North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
Attached is an application for an original North Carolina CPA certificate. To ensure that you have enclosed all necessary information
and that the forms are completed correctly, please review the list below before returning the application package to the Board. All
forms, including transcripts*, must accompany the application or the entire application package will be returned to you. Please keep a
copy of all documents for your reference.
Application Form
Did you answer all questions?
Did you sign and date the application?
Is the application properly notarized?
Did you attach a recent photograph that meets United States passport standards (color, 2” x 2”, head and shoulders)? A
photocopy of your driver’s license or passport will not be accepted.
Did you enclose a copy of the completion/attendance certificate for the North Carolina Accountancy Law Course?
Did you enclose a $100.00 check payable to the NC State Board of CPA Examiners or a $100.00 credit card
If you were not born in the United States, you must include submit one of the following documents with your application (other
documentation will not be accepted):
Proof of United States citizenship (e.g. copy of your United States passport or copy of your naturalization certificate);
Proof of resident alien status (e.g. copy of permanent resident card); or
A notarized statement of your intention to become a United States citizen (template available from the “Forms & Applications”
page of the Board’s website, nccpaboard.gov).
Certificate of Moral CharacterYou must submit three (3) forms, one (1) form is included in this package.
Did a properly licensed CPA complete each form?
Did you answer all questions?
Is your name and address on all forms?
Is each form properly notarized?
You must disclose all convictions, except those that have been expunged, regardless of when those convictions occurred to the
individuals signing your moral character forms. Those individuals must indicate knowledge of these convictions on the second page of
the form. Certificates of moral character are valid for one (1) year after being signed.
Experience Affidavit - you may make copies if you need more than one (1) Experience Affidavit
Did your direct supervisor(s) complete and sign the form(s)?
Are the beginning and ending dates of employment listed?
Are all job titles and job duties listed?
Have all questions been answered?
Did the direct supervisor(s) sign the attachment(s), if any?
Is each form properly notarized?
If you have part-time, self-employed, or teaching experience, complete the appropriate supplemental form (available from the “Forms &
Applications” page of the Board’s website, nccpaboard.gov) and submit with your application. All attachments must be signed.
150 Semester Hour Worksheet - Unless you have a master’s degree in accounting, business administration, economics, or tax law,
or a juris doctor (JD) with a concentration in accounting or tax, you must complete and submit this form with your application.
CPA Firm Registration - If you are in the public practice of accounting as defined in 21 NCAC 08A .0307 and .0308, and the CPA firm
through which you are providing services is not registered with the Board, you must register that CPA firm with the Board. CPA firm
registration forms are available from the “Forms & Applications” page of the Board’s website, nccpaboard.gov.
If you did not sit for the Uniform CPA Examination as a North Carolina candidate, you also must enclose:
Application for Transfer of Credit;
Interstate Exchange Form completed by the jurisdiction in which you sat for the Uniform CPA Examination; and
Official Transcript(s)* showing completion of education requirement pursuant to NCGS 93-12(5), 21 NCAC 08A .0309, and
21 NCAC 08F .0410
*E-Transcripts, such as those requested through the National Student Clearinghouse, are deemed unofficial if printed and submitted
with your application. You may request that the college or university send the transcript directly to Alice Grigsby
(aliceg@nccpaboard.gov) in the Board’s Licensing Section.
Check the status of your application https://bit.ly/2S4EMlz
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
Pursuant to 21 NCAC 08F .0504 and 21 NCAC 08H .0101(a), all North Carolina CPA
certificate applicants and reinstatement applicants must complete a qualified
accountancy law course on the North Carolina Accountancy Law (Statutes) and
Administrative Code (Rules).
To satisfy the requirement, an applicant must complete the course within one year
preceding the date the Board receives his or her application. For example, if you plan to
apply for licensure in February, then you should take the course no earlier than March
of the prior year. If an applicant meets the requirement prematurely, the course will not
count for certification or reinstatement. The Board suggests that an applicant take the
course within a few months prior to submitting his or her application to the Board.
For new CPA certificate applicants, the course will qualify for 400 CPE credit minutes
that may be reported on the CPE renewal form if completed during the same
calendar year in which the certificate is granted.
