Projected Image 2021 Exhibition Entry Form and Terms of Entry
(Deadline for entries - Sunday 4
April 2021)
e:\my documents\clubs & societies\photographic\rps\exhibitions\ea region\entry forms etc\2021 pi only\ear exhibition entry form 2021 v4.docx
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Name Distinctions
Email RPS Membership Number
No. Image Title
I like a copy of the exhibition slideshow
Please indicate as appropriate Transitions on PC and MAC will be controlled by you. On a TV they will be
automatic. Tick as many as you like.
I do not want my images included on a slideshow posted on social media.
Terms of Entry:
1. All members of the RPS East Anglia Region are invited to enter the Exhibition.
2. The copyright of all entries remains with the photographer. The photographer will be credited if the
image is used by the RPS East Anglia Region. The RPS East Anglia Region reserves the right to reproduce,
without payment, any image for publicity and promotion purposes in connection with the competition,
the exhibition, the Society’s activities, including publications, the website, social media and online
3. The entry MUST consist of 4 images.
4. All photographic elements including textures and effects must be captured by the photographer.
5. Images with visible signatures from the photographer will not be accepted.
6. The Committee may, at its discretion, remove images which it considers to be inappropriate.
7. Every care is taken of work submitted, but we cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss
however caused.
8. The entry form and digital files must be emailed to the Exhibition Secretary by Sunday 4
April 2021.
9. There is no fee to enter the Exhibition.
10. By entering, you agree to be bound by the terms and rules of this exhibition.
11. Images that have been accepted into other RPS exhibitions will not be accepted.
Files must be submitted and saved in the following format:
a. Colour space: sRGB
b. File format: JPEG (.jpg), saved at its finest setting (12 in Photoshop).
c. Image size: Maximum width 1600 pixels, maximum height 1200 pixels.
d. Filename: Images must be numbered 1,2,3,4, as they appear on your entry details and saved in the
following format e.g. 1.Lonely Planet.jpg; 2.Lone Tree.jpg.
e. The image title and author name to be entered in the “Document Title” and “Author” fields as appropriate
in the Exif data.
Please send this form with your 4 projected image entries to the Exhibition Secretary, Matthew Clarke at:
creativeimage@rps.org. You will be sent an acknowledgement. No acknowledgment means they have not
been received.