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978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea, Derek Ward 2012
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Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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How to Use This Book
.................................. x
About the Authors
Chapter One Methods in Algebra
.......................... 1
1A Terms, Factors and Indices . . ....................... 1
1B ExpandingBrackets ............................ 3
1C Factorisation ................................ 5
1D AlgebraicFractions ............................. 7
1E FourCubicIdentities ............................ 11
1F LinearEquationsandInequations..................... 13
1G QuadraticEquations ............................ 16
1H SimultaneousEquations ..........................18
1I CompletingtheSquare ........................... 21
1J TheLanguageofSets............................ 23
Chapter Two Numbers and Functions
........................ 29
2A Cardinals,IntegersandRationalNumbers ................ 29
2B TheRealNumbers ............................. 35
2C SurdsandtheirArithmetic ........................ 39
2D RationalisingtheDenominator ...................... 42
2E EqualityofSurdicExpressions ......................45
2F RelationsandFunctions .......................... 48
2G Review of Known Functions and Relations . ...............52
2H InverseRelationsandFunctions ...................... 59
2I ShiftingandReectingKnownGraphs ..................64
2J FurtherTransformationsofKnownGraphs................ 69
Chapter Three Graphs and Inequations
....................... 73
3A InequationsandInequalities ........................ 73
3B Intercepts and Sign . ............................78
3C Domain and Symmetry ........................... 82
3D TheAbsoluteValueFunction ....................... 85
3E UsingGraphstoSolveEquationsandInequations............91
3F RegionsintheNumberPlane ....................... 96
3G AsymptotesandaCurveSketchingMenu ................100© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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iv Contents
Chapter Four Trigonometry
4A TrigonometrywithRightTriangles ....................107
4B Theoretical Exercises on Right Triangles . . ...............114
4C TrigonometricFunctionsofaGeneralAngle ...............117
4D TheQuadrant,theRelatedAngleandtheSign .............121
4E GivenOneTrigonometricFunction,FindAnother............127
4F TrigonometricIdentitiesandElimination .................129
4G TrigonometricEquations ..........................133
4H TheSineRuleandtheAreaFormula ...................139
4I TheCosineRule ..............................146
4J Problems Involving General Triangles ...................150
Chapter Five Coordinate Geometry
5A PointsandIntervals ............................156
5B GradientsofIntervalsandLines......................162
5C EquationsofLines .............................167
5D FurtherEquationsofLines.........................170
5E PerpendicularDistance...........................176
5F LinesThroughtheIntersectionofTwoGivenLines ...........180
5G CoordinateMethodsinGeometry .....................184
Chapter Six Sequences and Series
6A Indices ....................................188
6B Logarithms .................................192
6C Sequences and How to Specify Them ...................196
6D ArithmeticSequences............................200
6E GeometricSequences ............................203
6F ArithmeticandGeometricMeans .....................207
6G SigmaNotation ...............................211
6H PartialSumsofaSequence ........................213
6I Summing an Arithmetic Series . . . ...................215
6J Summing a Geometric Series .......................219
6K The Limiting Sum of a Geometric Series . . ...............223
6L Recurring Decimals and Geometric Series . ...............227
6M Factoring Sums and Differences of Powers . ...............229
6N Proof by Mathematical Induction . . ...................231
Chapter Seven The Derivative
7A The Derivative — Geometric Definition . . ...............237
7B The Derivative as a Limit . . .......................241
7C A Rule for Differentiating Powers of x ..................245
7D The Notation
for the Derivative . ...................250
7E TheChainRule ...............................254
7F TheProductRule..............................260
7G TheQuotientRule .............................262
7H RatesofChange ..............................265
7I LimitsandContinuity ...........................268
7J Differentiability . . . ............................273
7K Extension — Implicit Differentiation ...................276© in this web service Cambridge University Press
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978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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Contents v
Chapter Eight The Quadratic Function
8A FactorisationandtheGraph ........................280
8B CompletingtheSquareandtheGraph ..................285
8C TheQuadraticFormulaeandtheGraph .................289
