1229 (Design date 10/18) - Page 1© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Consent to grant an Australian visa
to a child under the age of 18 years
Department of Home Affairs
Important – Please read this information carefully before you
complete this consent form. Once you have completed this
consent form we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your
Who should use this form?
Where children under 18 years of age intend to travel to Australia,
their non-accompanying parent(s) or person(s) with parental
responsibility (anyone who can lawfully determine where the
child/children is/are to live) may be required to sign a consent
form to give permission for the child/children to be granted an
Australian visa for the purpose of travel to stay temporarily or
permanently in Australia. If one parent, or person(s) with
parental responsibility, has lawfully been made solely responsible
for making decisions as to where the child/children is/are to live,
then only that parent or person needs to sign the consent form.
How to complete this form
This form must be completed in English. The completed and
signed form (Parts A and B) and any additional documentation
should be sent to the office nominated in your application.
You must attach to this form:
• a certified copy of the child’s/children’s birth certificate(s),
(if it is not already lodged with the application.);
• a certified copy of the personal details page of the
non-accompanying parent’s, or person(s) with parental
responsibility’s passport, driver’s licence, National Identity
Card (ID card) or birth certificate; and
• a certified copy of any relevant evidence making you solely
responsible for making decisions about where the
child/children is/are to live (if applicable).
To attach this form and the required documentation to your
electronic visa application, please use the electronic attachment
facility available on the eVisa website.
To access this facility via the eVisa online services page see
To attach documents electronically you will need to identify your
application by entering:
• your Transaction Reference Number;
• your date of birth; and
• the password that you supplied when your application was
lodged and saved.
Note: This form is not for the use of Electronic Travel Authority
(ETA) or eVisitor applicants who are under 18 years of age.
Important information about privacy
Your personal information is protected by law, including the
Privacy Act 1988. Important information about the collection,
use and disclosure (to other agencies and third parties, including
overseas entities) of your personal information, including
sensitive information, is contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
Form 1442i is available from the Department of Home Affairs (the
Department) website
or offices of the Department. You should ensure that you read
and understand form 1442i before completing this form.
Transaction Reference Number
This Transaction Reference Number is required if this consent
relates to an electronic visa application.
Reference Number
Please keep this information page for your reference
Home page www.homeaffairs.gov.au
General Telephone 131 881 during business hours
enquiry line in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours).
If you are outside Australia, please contact
your nearest Australian mission.