I certify that the information provided within this Enrollment Form and Patient
Authorization and Release is true and correct. I understand that the collection,
use, and disclosure of certain information is protected under law. I understand
that Information contained in this Enrollment Form, such as my name, address,
insurance, prescription, and medical information, is “Protected Health Information.”
By signing below, I agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of my Protected
Health Information as described below. I understand that my healthcare providers
will not base any medical treatment decisions on my agreement to sign this Patient
Authorization and Release. I also understand that my agreement to sign this Patient
Authorization and Release and enroll in ViiVConnect is not required for my valid
prescription to be lled. I understand that once Protected Health Information is
collected, used, and/or disclosed based on this executed authorization, federal
privacy laws may not prevent the entities described below from further disclosing
my information. However, I understand that such entities have agreed to collect, use,
or disclose Protected Health Information received only for the purposes described
in this authorization or as required by law. I understand that ViiV Healthcare does
not charge a fee for participation in ViiVConnect programs. If my authorized Patient
Representative charges a fee for enrollment or rells of my free medicine received
under the Patient Assistance Program, this money is not paid by or paid to ViiV
Healthcare. I certify that any product that I receive from ViiV Healthcare is for my
own use and will not be sold, bartered, or given to any other person. I certify that the
information provided in this Enrollment Form is complete and accurate to the best
of my knowledge and agree to notify ViiVConnect of any change in my insurance
eligibility or nancial status. I understand that this authorization will remain in eect
for two (2) years, unless a shorter time period is mandated by state law. I also
understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization at any time by calling
1-844-588-3288 or mailing a signed, written statement of my revocation to
ViiVConnect, PO Box 220100, Charlotte, NC 28222-0100, but that such a revocation
would end my eligibility to participate in the programs as described. Upon receipt
and processing of written revocation of this authorization, further disclosures of
Protected Health Information will be prohibited. However, certain information
may still be collected, used, and disclosed for administrative purposes by ViiV
Healthcare and any other companies that ViiV Healthcare uses to collect, use, and
disclose such information.
Enrollment in ViiVConnect: The Patient and, if applicable, the Patient Representative
MUST sign this Patient Authorization and Release. Patient Representative must
dene their relationship to the Patient in the designated box below.
By signing this Patient Authorization and Release, I authorize ViiV Healthcare and
any other companies that ViiV Healthcare uses to collect, use, or disclose my
Protected Health Information to do the following:
VIIVCONNECT.COM • PHONE: 1-844-588-3288 • FAX: 1-844-208-7676
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Form continued on the following page