8D EquationsReducibletoQuadratics ....................292
8E ProblemsonMaximisationandMinimisation ..............294
8F The Theory of the Discriminant . . . ...................299
8G DeniteandIndeniteQuadratics ....................304
8H SumandProductofRoots.........................307
8I QuadraticIdentities ............................311
Chapter Nine The Geometry of the Parabola
9A ALocusanditsEquation .........................316
9B TheGeometricDenitionoftheParabola ................320
9C TranslationsoftheParabola ........................325
9D ParametricEquationsofCurves ......................327
9E ChordsofaParabola ............................330
9F TangentsandNormals:ParametricApproach ..............333
9G TangentsandNormals:CartesianApproach ...............338
9H TheChordofContact ...........................341
9I Geometrical Theorems about the Parabola . ...............345
9J LocusProblems ...............................350
Chapter Ten The Geometry of the Derivative
10A Increasing, Decreasing and Stationary at a Point . ...........357
10CCriticalValues ...............................367
10D Second and Higher Derivatives . . . ...................371
10E Concavity and Points of Inflexion . . ...................373
10FCurveSketchingusingCalculus ......................378
10H Applications of Maximisation and Minimisation . . ...........383
10I MaximisationandMinimisationinGeometry ..............388
10J PrimitiveFunctions.............................391
Chapter Eleven Integration
11AFindingAreasbyaLimitingProcess ...................397
11CTheDeniteIntegralanditsProperties .................407
11DTheIndeniteIntegral ...........................412
11EFindingAreabyIntegration ........................415
11GVolumesofSolidsofRevolution ......................423
11HTheReverseChainRule ..........................429
11I TheTrapezoidalRule ...........................432
11J SimpsonsRule ...............................434© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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vi Contents
Chapter Twelve The Logarithmic Function
12A Review of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions ...........438
12B The Logarithmic Function and its Derivative . . . ...........441
12C Applications of Differentiation .......................450
12D Integration of the Reciprocal Function . . . ...............454
12E Applications of Integration . . .......................459
Chapter Thirteen The Exponential Function
13A The Exponential Function and its Derivative . . . ...........462
13B Applications of Differentiation .......................467
13CIntegrationoftheExponentialFunction .................472
13D Applications of Integration . . .......................476
13ENaturalGrowthandDecay ........................479
Chapter Fourteen The Trigonometric Functions
14ARadianMeasureofAngleSize .......................487
14BMensurationofArcs,SectorsandSegments ...............491
14CGraphsoftheTrigonometricFunctionsinRadians ...........496
14DTrigonometricFunctionsofCompoundAngles ..............504
14ETheAngleBetweenTwoLines ......................509
14F The Behaviour of sin x Near the Origin . . . ...............513
14G The Derivatives of the Trigonometric Functions . . ...........517
14H Applications of Differentiation .......................523
14I IntegrationoftheTrigonometricFunctions................528
14J Applications of Integration . . .......................534
Answers to Exercises
...........................................633© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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This textbook has been written for students in Years 11 and 12 taking the course
previously known as ‘3 Unit Mathematics’, but renamed in the new HSC as two
courses, ‘Mathematics’ (previously called ‘2 Unit Mathematics’) and ‘Mathemat-
ics, Extension 1’. The book develops the content at the level required for the 2
and 3 Unit HSC examinations. There are two volumes — the present volume is
roughly intended for Year 11, and the second for Year 12. Schools will, however,
differ in their choices of order of topics and in their rates of progress.
Although these Syllabuses have not been rewritten for the new HSC, there has
been a gradual shift of emphasis in recent examination papers.
The interdependence of the course content has been emphasised.
Graphs have been used much more freely in argument.
Structured problem solving has been expanded.
There has been more stress on explanation and proof.
This text addresses these new emphases, and the exercises contain a wide variety
of different types of questions.
There is an abundance of questions in each exercise too many for any one
student carefully grouped in three graded sets, so that with proper selection
the book can be used at all levels of ability. In particular, those who subse-
quently drop to 2 Units of Mathematics, and those who in Year 12 take 4 Units
of Mathematics, will both find an appropriate level of challenge. We have written
a separate book, also in two volumes, for the 2 Unit ‘Mathematics’ course alone.
