Part III — Other Credits
Visit for limitations that are specic to each credit. To report this properly, use the rst column to report
the total credit that is available (the amount generated this year plus any prior-year carryforward). Then, use the second
column to report the amount you are using this year to offset your tax liability.
Available Credit
Column (A)
Credit Used
Column (B)
18. Plastic recycling investment credit, you must submit
required receipts with your return. 18
00 00
Plastic recycling net expenditures amount (ll below):
19. Colorado Minimum Tax Credit 19
00 00
2020 Federal Minimum Tax Credit (ll below):
20. Carry forward of prior year Historic Property
Preservation credit (per §39-22-514, C.R.S.). 20
00 00
21. Child Care Center Investment credit, you must submit
a copy of your facility license and a list of depreciable
tangible personal property with your return. 21
00 00
22. Employer Child Care Facility Investment credit, you
must submit a copy of your facility license and a list
of depreciable tangible personal property with your
return. 22
00 00
23. School-to-Career Investment credit, you must
submit a copy of the certication with your return. 23
00 00
24. Colorado Works Program credit, you must submit a
copy of the letter from the county Department of
Social/Human Services with your return. 24
00 00
25. Child Care Contribution credit, you must submit
each DR 1317 with your return. 25
00 00
26. Long-term Care Insurance credit, you must
submit a year-end statement to show premiums
paid with your return. See FYI Income 37. 26
00 00
27. Aircraft Manufacturer New Employee credit, you must
submit the DR 0085 and DR 0086 with your return. 27
00 00
28. Credit for Environmental Remediation of Contaminated
Land, you must submit a copy of the CDPHE
certication with your return. 28
00 00
29. Colorado Job Growth Incentive credit, you must
submit certication from OEDIT with your return. 29
00 00
30. Certied Auction Group License Fee credit, you must
submit a copy of the certication with your return. 30
00 00
31. Advanced Industry Investment credit, you must
submit a copy of the certication with your return. 31
00 00
32. Affordable Housing credit, you must submit
CHFA certication with your return. 32
00 00
DR 0104CR (01/15/21)
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Name SSN or ITIN