be filled to grade and turf will be established on all exposed soils immediately following the
house demolition is required.
Upload photo of site signage posted on site(posting is required 5 days before demolition w/ house
numbers at least 4” tall in contrasting color, reflective if possible, and a minimum of 48” above grade
and clearly visible from the street for emergency response purposes (sample template)
Submit Tree Protection Plan and install tree protection fencing on site for City Forester
(952.826.0308) review per Ordinance No. 2014-25
Provide a Shoring Plan signed by a MN registered engineer if a forty five degree slope cannot be
maintained from the bottom of excavation to property line.
Verify through MDH that no unsealed wells are present on site. Call 651-201-4600.
Dust Control Plan submit written explanation detailing whether contractor will provide PRIVATE
WATER TRUCK or apply for a FIRE HYDRANT METER from Public Works to comply with Edina
City Code Sec. 10-111(g) For hydrant access between May 1st-Oct 31st or other as approved,
please visit the Public Works Facility (7450 Metro Blvd. 952.826.0376) to apply for a Hydrant Permit.
A private water truck may also be utilized. NOTE: Garden hose from adjacent property does not
produce enough GPM to effectively knock down dust.
Installation of storm drain inlet(s), perimeter erosion control, signage, tree fencing, and construction
access is complete, or contact Residential Redevelopment Coordinator to indicate when site will be
ready for inspection 952.833.9521.
Application Submittal Requirements
Residential Demolition/Moving Permit
2015 MSBC
code reference
Inspections Department
department approval
policy number
revision date
effective date
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page number
I:\Building\SafetyPoliciesInformation\EdinaExtrasServer\Docx's\RESIDENTIAL CL03 RESIDENTIAL DEMO MOVING.pdf
If new home construction will not begin immediately following demolition, call Inspections at 952.826.0372 for a
hole inspection verifying the removal of all construction debris prior to any filling.
Call Inspections at 952.826.0372 after site is filled to match adjacent grade and turf has been established.
Restoration required within 30 days of demolition or escrow will be used to complete required work.
Minnehaha Creek www.minnehahacreek.org
(952.471.0590) and Nine Mile Creek Watershed Districts
www.ninemilecreek.org (952.835.2078) are notified of demolition permit applications. If you are also applying for a
new building permit for your site, please apply for any required watershed permits to expedite the process.
licants should allow one week of review time if submittals are accurate and complete. Submitting incomplete plans and
documents will cause delays to the review process.
I ackn
owledge that all required items on the list above are included/have been completed:
Contact person: __________________________________
gnature: ________________________________________________________
click to sign
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