1022 (Design date 03/18) - Page 1© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Notification of changes in circumstances
(Section 104 of the Migration Act 1958 )
Department of Home Affairs
Important – Please read this information carefully before you
complete this form. Once you have completed this form we
strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records.
Section 104 of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act) requires you to
inform the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) of any
changes in your circumstances that affect any answer to a
question in your application form.
You do not have to notify the Department of any changes in your
circumstances that occurred:
• after you were granted your visa (if you applied for your visa in
Australia); or
• after you have been immigration cleared (if you applied for
your visa outside Australia).
Use this form to notify the Department of any changes in your
circumstances that affect any answers on your application form.
You should use form 1023 Notification of incorrect answer(s) if
you wish to notify the Department that you have supplied it with
any incorrect information.
You must answer all questions on this form.
Please return this completed form to the office where you lodged
your application or for any other matter (eg. proposed visa
cancellation), to the office of the Department that is responsible
for your matter. If you are unsure which office is responsible for
your matter, this form may be submitted to the nearest office of
the Department.
• If you do not comply with section 104 of the Act and notify the
Department of your new circumstances, your visa is liable to
be cancelled under the Migration Act 1958.
• If you have been granted a visa, the information you provide
on this form will be taken into account in deciding whether
the visa should be cancelled.
• If you are an applicant for a visa which has not yet been
granted, the information you provide on this form will be
taken into account when assessing your visa application.
• If your visa is cancelled and you are in Australia, you will
become an unlawful non-citizen. Unless you are granted a
further visa, you will be detained and removed from Australia.
• If your visa is cancelled and you are outside Australia, and
you subsequently travel to Australia, you will be refused
immigration clearance and will be removed from Australia.
• If you subsequently discover that you have provided
any incorrect information on this form, you must notify
the Department that you have done so. Use form 1023
Notification of incorrect answer(s) to do this.
• Cancellation of a visa that already has been granted is
not automatic. If you are in Australia, you will be given
an opportunity to comment on the grounds for possible
cancellation before a final decision on cancellation is made.
Consent to communicate electronically
The Department may use a range of means to communicate with
you. However, electronic means such as fax or email will only be
used if you indicate your agreement to receiving communication
in this way.
To process your application the Department may need to
communicate with you about sensitive information, for example,
health, police checks, financial viability and personal
relationships. Electronic communications, unless adequately
encrypted, are not secure and may be viewed by others or
interfered with.
If you agree to the Department communicating with you by
electronic means, the details you provide will only be used by the
Department for the purpose for which you have provided them,
unless the Privacy Act 1988 allows them to be used for another
purpose. They will not be added to any mailing list.
The Australian Government accepts no responsibility for the
security or integrity of any information sent to the Department
over the internet or by other electronic means.
Important information about privacy
Your personal information is protected by law, including the
Privacy Act 1988. Important information about the collection,
use and disclosure (to other agencies and third parties, including
overseas entities) of your personal information, including
sensitive information, is contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
Form 1442i is available from the Department’s website
www.homeaffairs.gov.au/allforms/ or offices of the
Department. You should ensure that you read and understand
form 1442i before completing this form.
Home page
enquiry line
Telephone 131 881 during business hours
in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours).
If you are outside Australia, please contact
your nearest Australian mission.
Please keep this information page for your reference