Form 104CR
Individual Credit Schedule 2020
Taxpayer’s Last Name First Name Middle Initial SSN or ITIN
Use this schedule to calculate your income tax credits. For best results, visit Tax.Colorado.gov to research eligibility
requirements and other information about these credits before following the line-by-line instructions contained below.
• Be sure to submit the required supporting documentation as indicated for each credit.
Most e-le software and tax preparers have the ability to submit this schedule and attachments electronically. However,
Revenue Online can also be used to le your return and attachments electronically. Otherwise, attach all required
documents to your paper return.
• If you received any of these credits from a pass-through entity, be sure to provide the entitys name and account
number and your ownership percentage where required. If credits were passed through from multiple entities, attach
to your return a written statement that includes all relevant information.
Dollar amounts shall be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Calculate percentages to the fourth decimal place. Round
to four signicant digits, e.g. xxx.xxxx
Part I — Refundable Credits
1. Child Care Expenses Credit from the DR 0347, you must submit the DR 0347
with your return. 1
SSN Filers Only - Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) - full or part-year Colorado residents who claim the federal EITC
are allowed an earned income tax credit against their income tax. Complete the table for each qualifying child. Read
the instructions in the 104 book and FYI Income 27 for additional guidance on completing this section. Only check the
Deceased” box for a qualifying child if the child was born and died in 2020 and was not assigned an SSN. You must
submit a copy of the child’s birth certicate, death certicate, or hospital records showing a live birth with your return.
2. Enter the amount of Earned Income calculated for your federal return. 2
3. The federal EITC you claimed. 3
Qualifying Child’s Last Name Qualifying Child’s First Name Year of Birth
*Check only if child was deceased before SSN was assigned in 2020, see instructions.
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4. COEITC, multiply line 3 by 10% (0.10) 4
5. Part-year residents only, multiply line 4 by the percentage on line 34
of the DR 0104PN (If the percentage exceeds 100%, use 100%.) 5
6. Business Personal Property Credit: Use the worksheet in the 104 Book
instructions to calculate. You must submit copy of the assessors statement
with your return. 6
7. Refundable Renewable Energy Tax Credit from line 88 of the DR 1366.
You must submit the DR 1366 with your return. 7
8. ITIN Filers Only - Expanded Colorado Earned Income Tax Credit from line 20 (or 21)
of form DR 0104TN. You must submit the DR 0104TN with your return. 8
9. Total Refundable Credits, sum of lines 1, 4 (or 5), 6, 7, and 8.
Enter the sum on the DR 0104 line 27. 9
Part II — Credit for Tax Paid to Another State
• Colorado nonresidents do not qualify for this credit.
• Part-year residents generally do not qualify for this credit.
If you have income and/or losses from two or more states, you must separately calculate lines 11 through 17
for each state, regardless of whether any tax was paid on such income. If you do not le electronically, you
must submit the DR 0104CR for each state. Then, enter “Combined” on line 10 and complete lines 11 through
17 to disclose the combined total for each line. A summary schedule is not acceptable. The Department
strongly recommends electronic ling for taxpayers with credits for more than one state. Failure to le
electronically may result in delays processing your return.
Submit a copy of the tax return for each other state when claiming this credit. The portion of the return submitted must
include the adjusted gross income calculation, any disallowed federal deductions by that state, and the tax calculation
for the other state.
10. Name of other state:
11. Total of lines 10 and 11 Form 104 11
12. Modied Colorado adjusted gross income from sources in the other state,
see FYI Income 17. 12
13. Total modied Colorado adjusted gross income 13
14. Divide line 12 by line 13. Round to four signicant digits, e.g. xxx.xxxx 14
15. Multiply line 11 by the percentage on line 14 15
16. Tax liability to the other state 16
17. Allowable credit, the smaller of lines 15 or 16 17
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Name SSN or ITIN
Part III — Other Credits
Visit Tax.Colorado.gov for limitations that are specic to each credit. To report this properly, use the rst column to report
the total credit that is available (the amount generated this year plus any prior-year carryforward). Then, use the second
column to report the amount you are using this year to offset your tax liability.
Available Credit
Column (A)
Credit Used
Column (B)
18. Plastic recycling investment credit, you must submit
required receipts with your return. 18
00 00
Plastic recycling net expenditures amount (ll below):
19. Colorado Minimum Tax Credit 19
00 00
2020 Federal Minimum Tax Credit (ll below):
20. Carry forward of prior year Historic Property
Preservation credit (per §39-22-514, C.R.S.). 20
00 00
21. Child Care Center Investment credit, you must submit
a copy of your facility license and a list of depreciable
tangible personal property with your return. 21
00 00
22. Employer Child Care Facility Investment credit, you
must submit a copy of your facility license and a list
of depreciable tangible personal property with your
return. 22
00 00
23. School-to-Career Investment credit, you must
submit a copy of the certication with your return. 23
00 00
24. Colorado Works Program credit, you must submit a
copy of the letter from the county Department of
Social/Human Services with your return. 24
00 00
25. Child Care Contribution credit, you must submit
each DR 1317 with your return. 25
00 00
26. Long-term Care Insurance credit, you must
submit a year-end statement to show premiums
paid with your return. See FYI Income 37. 26
00 00
27. Aircraft Manufacturer New Employee credit, you must
submit the DR 0085 and DR 0086 with your return. 27
00 00
28. Credit for Environmental Remediation of Contaminated
Land, you must submit a copy of the CDPHE
certication with your return. 28
00 00
29. Colorado Job Growth Incentive credit, you must
submit certication from OEDIT with your return. 29
00 00
30. Certied Auction Group License Fee credit, you must
submit a copy of the certication with your return. 30
00 00
31. Advanced Industry Investment credit, you must
submit a copy of the certication with your return. 31
00 00
32. Affordable Housing credit, you must submit
CHFA certication with your return. 32
00 00
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Name SSN or ITIN
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Available Credit
Column (A)
Credit Used
Column (B)
33. Credit for Food Contributed to Hunger-Relief
Charitable Organizations, you must submit each
DR 0346 and federal schedule F with your return. 33
00 00
34. Preservation of Historic Structures credit
(per §39- 22-514.5, C.R.S.) carried forward from
a prior year. 34
35. Preservation of Historic Structures credit (per
§39-22- 514.5, C.R.S.), you must submit the
certicate from OEDIT, History Colorado, or local
granting authority with your return. 35
00 00
36. If you are claiming the Preservation of Historic Structures credit enter your credit
certicate number issued by OEDIT, History Colorado, or local granting authority. 36
37. Rural JumpStart Zone credit, you must submit
certicate from Ofce of Economic Development
AND the DR 0113 with your return. 37
00 00
38. Rural & Frontier Health Care Preceptor credit, you
must submit your certication with your return. 38
00 00
39. Retrotting a Residence to Increase a Residence’s
Visitability Credit, you must submit certicate from
Division of Housing. 39
00 00
If you are claiming a Retrotting a Residence to Increase a Residence’s Visitability Credit, enter your credit certicate number issued by Division of Housing
40. Credit for employer contributions to employee 529
plan, you must submit DR 0289 with your return. 40
41. Credit for employer paid leave of absence for live
organ donation. Employer must complete and submit
form DR 0375 with their return. 41
42. Total of column A lines 18 through 41
(exclude line 36 certicate number) 42
43. Nonrefundable Credits Used, total of column B plus any amount from line 17, exclude
line 36 certicate number. Also enter this amount on the DR 0104 line 14. Credit used
cannot exceed credit available. 43
Name SSN or ITIN