The North Carolina Association of CPAs (NCACPA) course, "NC Accountancy Law
Course: Ethics Principles and Professional Responsibilities," is the qualified course
that is available in two formats: a 400-minute group study seminar and a
400-minute self-study course.
"NC Accountancy Law Course: Ethics, Principles, and Professional Responsibilities"
PO Box 80188
Raleigh, NC 27623-0188
(919) 469-1040
(800) 722-2836
ffective January 1, 2020, CPE credit is calculated in minutes. One CPE hour
equals 50 CPE minutes. An eight-hour CPE course equals 400 minutes.
Attach photo
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
NOTE: Application will not be processed unless all fields are completed.
Full Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix)
Birthplace (City, State, Country) Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)
Social Security Number Home Email Address
Home Address (Street or PO Box and City, State, Zip Code)
Home Telephone Number Home Fax Number
Business/Firm Name
Business Address (Street or PO Box and City, State, Zip Code)
Business Telephone Number Business Fax Number
Business Email Address Job Title
Send mail to (check one): Home Business
OCCUPATION (check one):
Individual Practitioner Educator Govt., Non-Accounting
CPA Firm-Partner Industry, Accounting Field Law
CPA Firm-PC Shareholder/PLLC Member Industry, Non-Accounting Student
CPA Firm-Staff Govt., Accounting Unemployed
General Accountancy Auditing Financial Planning
Taxation Advisory Services Non-Accounting
Administration Law
Check the memberships you hold in the following organizations:
North Carolina Association of CPAs American Institute of CPAs
FOR BOARD STAFF USE: Amt Paid Dep. # Date
Employee Fair Classification Act
The 2017 Ses
sion of the North Carolina General Assembly passed Senate Bill 407 (Session Law
2017-203), “Employee Fair Classification Act.”
§143-761. Ti
tle. This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Employee Fair Classification Act."
Occupational licensing boards and commissions; notice requirement; applicant
certification and disclosure.
(a) Every State occupational licensing board or commission that is authorized to issue any license,
permit, or certification shall include on every application for licensure, permit, or certification, or application
for renewal of the same, the following:
(1) Certification by the applicant that the applicant has read and understands the public notice
(2) Disclosure by the applicant of any investigations for employee misclassification and the result of
the investigations for a time period determined by the occupational licensing board or commission.
(b) An occupational licensing board or commission shall deny the license, permit, or certification
application of any applicant who fails to comply with the certification and disclosure requirements of this
ic Notice Statement
Required by NC Gen. Stat. §143-764(a)(5), effective December 31, 2017.
worker who is defined as an employee by NC Gen. Stat.§§95-25.2(4), NC Department of Labor;
143-762(a)(3), Employee Fair Classification Act; 96-1(b)(10), Employment Security Act; 97-2(2), Workers
Compensation Act; or 105-163.1(4), Withholding; Estimated Income Tax for Individuals; shall be treated as
an employee unless the individual is an independent contractor. Any employee who believes that the
employee has been misclassified as an independent contractor by the employee’s employer may report the
suspected misclassification to the Employee Classification Section within the North Carolina Industrial
Employee Classification Section
North Carolina Industrial Commission
1233 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1233
Telephone: (919) 807-2582
Fax: (919) 715-0282
Email: emp.classification@ic.nc.gov
yee misclassification is defined as avoiding tax liabilities and other obligations imposed by Chapter
95, 96, 97, 105, or 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes by misclassifying an employee as an
independent contractor [NC Gen. Stat. §143-762(5)].
I certify that I have read and understand the Public Notice Statement: Y N
I certify that I have not ever been investigated by any agency for employee misclassification: (If you answer
no, attach documents applicable to the investigation(s) with this application.) Y N
Signature Date
(1) Indicate the date you passed the Uniform CPA Exam as a North Carolina candidate; OR
(2) Indicate the jurisdiction from which grade credits are being transferred.
