Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Supervised Field Experience - Evaluation of Student Performance
Instructions:This evaluation form is to be completed by the company or agency field experience supervisor. It
should be completed for each student at the close of the field experience work period. Supervisors
are encouraged to provide a completely honest and candid evaluation of each student's
performance. Evaluations will be used by the university field experience supervisor, in
combination with conferences with the student and his company or agency supervisor, in assigning
grades for academic credit. Evaluations should be based upon levels of performance which should
reasonable be expected from individuals at comparable levels of educational development and
career preparation.
Student's Name_________________________________________________
Dates of Supervised Field Experience________________________________
1. LEADERSHIP QUALITIES--including factors such as: comprehension of organizational and project
objectives; ability to relate well to others of varied interests and abilities; resourcefulness and capacity to
improvise and innovate; ability to involve others in achieving a goal; acquisition of respect and confidence
of others; tactfulness; ability to plan, organize, and schedule; awareness of needs and attitudes of others;
ability to develop interest of others in activities or projects; observation of policies and regulations; etc.
Outstanding_____Good or Above Average_____Average_____
Fair or Below Average_____Poor or Unsatisfactory_____
2. TECHNICAL ABILITY--as indicated by the student's demonstration of: knowledge of technical subject
matter in his or her chosen field; ability to apply basic principles in real-life situations; acceptance of
responsibility and implementation of assigned duties; effective supervision of others; comprehension of
previously unfamiliar concepts; potential for growth and development; etc.
Outstanding_____Good or Above Average_____Average_____
Fair or Below Average_____Poor or Unsatisfactory_____
3. COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS--as demonstrated by: ability to listen attentively and comprehend readily;
clear and distinct speech; correct grammar and pronunciation; ability to write and speak simply and
clearly; use of proper style and form in writing; preparation of neat, legible reports; contribution of ideas
at meetings and conferences; etc.
Outstanding_____Good or Above Average_____Average_____
Fair or Below Average_____Poor or Unsatisfactory_____
4. INTELLECTUAL QUALITIES--as shown by: alertness, curiosity, imagination; tolerance toward new or
controversial ideas; initiative; persistence in the resolution of a problem; ingenuity in devising alternative
solutions; etc.
Outstanding_____Good or Above Average_____Average_____
Fair or Below Average_____Poor or Unsatisfactory_____
5. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES--including personality traits such as: enthusiasm; reliability; honesty; integrity;
dependability; cooperativeness; punctuality; pride in personal appearance and performance; etc.
Outstanding_____Good or Above Average_____Average_____
Fair or Below Average_____Poor or Unsatisfactory_____
Print Form
SUMMARY COMMENTS--Please summarize your perception of the student's strengths
and weaknesses. Elaborate on any points evaluated on the rating sheet or others
which occur to you that may have influenced his or her performance while working
with you, or that may affect future performance. (Please use the reverse side of this
sheet, or attach additional sheets if needed.)
this student were one of a hundred students at comparable stages of development and
training which were selected at random, how would you rank him or her in terms of
qualifications, performance, and potential for growth and development?
Top 10%_____Top 25%_____Top 50%_____Lower 50%_____Lower 25%_____
Company or Agency Field Experience Supervisor Signature,
_____________________________________ Date_____________________