Update your details
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Level 11, Midtown Centre, 150 Mary Street | GPO Box 390 Brisbane Q 4001 | t 1300 366 311 | rta.qld.gov.au
Please note: the Update Your Details Web Service is the quickest and easiest way to keep your details up to date with the
RTA. Only use this form if you are unable to use RTA Web Services.
Important: If you are unable to use RTA Web Services online or post and you need urgent help to submit an
Update your details form, please call the RTA on 1300 366 311 and we can help you.
The bank details provided will be kept on your record and will be used when refunding any bond payments. Bond refunds
can only be paid into Australian bank accounts and cannot be issued via cheque.
Client details
Tenants and lessors
Helpful hint: If you are a tenant or lessor (including a joint lessor), please complete this section of the form and then fill in
your bank details and sign and date below. If you are completing this form on behalf of an organisation (including a tenant
organisation), please fill in the organisation section.
First name/s Last name
Bond number Date of birth
Phone Mobile
Rental premises address
Postal address
tick if you agree to receive RTA notices by email
If your end of tenancy date has changed, please enter new date
The end of tenancy date can be found on your tenancy agreement/lease. If your tenancy does not have an end
date because you are on a periodic lease, please leave this section blank.
Helpful hint: if you are filling in this form on behalf of an organisation (including a tenant organisation) please complete this
section and then fill in your company’s bank details, and sign and date the form below.
Organisation’s name
Trading name (optional)
RTA ID (if known)
Phone Mobile
Physical address
Postal address
tick if you agree to receive RTA notices by email
2. Bank account details
Account holder’s name
BSB Account number
3. Signature
Print name Signature (authorised signatory*) Date
* For organisations, the authorised signatory is the main signatory of the account. For agents, it is the principal licensee of the trust account.
Post form to RTA GPO Box 390 Brisbane Q 4001
The RTA is collecting your personal information for the purpose of carrying out the RTAs functions under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008 and may provide your information to QCAT and other bodies. For more information see RTA website.
The RTA is not liable for any losses that occur if you provide incorrect information.
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