If transferring credits, an application for transfer of credit and authorization for interstate exchange must accompany this
(3) If the name on any of your application documentation is not the same as the name you are using on your application, you must
provide legal proof (i.e. marriage license, divorce decree, etc.) of the name change.
(4) I have attached experience affidavits from the following employers:
(5) I have attached certificates of moral character from the following three (3) CPAs:
(6) ACCOUNTANCY LAW COURSE COMPLETION DATE (Attach copy of completion certificate.)
(7) Moral Character Data: If you answer "Yes" to any of the questions below, you must provide a certified copy of the court records
or a certified copy of applicable license or disciplinary records and your statement of explanation with this application.
Have you been charged, arrested, convicted, found guilty of, received a prayer for judgment continued,
or pleaded nolo contendere to any offense, inclusive of traffic infractions? If yes, please attach copy of relevant
documents. You are not required to disclose any arrest, charge, or conviction that has been expunged by the court.
Have you had an application for certificate or license denied or certificate or license suspended, canceled, or revoked
by any state or federal agency or governing or licensing board?
Have you been investigated, charged, or disciplined; or are you currently under investigation by a governing or
licensing board or by a state or federal agency?
Have you been party to any civil suit, bankruptcy action, administrative proceeding, or binding arbitration; the basis of
which is grounded upon an allegation of negligence, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, or incompetence?
NOTE: All required forms must be completed and submitted with your application or the entire application package will be returned to
Application Fee: Enclose a $100 check payable to NC State Board of CPA Examiners or a $100 credit card authorization.
I have read General Statutes Chapter 93 and Title 21, North Carolina Administrative Code, Chapter 08 and understand the law and
rules of the Board applicable to all certified public accountants, particularly those about Professional Ethics and Conduct, and, the
Continuing Professional Education requirements. As far as I am able to determine, I meet all of the requirements to apply for a North
Carolina CPA Certificate. I understand the contents of applications including all attachments and disciplinary actions or consent orders
regarding me are subject to the NC Public Records Act. I understand that I am waiving any claim of confidentiality or privacy regarding
disclosure of such public records. I authorize the Board to make such investigative inquiries it deems necessary and release from
liability all parties responding to such inquiries. I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the information, statements, and any
attachments made in conjunction with this application are true, correct, and complete.
Date: Signature:
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this day by
(Name of CPA Certificate Applicant)
Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of , 20 .
Official Signature of Notary
, Notary Public
Notary’s printed or typed name
My commission expires:
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
Original CPA Certificate Applicant Reinstatement of CPA Certificate Reissuance of CPA Certificate
Full Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix)
Mailing Address (Street or PO Box)
City, State, Zip Code
REMAINDER TO BE COMPLETED BY CPA SIGNING FORM (Please print legibly using blue or black ink.):
INSTRUCTIONS: NCGS 93-12(5) requires applicants for the CPA certificate to have good moral character. CPAs
completing this form are asked to evaluate and comment upon the applicant's character, conduct, social relations, and
adherence to general principles of right conduct. A CPA is expected to hold a high sense of duty to his/her fellow man and
to society in general because of the amount of trust and confidence that will be placed in him/her by clients and by the
citizens of this State and Nation.
Suggested references must be CPAs and may include, but are not restricted to, instructors/professors, employers, fellow
employees, fellow NCACPA chapter members, neighbors, and public officials. The Board will not accept references from
persons related by blood or marriage to the applicant. Persons signing moral character certificates are expected to have
known the applicant for a sufficient period of time to make an evaluation of his/her moral character and to be familiar with
the applicant's lifestyle outside of the classroom or workplace. Persons signing this form should do so only after careful
consideration, and only after reviewing the properly completed application package to determine that the applicant has
made all required disclosures.
NOTE: Persons completing this form who reside and/or work in North Carolina must be licensed by this Board to
use the CPA title. Completion of this form is considered to be use of the CPA title. Persons not licensed by this
Board and living outside of North Carolina who complete this form must be currently licensed by another board
of accountancy.
I have personally known the applicant for years, months.
Describe in detail the opportunities you have had to evaluate the applicant (Attach additional page if needed).