We would like to thank our colleagues at Sydney Grammar School and Newington
College for their invaluable help in advising us and commenting on the successive
drafts, and for their patience in the face of some difficulties in earlier drafts.
We would also like to thank the Head Masters of Sydney Grammar School and
Newington College for their encouragement of this project, and Peter Cribb and
the team at Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, for their support and help
in discussions. Finally, our thanks go to our families for encouraging us, despite
the distractions it has caused to family life.
Preface to the enhanced version
To provide students with practice for the new objective response (multiple choice)
questions to be included in HSC examinations, online self-marking quizzes have
been provided for each chapter, on Cambridge GO (access details can be found
in the following pages). In addition, an interactive textbook version is available
through the same website.
Dr Bill Pender
Subject Master in Mathematics
Sydney Grammar School
College Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
David Sadler
Sydney Grammar School
Julia Shea
Head of Mathematics
Newington College
200 Stanmore Road
Stanmore NSW 2048
Derek Ward
Sydney Grammar School© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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How to Use This Book
This book has been written so that it is suitable for the full range of 3 Unit
students, whatever their abilities and ambitions. The book covers the 2 Unit and
3 Unit content without distinction, because 3 Unit students need to study the
2 Unit content in more depth than is possible in a 2 Unit text. Nevertheless,
students who subsequently move to the 2 Unit course should find plenty of work
here at a level appropriate for them.
The Exercises:
No-one should try to do all the questions! We have written long
exercises so that everyone will find enough questions of a suitable standard
each student will need to select from them, and there should be plenty left for
revision. The book provides a great variety of questions, and representatives of
all types should be selected.
Each chapter is divided into a number of sections. Each of these sections has its
own substantial exercise, subdivided into three groups of questions:
Foundation: These questions are intended to drill the new content of the sec-
tion at a reasonably straightforward level. There is little point in proceeding
without mastery of this group.
Development: This group is usually the longest. It contains more substantial
questions, questions requiring proof or explanation, problems where the new
content can be applied, and problems involving content from other sections
and chapters to put the new ideas in a wider context. Later questions here
can be very demanding, and Groups 1 and 2 should be sufficient to meet the
demands of all but exceptionally difficult problems in 3 Unit HSC papers.
Extension: These questions are quite hard. Some are algebraically challeng-
ing, some establish a general result beyond the theory of the course, some
make difficult connections between topics or give an alternative approach,
some deal with logical problems unsuitable for the text of a 3 Unit book.
Students taking the 4 Unit course should attempt some of these.
The Theory and the Worked Exercises:
The theory has been developed with as much
rigour as is appropriate at school, even for those taking the 4 Unit course. This
leaves students and their teachers free to choose how thoroughly the theory is
presented in a particular class. It can often be helpful to learn a method first
and then return to the details of the proof and explanation when the point of it
all has become clear.
The main formulae, methods, definitions and results have been boxed and num-
bered consecutively through each chapter. They provide a summary only, and
represent an absolute minimum of what should be known. The worked examples© in this web service Cambridge University Press
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978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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r r
How to Use This Book xi
have been chosen to illustrate the new methods introduced in the section, and
should be sufficient preparation for the questions of the following exercise.
The Order of the Topics:
We have presented the topics in the order we have found
most satisfactory in our own teaching. There are, however, many effective or-
derings of the topics, and the book allows all the flexibility needed in the many
different situations that apply in different schools (apart from the few questions
that provide links between topics).
The time needed for the algebra in Chapter One will depend on students’ expe-
riences in Years 9 and 10. The same applies to other topics in the early chapters
trigonometry, quadratic functions, coordinate geometry and particularly curve
sketching. The Study Notes at the start of each chapter make further specific
remarks about each topic.
We have left Euclidean geometry and polynomials until Year 12 for two reasons.
First, we believe as much calculus as possible should be developed in Year 11,
ideally including the logarithmic and exponential functions and the trigonometric
functions. These are the fundamental ideas in the course, and it is best if Year 12
is used then to consolidate and extend them (and students subsequently taking
the 4 Unit course particularly need this material early). Secondly, the Years 9
and 10 Advanced Course already develops much of the work on polynomials and
Euclidean geometry in Options recommended for those proceeding to 3 Unit, so
that revisiting them in Year 12 with the extensions and far greater sophistication
required seems an ideal arrangement.
