University of Vermont
Graduate Student Assistant or Fellow Offsite Research Work Agreement
Applies to graduate students with a research focused assistantship or fellowship and postdoctoral fellows:
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Graduate Assistant (GA), or Predoctoral Fellow (PreDF) and Postdoctoral
Fellow (PostDF) on University Training Grant or Individual Fellowship.
This Agreement defines parameters
for laboratory researchers to work offsite.
This Agreement is temporary and in response to Covid-19. The agreement applies for 30 days from original
signing or until the University Administration determines that normal business operations are restored,
whichever comes first. If there is a need to continue offsite work due to Covid-19 after 30 days the project(s)
component of this Agreement must be updated by the advisor and, if off site work remains feasible, the advisor
and student will sign with a new date and send a copy to the Dean of the Graduate College.
These conditions for offsite work must be agreed upon by the student or PostDF, the advisor, the
Dean/Director/Department Head (or designee) of the student’s or PostDF’s advisor and the Dean of the
Graduate College in order to take effect. If a student is in a program with research rotations and has not selected
a formal dissertation or thesis advisor, then the Faculty Program Director/Coordinator will act as the advisor for
this Agreement.
GRA/GA/PreDF/PostDF Name: ____________________________________________________
GRA/GA/PreDF/PostDF UVM email address: _________________________________________
For students, name of Graduate Program and degree level (masters, doctoral):
Advisor’s Name ___________________________________________________________
Advisor’s UVM email address: _______________________________________________
Source of Funding _____ UVM General Fund source Describe:
_____ Faculty Research Grant PI:
_____ UVM Training Grant PI:
_____ Individual Fellowship Grant Student or PostDF is PI
_____ Other source Describe:
The student/PostDF will work at (street address, city, zip code) and, in addition to UVM email, will be accessible by
(check all that apply):
______ Phone (list number) ______________________________
______Text (list number) ______________________________
______ Additional e-mail address (provide) ______________________________