Is the applicant of good moral character (i.e. has a personal history of honesty, fairness and respect for the rights of others
and for the laws of the State of North Carolina and this nation) and would be expected to conscientiously observe the high
professional responsibilities of a Certified Public Accountant? Y N If no, please explain (Attach additional
page if needed.):
Is the applicant entirely worthy of the trust placed in him/her by the State of North Carolina and the public as a Certified
Public Accountant? Y N If no, please explain (Attach additional page if needed.).
To the best of my knowledge, the applicant has never been convicted, found guilty of, received a prayer for judgment
continued, or pleaded nolo contendere to any criminal offense (excluding non-criminal traffic infractions). Y N
If no, please explain (Attach additional page if needed.):
Other Comments:
If you have any questions about the applicant's moral character that are not fully explained on this form, or if the applicant
has disclosed arrest or conviction records, or license denial, suspension, or revocation by any licensing agency, the
person signing this certificate should review the documents to be supplied to the Board with the applicant's application and
send a confidential letter outlining any opinions you have concerning these matters to: Licensing Section, North Carolina
State Board of CPA Examiners, PO Box 12827, Raleigh, NC 27605. Please consider sending such correspondence by
certified mail to ensure its receipt. The Board of CPA Examiners and its staff may communicate with the person signing
this form.
I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the information, statements, and any attachments made in conjunction with this
certificate of moral character are true, correct, and complete.
Date: Signature:
NOTE: If your residence or office is in North Carolina, you cannot sign this form unless you are licensed by this
(Please print legibly using blue or black ink.)
Reference Name:
Street/PO Box:
City/State/Zip Code:
Daytime Telephone:
Email Address:
CPA Certificate Number and Issuing Jurisdiction:
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this day by
(Name of Person Providing Moral Character Reference)
Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of , 20 .
Official Signature of Notary
, Notary Public
Notary’s printed or typed name
My commission expires:
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
Full Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix)
Mailing Address (Street or PO Box and City, State, Zip Code)
REMAINDER TO BE COMPLETED BY DIRECT SUPERVISOR (please print legibly using blue or black ink):
The applicant's experience with this company was:
(Check only one. If more than one type of experience applies, complete a separate form for each type of experience.)
1. in the public practice of accounting under the direct supervision of a CPA.
2. in the public practice of accounting, but not under the direct supervision of a CPA.
3. in the field of accounting under the direct supervision of a CPA.
4. in the field of accounting, but not under the direct supervision of a CPA.
5. in teaching accounting courses.
The applicant was employed by my firm for the period beginning and ending (date of termination
or today’s date) .
This person held the following job titles and/or classifications during the periods noted (attach additional page if needed):
I have described below the job duties assigned to the applicant during the period described above (attach additional page
if needed):
If part-time experience is involved, complete the Part-Time Experience Affidavit showing hours worked each week during
applicable periods. Part-time experience is experience in a job with less than 30 hours of work per week. If teaching
accounting courses is involved, complete the Teaching Experience Affidavit. If you were self-employed as an accountant
or CPA, please complete the Self-Employed Experience Affidavit. The supplemental experience affidavit forms are
available from the Forms & Applications page of the Board’s website, nccpaboard.gov. All attachments must be signed.
FOR BOARD STAFF USE: Length of Employment years months days
CPAs who sign this form as direct supervisors are reminded of the meaning of direct supervision as stated below. A CPA may sign for
another CPA who is employed by the same firm; however, the signing CPA is responsible for determining that supervision was both
direct and by a properly licensed CPA.
21 NCAC 08A.0310 "Direct supervision" means:
(1) having jurisdiction and oversight authority over the process of planning, coordinating, guiding, inspecting, controlling, and
evaluating on a continuing basis the activities and accomplishments of the employees under one's command;
(2) having the power of direction and decision in implementing activities to meet the objectives of one's stewardship;
(3) having authority delegated by higher management to hire, transfer, suspend, recall, promote, assign, or discharge an employee
under one's charge or to recommend such action through the proper administrative chain of Command;
(4) having authority to supervise the employee in the usual line of authority unrestricted by multiple positions of influence; and
(5) having authority to verify the employee’s experience in a notarized experience affidavit.
