NYSE American Domestic Company Corporate Governance Affirmation
Company Name:
Type of Affirmation: Initial
Notice of Non-compliance: Yes
Part I.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please provide the following information for each director currently serving, or who will be serving
as of the day of listing, on the Company’s board of directors. Please indicate with a “√” whether a director serves on
the Company’s audit committee, compensation committee or nominating committee. Please include an asterisk (*)
next to the name of each director that has been deemed independent for purposes of Rule 10A-3 (“Rule 10A-3”) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and service on the Company’s audit committee.
Director Name
Section 803A
Companies that are submitting an Initial Affirmation must be compliant in all areas, subject to applicable transition periods.
If this document is serving as a non-compliance notification to the Exchange it must be executed by the Company’s CEO.
Serves on the Audit Committee
Serves on the Compensation Committee
Serves on the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee
Part II.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please check only one box that best describes the Company:
Lists common equity securities on the NYSE American and does not fit any of the other categories listed below
Qualifies as a controlled company
Is a limited partnership
Is in bankruptcy
Is a smaller reporting company
Part III.
INSTRUCTIONS: Companies listed on the Exchange must comply with the corporate governance requirements set
forth in Part 8 of the NYSE American Company Guide (the “Company Guide”). In response to each item below,
please check the box beside the single affirmation that is most applicable to the Company. Please note that,
depending on the affirmation made, an item may require the Company to provide additional information or a link to
the applicable document referenced therein. Please also note that specific types of entities may avail themselves of
exemptions to, or transition periods for, compliance with certain of the requirements. If the Company is availing itself
of any of these exemptions or transition periods, it should select the corresponding affirmation for the applicable item.
1. Director Independence: Sections 802(a) and 803A of the Company Guide
I hereby certify that the Company’s board of directors is comprised of a majority of independent directors as
required by Section 802(a) and defined in Section 803A of the Company Guide.
For smaller reporting companies only: I hereby certify that the Company qualifies as a smaller reporting
company under Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act and its board of directors is comprised of at least 50%
independent directors as required by Section 802(a) and defined in Section 803A of the Company Guide.
For companies relying on the transition period provided for in Section 809 of the Company Guide: I
hereby certify that the Company is entitled to rely, and is relying, on the one year transition period provided for
in Section 809 of the Company Guide. I further hereby certify that the Company’s board of directors will be
comprised of a majority of independent directors as required by Section 802(a) and defined in Section 803A of
the Company Guide (or 50% independent in the case of a smaller reporting company as required by Section
801(h) of the Company Guide) by the end of the one year transition period.
For limited partnerships, controlled companies, and companies that are in bankruptcy only: I hereby
certify that the Company is exempt from this requirement.
The Company is unable to make one of the affirmations set forth in this Item 1 and is therefore non-compliant
for the following reason:
2. Board of Directors Meetings / Executive Sessions: Section 802(c) of the Company Guide
I hereby certify that the Company’s Board of Directors meets (or will meet, in the case of an Initial Affirmation)
on at least a quarterly basis. I further hereby certify that the independent directors have, or will have (in the
case of an Initial Affirmation), regularly scheduled meetings as often as necessary to fulfill their responsibilities,
including at least annually in executive session without the presence of non-independent directors and
management as required by Section 802(c) of the Company Guide.
The Company is unable to make one of the affirmations set forth in this Item 2 and is therefore non-compliant
for the following reason:
3. Nominating Committee: Section 804 of the Company Guide
I hereby certify that board of director nominations are selected, or recommended for the board's selection, by
either a nominating committee comprised solely of independent directors or by a majority of the independent
directors in conformity with Section 804(a) of the Company Guide and that the Company has adopted a formal
written charter or board resolution, as applicable, addressing the nominations process and such related
matters as may be required under the federal securities laws.
For companies relying on the transition period provided for in Section 809 of the Company Guide: I
hereby certify that the Company is entitled to rely, and is relying, on the transition period provided for in Section
809 of the Company Guide and that the Company will be in full compliance at the end of the transition period. I
further hereby certify that the Company’s nominating committee (or board of directors) has a written charter or
board resolution that meets the requirements of Section 804 of the Company Guide.
For companies relying on the exception provided for in Section 804(b) of the Company Guide: I hereby
certify that board of director nominations are selected, or recommended for the board’s selection, by either a
nominating committee comprised solely of independent directors or by a majority of the independent directors
in conformity with Section 804(a) of the Company Guide and that the Company has adopted a formal written
charter or board resolution, as applicable, addressing the nominations process and such related matters as
may be required under the federal securities laws. I further hereby certify that the Company is entitled to rely,
and is relying, on the exception provided for in Section 804(b) of the Company Guide and the board has made,
or will make, the requisite disclosures of its reliance on the exception provided for in Section 804(b) of the
Company Guide.
For limited partnerships, controlled companies, and companies that are in bankruptcy only: I hereby
certify that the Company is exempt from this requirement.
The Company is unable to make one of the affirmations set forth in this Item 3 and is therefore non-compliant
for the following reason:
4. Compensation Committee: Section 805 of the Company Guide
I hereby certify that the compensation of the Company’s officers is determined, or recommended to the board
for determination, either by a compensation committee comprised of independent directors or by a majority of
the independent directors on its board of directors in conformity with Section 805(a) of the Company Guide. I
further hereby certify that the board has affirmatively determined that all of the members of the compensation
committee or, in the case of a company that does not have a compensation committee, all of the independent
directors, are independent under Section 805(c)(1) of the Company Guide.
