SAP Appeal Instructions – MAXIMUM TIME FRAME
Federal regulations require Midway University to establish Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. Students must
meet satisfactory SAP standards to receive financial aid. Students who fail to meet SAP standards are suspended from
receiving financial aid until standards are met or until a successful appeal is granted.
Note: Taking pre-requisite courses for admission into your program is not considered an extraordinary circumstance.
Complete the SAP Maximum Time Frame Appeal Form (steps 1-3), which includes a description of the extenuating
circumstances that caused you to exceed the maximum time frame for your program (examples: illness, injury, second
degree, loss of job, need for retraining, etc.), as well as the steps you have taken to address the circumstances (using a
tutor, medical assistance, counseling, etc.).
Complete Timetable of Remaining Coursework for Program Completion (step 4) indicating the coursework needed &
term in which you will complete it. Please consult the Midway University Catalog for specific degree requirements.
You can work with your academic advisor, the Registrar's Office, or the Student Development Center to determine
which courses you still need to fulfill your degree requirements. Sign and return the completed form (steps 1-5) to
the Financial Aid Office.
Before completing and submitting this appeal, review the SAP Policy at www.midway.edu/admissions-aid/cost-aid/
my-aid-awards/satisfactory-academic-progress/ to ensure you understand the necessary requirements. Lack of
knowledge of the SAP Policy will not be grounds for the approval of an appeal.
Be specific when explaining your circumstances. Lack of information will result in a delay of an appeal revi
ew, or may
result in a denial of your appeal. If there were problems in your physical or mental health that played a role in your
circumstances, please attach supporting documentation from a doctor, counselor, or hospital (if no documentation is
available, be sure to explain in the appeal).
• Do not discuss your need for financial aid in your appeal, as this is not a valid reason for approval of an appeal.
Complete all items on the appeal form. Incomplete appeals will delay decisions; the appeal form is three (3) pages
(not including this cover sheet). If you have questions about completing the appeal form, please contact the
Financial Aid Office.
• Submit your appeal to the Financial Aid Office. Appeals are due within two (2) weeks of the date of your ineligibility
notification. Late submissions may jeopardize your financial aid.
Please note that filing a SAP Appeal does not guarantee continued eligibility for Financial Aid.
Students who have been disqualified from receiving financial aid due to exceeding the 150% maximum time frame may appeal
that decision by completing this SAP Maximum Time Frame Appeal. Your appeal must contain a description of the extenuating
circumstances which led to the need for you to exceed the 150% limit without completing your program, as well as a
Timetable of Remaining Coursework for Program Completion. Incomplete appeals will delay the decision.
The Financial Aid Office will review all appeals and may refer cases to the SAP Appeals Committee. The student will
be notified in writing of the outcome within three (3) weeks of submission of a complete appeal.
This appeal is for financial aid purposes only.
If you remain enrolled in your courses once the semester begins, you will be responsible for payment of your fees
regardless of the appeal decision.
In some instances, appeal decisions may not be finalized prior to the start of classes; you should plan on making
payment arrangements with the Business Office to avoid the risk of class cancellation.
If your appeal is approved, any extension of financial aid eligibility will be limited to only those courses that are
required to complete your academic program.