NOTE: Any CPA supervision in the State of North Carolina must be provided by CPAs licensed by this Board.
Has/Have the CPA certificate(s) of the supervisor(s) ever been revoked or suspended? Y N
If yes, attach documentation that states the dates, periods, and reasons for revocation(s) or suspension(s).
FOR PUBLIC PRACTICE CPA SUPERVISORS ONLY: I have been the direct supervisor of the applicant during the full period on the
front on this form. If not, I certify under penalty of law that the applicant was directly supervised by properly licensed CPAs during the
entire period on the front of the form.
FOR NON-PUBLIC PRACTICE CPA SUPERVISORS ONLY: I have been the direct supervisor of the applicant during the full period
on the front of this form. If not, I have listed the other supervisors, their certificate numbers, and dates of supervision:
I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the information, statements, and any attachments made in conjunction with this
experience affidavit are true, correct, and complete.
Signature Company Where Applicant's Experience Was Earned
Printed Name Street or PO Box
Title City, State, Zip Code
Telephone Number Email Address
CPA Certificate Number and Date Issued (if applicable) Date of This Affidavit
North Carolina Active Status
Other: Inactive Status
Retired Status
TO SUPERVISOR: If you have changed employment since the experience attested to on this form was earned, what is your current
daytime address and phone number?
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this day by
(Name of Person Signing Form)
Witness my hand and official seal, this the day of , 20 .
Official Signature of Notary
, Notary Public
Notary’s printed or typed name
My commission expires:
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
This worksheet is designed to assist you with applying for certification in North Carolina. You
were allowed to sit for the Uniform CPA Examination with an undergraduate degree, but you
may have additional transcripts* to submit with your certificate application to show compliance
with NCGS 93-12(5) [see attached].
Please be sure that you have provided all of the following as applicable:
all undergraduate transcript(s)* from regionally accredited schools showing bachelor’s
degree and 30 semester hours of accounting;
transcripts* from all regionally-accredited schools;
transcripts* showing additional semester hours to meet the 150-hour requirement; and
transcript* showing completion of master’s degree pursuant to 21 NCAC 08F .0410(b).
If you took courses from a college or university that were later transferred to the college or
university from which you earned your bachelor’s degree, please note that not all hours taken
may have been accepted and will not be listed on the final transcript.
You cannot use a course more than once to satisfy the concentration in accounting; the
required fields of study; or the total semester hours.
You may calculate any additional hours of credit by subtracting the transferred hours from your
bachelor’s degree college or university and adding the hours from any colleges or universities
where you took the additional courses.
You should discount any duplication or repeats of coursework. You may convert quarter hours
to semester hours by multiplying the quarter hours by .67.
Please refer to the Board’s website, nccpaboard.gov, for additional information.
*E-Transcripts, such as those requested through the National Student Clearinghouse, are
deemed unofficial if printed and submitted with your application. You may request that the
college or university send the transcript directly to Alice Grigsby (aliceg@nccpaboard.gov) in
the Board’s Licensing Section.
If you hold a master’s or more advanced degree in accounting, business administration, economics, finance, or
tax law, pursuant to 21 NCAC 08F .0410(b) and have completed at least 30 semester hours of accounting
courses, you are deemed in compliance with NCGS 93-12(5)(a) and you do not need to complete this
worksheet. Otherwise, you should complete this worksheet and attach all official college transcripts not already
submitted with your application for certification.
Applicant’s Full Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix)
Course Code #
Course Title
Credit Hours
Total A. Credit Hours
Subject Area
Course Code #
Course Title
Credit Hours
Computer Technology
Humanities/Social Science
International Environment
Total B. Credit hours
Credit Hours (not listed in A or B above)
Total C. Credit Hours
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
NCGS 93-12(
To issue certificates of qualification admitting to practice as certified public accountants, each applicant who,
having the qualifications herein specified, has passed an examination to the satisfaction of the Board, in
"accounting," "auditing," "business law," and other related subjects.