For smaller reporting companies only: I hereby certify that the compensation of the Company’s officers is
determined, or recommended to the board for determination, either by a compensation committee comprised of
independent directors or by a majority of the independent directors on its board of directors in conformity with
Section 805(a) of the Company Guide. I further hereby certify that the Company qualifies as a smaller
reporting company under Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act and is therefore exempt from compliance with the
independence requirements set forth in Sections 805(c)(1) and 805(c)(4) of the Company Guide.
For smaller reporting companies relying on the exception provided for in Section 805(b) of the
Company Guide: I hereby certify that the compensation of the Company’s officers is determined, or
recommended to the board for determination, either by a compensation committee comprised of independent
directors or by a majority of the independent directors on its board of directors in conformity with Section 805(a)
of the Company Guide, subject to the exception provided for in Section 805(b) of the Company Guide. I further
hereby certify that the Company is entitled to rely, and is relying, on the exception provided for in Section
805(b) of the Company Guide and that the board has made, or will make, the requisite disclosures of its
reliance on the exception provided for in Section 805(b) of the Company Guide.
For companies relying on the transition period provided for in Section 809 of the Company Guide: I
hereby certify that the Company is entitled to rely, and is relying, on the transition period provided for in Section
809 of the Company Guide and that the Company will be in full compliance at the end of the transition period.
For limited partnerships, controlled companies, and companies that are in bankruptcy only: I hereby
certify that the Company is exempt from this requirement.
The Company is unable to make one of the affirmations set forth in this Item 4 and is therefore non-compliant
for the following reason:
5. Audit Committee: Section 803B of the Company Guide
I hereby certify that (i) the Company has an audit committee of at least three members, each of whom satisfies
the independence standards specified in Section 803A and Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act (or is exempt
therefrom) in conformity with Section 803B of the Company Guide and (ii) such audit committee has a written
charter that meets the requirements of Section 803B(1) of the Company Guide. I further hereby certify that (i)
each member of the audit committee is able to read and understand fundamental financial statements, (ii) at
least one member of the audit committee is “financially sophisticated” as described in Section 803B(2)(iii) of the
Company Guide, (iii) no audit committee member has participated in the preparation of the financial statements
of the Company or any current subsidiary thereof within the past three years, and (iv) the audit committee
meets on at least a quarterly basis.
For smaller reporting companies only: I hereby certify that (i) the Company has an audit committee of at
least two members, each of whom satisfies the independence standards specified in Section 803A and Rule
10A-3 of the Exchange Act (or is exempt therefrom) in conformity with Section 803B of the Company Guide
and (ii) such audit committee has a written charter that meets the requirements of Section 803B(1) of the
Company Guide. I further hereby certify that (i) each member of the audit committee is able to read and
understand fundamental financial statements, (ii) at least one member of the audit committee is “financially
sophisticated” as described in Section 803B(2)(iii) of the Company Guide, (iii) no audit committee member has
participated in the preparation of the financial statements of the Company or any current subsidiary thereof
within the past three years, and (iv) the audit committee meets on at least a quarterly basis.
For companies that are relying on the exception provided for in Section 803B(2)(b) of the Company
Guide (not available to those that are smaller reporting companies): I hereby certify that the Company
has an audit committee of at least three members, each of whom satisfies the independence standards
specified in Section 803A and Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act (or is exempt from) in conformity with Section
803B of the Company Guide, subject to the exception provided for in Section 803B(2)(b) of the Company
Guide The Company’s audit committee has a written charter that meets the requirements of Section 803B(1)
of the Company Guide. The board has made, or will make, the requisite disclosures of its reliance on the
exception provided for in Section 803B(2)(b). I further hereby certify that (i) each member of the audit
committee is able to read and understand fundamental financial statements, (ii) at least one member of the
audit committee is “financially sophisticated” as described in Section 803B(2)(iii) of the Company Guide, (iii) no
audit committee member has participated in the preparation of the financial statements of the Company or any
current subsidiary thereof within the past three years, and (iv) the audit committee meets on at least a quarterly
For companies relying on the transition period provided for in Section 809 of the Company Guide: I
hereby certify that the Company is entitled to rely, and is relying, on the transition period provided for in Section
809 of the Company Guide and that the Company will be in full compliance by the end of the transition period.
I further hereby certify that the audit committee has a written charter that meets the requirements of Section
803B(1) of the Company Guide. I further hereby certify that (i) each member of the audit committee is able to
read and understand fundamental financial statements, (ii) at least one member of the audit committee is
“financially sophisticated” as described in Section 803B(2)(iii) of the Company Guide, (iii) no audit committee
member has participated in the preparation of the financial statements of the Company or any current
subsidiary thereof within the past three years, and (iv) the audit committee meets on at least a quarterly basis.
The Company is unable to make one of the affirmations set forth in this Item 5 and is therefore non-compliant
for the following reason:
6. For those companies relying on an individual or company exemption from the independence requirements of
Rule 10A-3(b)(1) in Item 5, above, please identify and briefly describe the basis for such exemption below. If
not relying on any such exemption, please indicate “N/A” below.
7. Code of Conduct and Ethics: Section 807 of the Company Guide
I hereby certify that the Company has adopted a code of conduct and ethics that complies with Section 807 of
the Company Guide.
The Company is unable to make one of the affirmations set forth in this Item 7 and is therefore non-compliant
for the following reason:
8. Other Non-Compliance: Part 8 of the Company Guide
Apart from any non-compliance specific to the preceding sections, the Company is non-compliant with Part 8 of
the Company Guide for the following reason:
I am an authorized officer at the Company and have the legal authority to provide the information and make the
affirmations contained herein. I hereby certify that all information contained herein is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge as of the date hereof.
Date submitted:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Signature: /s/
Note: The Company’s Chief Executive Officer is required to separately complete and submit the Annual CEO
Certification which is not applicable at time of initial listing.