State University of New York (SUNY)
Requesting a Hire / Search / Changing Employment Status of a SUNY Poly Employee
Describe, in as concise a manner as possible, the need for the position.
Describe the revenue source to be utilized to support this position for the current year and
beyond. Include how the revenue will be generated, keeping in mind any overhead costs that
may be included and used by the revenue source. Do not include PSR (salary) savings as a
revenue source to hire a position.
What steps have been taken to avoiding the need for this position? For example, have there
been discussions with
other Departments/Campuses to utilize existing skillsets and/or
“bandwidth” to fulfill the need at a lower or no
What actions have been taken to reduce other operational costs in the Department to
the financial impact of the position? Changes in class size and/or sections,
consolidation of tasks, automation (describe implementation and operating costs associated
with automation and costs savings).
What is the appointment period?
Please note that, in addition to the questions noted above, if the proposed position is related to
Framework for a Sustainable Future” then a memorandum of explanation is required.