A person is eligible to take the examination given by the Board, or to receive a certificate of qualification to
practice as a certified public accountant, if the person is a citizen of the United States, has declared the intention
of becoming a citizen, is a resident alien, or is a citizen of a foreign jurisdiction which extends to citizens of this
State like or similar privileges to be examined or certified, is 18 years of age or over, and is of good moral
To be eligible to take the examination given by the Board, a person shall submit evidence satisfactory to the
Board that the person holds a bachelors degree from a college or university that is accredited by one of the
regional accrediting associations or from a college or university determined by the Board to have standards that
are substantially equivalent to a regionally accredited institution. The degree studies shall include a concentration
in accounting as prescribed by the Board or shall be supplemented with courses that are determined by the Board
to be substantially equivalent to a concentration in accounting.
The Board may, in its discretion, waive the education requirement of any candidate if the Board is satisfied from
the result of a special written examination given the candidate by the Board to test the candidate's educational
qualifications that the candidate is as well qualified as if the candidate met the education requirements specified
above. The Board may provide by regulation for the general scope of such examinations and may obtain such
advice and assistance as it deems appropriate to assist it in preparing, administering and grading such special
To be eligible to receive a certificate of qualification to practice as a certified public accountant, a person shall
submit evidence satisfactory to the Board that:
a. The person has completed 150 semester hours and received a bachelors degree with a
concentration in accounting and other courses that the Board may require from a college or university
that is accredited by a regional accrediting association or from a college or university determined by
the Board to have standards that are substantially equivalent to those of a regionally accredited
b. The person has the endorsement as to the person's eligibility of three certified public accountants
who currently hold licenses in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia.
c. The person has one of the following:
1. One year's experience in the field of accounting under the direct supervision of a certified public
accountant who currently holds a valid license in any state or territory of the United States or the
District of Columbia.
2. Four years of experience teaching accounting in a four-year college or university accredited by
one of the regional accrediting associations or in a college or university determined by the Board
to have standards substantially equivalent to a regionally accredited institution.
3. Four years of experience in the field of accounting.
4. Four years of experience teaching college transfer accounting courses at a community college or
technical institute accredited by one of the regional accrediting associations.
5. Any combination of such experience determined by the Board to be substantially equivalent to the
The Board may permit persons otherwise eligible to take its examinations and withhold certificates until the
person has had the required experience.
(a) A concentration in accounting includes:
(1) at least 30 semester hours, or the equivalent in quarter hours, of undergraduate accountancy
courses which shall include no more than six semester hours of accounting principles and no
more than three semester hours of business law; or
(2) at least 20 semester hours or the equivalent in quarter hours, of graduate accounting courses that
are open exclusively to graduate students; or
(3) a combination of undergraduate and graduate courses which would be equivalent to
Subparagraph (1) or (2).
(b) In recognition of differences in the level of graduate and undergraduate courses, one semester (or quarter)
hour of graduate study in accounting is considered the equivalent of one and one-half semester (or quarter) hours
of undergraduate study in accounting.
(c) Up to four semester hours, or the equivalent in quarter hours, of graduate income tax courses completed in
law schools may count toward the semester hour requirement of Paragraph (a) of this Rule.
(d) Where, in the Board's determination, an accounting course duplicates another course previously taken, only
the semester (or quarter) hours of one of the courses shall be counted in determining if the applicant has a
concentration in accounting.
(e) Accounting courses include such courses as principles courses at the elementary, intermediate and advanced
levels; managerial accounting; business law; cost accounting; fund accounting; auditing; and taxation. There are
many college courses offered that would be helpful in the practice of accountancy, but are not included in the
definition of a concentration in accounting. Such courses include business finance, business management,
computer science, economics, writing skills, accounting internships, and CPA exam review.
(a) G.S. 93-12(5)a sets forth the education required of candidates applying for CPA certification. The 150 semester
hours required include a concentration in accounting, as defined by 21 NCAC 08A .0309; and
(b) 24 semester hours of coursework that include one three semester hour course from at least eight of the following
10 fields of study:
(1) communications;
(2) computer technology;
(3) economics;
(4) ethics;
(5) finance;
(6) humanities or social science;
(7) international environment;
(8) law;
(9) management; or
(10) statistics.
