U.S. Department of Justice
Report of Theft or Loss of Controlled Substances
Drug Enforcement Administration
Diversion Control Division
OMB No. 1117-0001 (Exp. Date 7/31/2023)
Type of Report: (check one box only) New Report Amendment Key (prior report dated): __________________________________
1. DEA Registration Number: _____________________________________________________
Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________________________ State: ____________ ZIP Code: _____________________
Point of Contact: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________ Phone No.: _______________________________
Date of the Theft or Loss (or first discovery of theft or loss): __________________________ Number of Thefts and Losses in the past 24 months: ___________
Principal Business of Registrant: Pharmacy Practitioner Manufacturer Hospital/Clinic Distributor NTP Other (Specify) __________________
2. Type of Theft or Loss:
3. Loss in Transit.
(*Fill out this section only if there was a loss in transit, or hijacking of transport vehicle.)
Name of Common Carrier: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number of Common Carrier: _____________________________________ Package Tracking Number: __________________________________
Have there been losses in transit from this same carrier in the past? No Yes
(If yes, how many, excluding this theft or loss?): __________
Was the package received and accepted by the consignee? No Yes (If yes, the consignee is responsible for reporting the theft or loss.)
If the package was accepted by the consignee, did it appear to be tampered with? No Yes
Name of Consignee / Supplier: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Enter the Name of Consignee (if reported by the supplier), or the Name of Supplier (if the package was accepted by the consignee).
If the consignee does not have a DEA Registration Number, e.g. if this was a shipment to a patient, or a nursing home emergency kit, enter "Patient" or "Nursing Home Kit."
DEA Registration Number of Consignee / Supplier: _____________________________________________
Enter the DEA Registration Number of Consignee (if reported by the supplier), or DEA Registration Number of Supplier, (if the package was accepted by the consignee). If the
controlled substances were shipped to a non-registrant, leave blank, unless a registered pharmacy shipped to an emergency kit held on site at a nursing home. In this case, the
supplying pharmacy is required to report the theft or loss.
4. If this was a robbery, were any people injured? No Yes (If yes, how many?): ______Were any people killed? No Yes (If yes, how many?): _______
5. What is the total value of the controlled substances stolen or lost?: $ _________________________________________
(This is the amount you paid for the
controlled substances
, not the retail value.)
6. Was theft reported to Police? No Yes (If yes, fill out the following information):
Name of Police Department: ______________________________________________________________ Police Report number: ______________________
Name of Responding Officer: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: ________________________
7. Which corrective measure(s) have you taken to prevent a future theft or loss?
Installed monitoring equipment (e.g. video camera). Provided security training to staff.
Increased employee monitoring (e.g. random drug tests). Requested increased security patrols by Police.
Installed metal bars or other security on doors or windows. Hired security guards for premises.
Secured Controlled Substances within safe. Terminated employee.
Other (Please describe on last page).
8. Were any pharmaceuticals or merchandise taken? No Yes
Estimated Value)
Form DEA-106 Pg. 1