4. Method of Delivery: (Please check all that apply and, if any “other” indicate what.)
Discussion On-line chat and discussion
Web pages with course content Web forum (bulletin/web board)
E-mail Other computer software
Dedicated newsgroup Streaming media
Toll-free telephone line Document/application sharing
Real time audio/video Other:
5. If self-paced, time limit for completion: _____________ Weeks _____________Months
6. For Professional Development hours ONLY:
Write a statement showing the relationship between the content of the PD activity, specific
relevant standard(s), and at least one of the following criteria established for PD activities:
Engages participants over a sustained period of time allowing for analysis, discovery, and
application as they relate to student learning, social or emotional achievement, or well-being: or
Aligns to the licensee’s performance (evaluation); or
Includes outcomes that relate to student growth or district improvement; or
Aligns to State-approved standards; or
Are college courses.
Identify any of the following criteria that apply to this PD activity:
Increases the knowledge and skills of school and district leaders who guide continuous professional
development; or
Improves the learning of students; or
Deepens educator’s content knowledge; or
Uses learning strategies appropriate to the intended goals; or
Organizes adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and
district; or
Provides educators with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous
academic standards; or
Prepares educators to appropriately use various types of classroom assessments; or
Provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate; or
Prepared educators to apply research to decision-making.