(c) Anyone applying for CPA certification who holds a Master's or more advanced degree in accounting, tax law,
economics, finance, business administration, or a law degree from an accredited college or university is in
compliance with Paragraph (b) of this Rule.
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
A person applying for a certificate of qualification should have a bachelor’s degree or advanced degree, either of
which includes at least 150 semester hours of coursework from a college or university determined by the Board to
have standards substantially equivalent to a regionally accredited institution. The 150 semester hours should
include: 30 semester hours of accounting, which shall include no more than six hours of accounting principles,
and 24 semester hours of coursework which shall include one three semester-hour course from at least eight of
the ten fields of study listed below. A course cannot be used more than once to satisfy the concentration in
accounting, required fields of study, and the total semester hours.
This field of study will give an individual knowledge of oral and written communication skills. This field includes but
is not limited to speech, business writing, public speaking, report writing, debate, technical writing, business
communications, and advanced writing skills coursework above basic introductory composition.
Computer Technology
This field of study will give an individual knowledge of computer hardware and computer applications. This field
includes but is not limited to information systems, electronic spreadsheet, database management, word
processing, and programming.
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of the economic system. This field includes but is not limited
to micro/macro economics, labor economics, managerial economics, resource and environmental economics,
money and financial markets, and comparative economic systems.
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of discipline which society has imposed on itself through
laws, customs, moral standards, and rules of professional conduct. This field includes but is not limited to ethics,
ethics of religion, business ethics, ethics of philosophy, and professional ethics. NOTE: Religion and philosophy
courses are not automatically considered ethics courses.
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of the financial practices of business. This field includes but
is not limited to finance, banking and money, corporation finance, business finance, insurance, real estate, capital
budgeting, and financial planning.
Humanities and Social Science
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of human values and choices and the human process. This
field includes but is not limited to psychology, geography, sociology, leadership, anthropology, political science,
criminal justice, and social welfare.
International Environment
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of the international environment. This field includes but is
not limited to international accounting, international business, foreign language, international trade, international
finance, international marketing, foreign economy, and international organizations.
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of the legal environment of business. This field includes but
is not limited to business law, commercial law, regulatory law, professional regulations of the profession, and
international law.
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of the operation of business. This field includes but is not
limited to personnel, marketing, human resources, production management, operations and business policy,
human relations, organizational behavior, and quantitative methods for management.
This field of study will give an individual a knowledge of the application of statistical methodology. This field
includes but is not limited to statistics, behavior research, business statistics, survey sampling, probability and
statistical computing, and database management.
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
Full Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix)
Mailing Address (Street or PO Box)
City, State, Zip Code
Home Telephone Number Business Telephone Number
Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) Birthplace (City/State/Country) Social Security Number
If you have previously used another name, provide that name here:
(1) Prepare the applicant's section of the Authorization for Interstate Exchange of Examination and Licensure Information
and forward the form and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the appropriate board of accountancy (BOA) for
proper completion. Request that the form be returned directly to you. Before sending this form for completion by the
BOA, contact the BOA to determine if you need to meet additional requirements or pay any fees before such
information will be released.
(2) Have you filed an application for a North Carolina CPA certificate? Y N
(3) Have you filed an application to take the Uniform CPA Exam as a North Carolina candidate? Y N
(4) If you have not already done so, request that each college or university where you successfully completed accounting
courses submit official transcripts* of courses directly to you to include with your application.
(5) 21 NCAC 08F .0106 permits the transfer of Uniform CPA Exam grades only if they are earned in accordance with 21
NCAC 08F .0105.
(6) Application Fee: If you are applying for a North Carolina CPA certificate, there is no additional application fee. If you
are transferring grades only, the fee is $75.00. Please make your check payable to the NC State Board of CPA
Examiners or include a $75.00 credit card authorization.
it of Applicant
I understand that all of the information in this application and other documents to be filed with the Board in connection with
this application are a matter of public record and are available for public inspection. I declare under the penalties of perjury
that the information and statements made in this application are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and
Signature Date:
*E-Transcripts, such as those requested through the National Student Clearinghouse, are deemed unofficial if printed and
submitted with your application. You may request that the college or university send the transcript directly to Alice Grigsby
(aliceg@nccpaboard.gov) in the Board’s Licensing Section.