The Structure of the Course:
Recent examination papers have included longer ques-
tions combining ideas from different topics, thus making clear the strong inter-
connections amongst the various topics. Calculus is the backbone of the course,
and the two processes of differentiation and integration, inverses of each other,
dominate most of the topics. We have introduced both processes using geomet-
rical ideas, basing differentiation on tangents and integration on areas, but the
subsequent discussions, applications and exercises give many other ways of un-
derstanding them. For example, questions about rates are prominent from an
early stage.
Besides linear functions, three groups of functions dominate the course:
The Quadratic Functions: These functions are known from earlier years.
They are algebraic representations of the parabola, and arise naturally in
situations where areas are being considered or where a constant acceleration
is being applied. They can be studied without calculus, but calculus provides
an alternative and sometimes quicker approach.
The Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: Calculus is essential for
the study of these functions. We have chosen to introduce the logarithmic
function first, using definite integrals of the reciprocal function y =1/x.This
approach is more satisfying because it makes clear the relationship between
these functions and the rectangular hyperbola y =1/x, and because it gives
a clear picture of the new number e. It is also more rigorous. Later, however,
one can never overemphasise the fundamental property that the exponential
function with base e is its own derivative this is the reason why these func-
tions are essential for the study of natural growth and decay, and therefore
occur in almost every application of mathematics.© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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r r
xii How to Use This Book
Arithmetic and geometric sequences arise naturally throughout the course.
They are the values, respectively, of linear and exponential functions at in-
tegers, and these interrelationships need to be developed, particularly in the
context of applications to finance.
The Trigonometric Functions: Again, calculus is essential for the study
of these functions, whose definition, like the associated definition of π,is
based on the circle. The graphs of the sine and cosine functions are waves,
and they are essential for the study of all periodic phenomena hence the
detailed study of simple harmonic motion in Year 12.
Thus the three basic functions of the course x
, e
and sin x and the related
numbers e and π are developed from the three most basic degree 2 curves — the
parabola, the rectangular hyperbola and the circle. In this way, everything in
the course, whether in calculus, geometry, trigonometry, coordinate geometry or
algebra, is easily related to everything else.
The geometry of the circle is mostly studied using Euclidean methods, and the
highly structured arguments used here contrast with the algebraic arguments
used in the coordinate geometry approach to the parabola. In the 4 Unit course,
the geometry of the rectangular hyperbola is given special consideration in the
context of a coordinate geometry treatment of general conics.
Polynomials are a generalisation of quadratics, and move the course a little be-
yond the degree 2 phenomena described above. The particular case of the bi-
nomial theorem then becomes the bridge from elementary probability using tree
diagrams to the binomial distribution with all its practical applications. Unfor-
tunately the power series that link polynomials with the exponential and trigono-
metric functions are too sophisticated for a school course. Projective geometry
and calculus with complex numbers are even further removed, so it is not really
possible to explain that exponential and trigonometric functions are the same
thing, although there are many clues.
Algebra, Graphs and Language:
One of the chief purposes of the course, stressed in
recent examinations, is to encourage arguments that relate a curve to its equation.
Being able to predict the behaviour of a curve given only its equation is a constant
concern of the exercises. Conversely, the behaviour of a graph can often be used
to solve an algebraic problem. We have drawn as many sketches in the book
as space allowed, but as a matter of routine, students should draw diagrams for
almost every problem they attempt. It is because sketches can so easily be drawn
that this type of mathematics is so satisfactory for study at school.
This course is intended to develop simultaneously algebraic agility, geometric
intuition, and rigorous language and logic. Ideally then, any solution should© in this web service Cambridge University Press
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978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
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r r
How to Use This Book xiii
display elegant and error-free algebra, diagrams to display the situation, and
clarity of language and logic in argument.
Theory and Applications:
Elegance of argument and perfection of structure are fun-
damental in mathematics. We have kept to these values as far as is reasonable
in the development of the theory and in the exercises. The application of mathe-
matics to the world around us is an equally fundamental, and we have given many
examples of the usefulness of everything in the course. Calculus is particularly
suitable for presenting this double view of mathematics.
We would therefore urge the reader sometimes to pay attention to the details of
argument in proofs and to the abstract structures and their interrelationships,
and at other times to become involved in the interpretation provided by the
Limits, Continuity and the Real Numbers:
This is a first course in calculus, geometri-
cally and intuitively developed. It is not a course in analysis, and any attempt
to provide a rigorous treatment of limits, continuity or the real numbers would
be quite inappropriate. We believe that the limits required in this course present
little difficulty to intuitive understanding really little more is needed than
1/x = 0 and the occasional use of the sandwich principle in proofs. Char-
acterising the tangent as the limit of the secant is a dramatic new idea, clearly
marking the beginning of calculus, and quite accessible. Continuity and differ-
entiability need only occasional attention, given the well-behaved functions that
occur in the course. The real numbers are defined geometrically as points on
the number line, and provided that intuitive ideas about lines are accepted, ev-
erything needed about them can be justified from this definition. In particular,
the intermediate value theorem, which states that a continuous function can only
change sign at a zero, is taken to be obvious.
These unavoidable gaps concern only very subtle issues of ‘foundations’, and we
are fortunate that everything else in the course can be developed rigorously so
that students are given that characteristic mathematical experience of certainty
and total understanding. This is the great contribution that mathematics brings
to all our education.
There is much discussion, but little agreement yet, about what role tech-
nology should play in the mathematics classroom and which calculators or soft-
ware may be effective. This is a time for experimentation and diversity. We have
therefore given only a few specific recommendations about technology, but we
encourage such investigation, and to this version we have added some optional
technology resources that can be accessed via the Cambridge GO website. The
graphs of functions are at the centre of the course, and the more experience and
intuitive understanding students have, the better able they are to interpret the
mathematics correctly. A warning here is appropriate any machine drawing
of a curve should be accompanied by a clear understanding of why such a curve
arises from the particular equation or situation.© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
More information
About the Authors
Dr Bill Pender is Subject Master in Mathematics at Sydney Grammar School,
where he has taught since 1975. He has an MSc and PhD in Pure Mathematics
from Sydney University and a BA (Hons) in Early English from Macquarie Uni-
versity. In 1973–4, he studied at Bonn University in Germany and he has lectured
and tutored at Sydney University and at the University of NSW, where he was
a Visiting Fellow in 1989. He was a member of the NSW Syllabus Committee
in Mathematics for two years and subsequently of the Review Committee for the
Years 9–10 Advanced Syllabus. He is a regular presenter of inservice courses for
AIS and MANSW, and plays piano and harpsichord.
David Sadler is Second Master in Mathematics and Master in Charge of Statistics
at Sydney Grammar School, where he has taught since 1980. He has a BSc from
the University of NSW and an MA in Pure Mathematics and a DipEd from
Sydney University. In 1979, he taught at Sydney Boys’ High School, and he was
a Visiting Fellow at the University of NSW in 1991.
Julia Shea is Head of Mathematics at Newington College, with a BSc and DipEd
from the University of Tasmania. She taught for six years at Rosny College,
a State Senior College in Hobart, and then for five years at Sydney Grammar
School. She was a member of the Executive Committee of the Mathematics
Association of Tasmania for five years.
Derek Ward has taught Mathematics at Sydney Grammar School since 1991,
and is Master in Charge of Database Administration. He has an MSc in Applied
Mathematics and a BScDipEd, both from the University of NSW, where he was
subsequently Senior Tutor for three years. He has an AMusA in Flute, and sings
in the Choir of Christ Church St Laurence.
The mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s,
must be beautiful. The ideas, like the colours or the words,
must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test.
— The English mathematician G. H. Hardy (1877–1947)© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-63332-2 - Cambridge Mathematics: 3 Unit Extension 1: Enhanced: Year 11
Bill Pender, David Sadler, Julia Shea and Derek Ward
More information