FOR BOARD USE: Amt. Paid Deposit No. Deposit Date
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • PO Box 12827 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
TO THE APPLICANT: This form is essential to the application you are filing with this Board. Before your application will be
considered for approval, certain information must be verified by the board of accountancy (BOA) where your Uniform CPA
Exam credits and/or certificate and license status were established. Before sending this form for completion by that entity,
contact the entity to determine if you need to meet additional requirements or pay any fees before such information will be
Complete the applicant portion of this form and forward the form and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the BOA
where credits and/or status were established. The BOA will complete the remainder of this form (Sections A-D) and return
it to you. This Board will accept another BOA’s own form as long as it provides the same information requested on this
form. Include the completed form sent to you by the BOA with the rest of your application package submitted to this Board.
Full Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix)
Mailing Address (Street or PO Box and City, State, Zip Code)
Daytime Telephone Number CPA Certificate No. (if applicable)
Birthdate (MMDDYYYY) Social Security Number
I hereby request and authorize the Board of Accountancy to provide any and all
pertinent information requested in this form to the North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners to
accompany an application filed with that agency. I agree that the State Board may confirm the grades issued to me by the
Advisory Grading Service of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Applicant Signature Date
The information provided herein is correct to the best of our knowledge.
BOARD Official Signature
Title Date
The following are grades awarded on the Uniform CPA Examination(s) for the applicant named above, as reported by the AICPA
Advisory Grading Service and approved unchanged by this board. Please use Section D of this form to explain if any of the grades
were changed; if an exam other than the Uniform CPA Exam was used; or if there is any reason why the grades should not be
accepted. If separate sheets are attached, please affix official signature and board Seal to all pages.
Please list all grades, including failing grades, recorded for applicant.
of Examination
ID Number
1) Was the applicant ever denied admission to the Exam? Y N If yes, complete Section D of this form.
2) If the applicant has not completed the CPA Exam, are there any restrictions preventing him/her from sitting in your jurisdiction?
Y N If yes, complete Section D of this form.
3) Number of subjects with which candidate is credited, if any. Number N/A
4) Date credits or grades expire, if any. (MMDDYYYY)
Certificate as a Certified Public Accountant:
1) The applicant holds original CPA Certificate number dated (MMDDYYYY) that is in good
standing unless otherwise noted in Section D of this form.
2) The applicant holds reciprocal CPA Certificate number dated (MMDDYYYY) that is in
good standing unless otherwise noted in Section D of this form.
License/Permit to Practice Public Accounting: If licensing is the responsibility of another agency, please forward and request
completion of applicable section.
3) The applicant holds a license/permit from this board for the period ending (MMDDYYYY) and is currently in
good standing in this State. Please note any exceptions to the above statements in Section D of this form.
4) If the applicant does not hold a license/permit from your Board, please indicate the requirements to be met for issuance or
License/Permit not required ....................................................................
Pay appropriate fees and/or post bond ...................................................
Complete acceptable accounting/auditing experience ............................
Complete continuing professional education requirements ....................
Other (please specify)
5) Has there ever been any disciplinary action instituted against the applicant? Y N If yes, complete Section D of this
SECTION C: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED: If CPA certificate is valid and unrevoked, but a license to practice public
accountancy is not held, may applicant refer to himself as a "CPA" in your jurisdiction? Y N
to above questions as needed. Official Seal and Signature must be affixed to all attached sheets.
North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
1101 Oberlin Road Suite 104 • Raleigh NC 27605
Phone 919-733-1422 • Fax 919-733-4209 • Web nccpaboard.gov
Credit card payment cannot be processed unless all fields below are complete.
MasterCard VISA Amount $
Card Number
CVV/Security Code Expiration Date
(3-digit code on back of card near or in signature box) (MM/YYYY)
Exact Name on Card
Billing Address for Card
Street or PO Box and City, State, Zip Code
Signature Date