Pre-Submittal discussions will also include these general topics & design elements.
1. Entrance Location & Type:
a. Site Plan Submittal Requirements for Major plans (Section 3.4.2)
b. Site Entrance (Preliminary Entrance Plan – Section 3.4.3)
c. Traffic Information, Adjacent Entrances, Existing Roadway Features, Cross Access Easements and Interconnections.
d. Corridor Capacity Preservation Program *Tom Felice needs to be included
2. ADT: Areawide Study Fee/Letter or TIS/TOA
3. Design Elements:
a. ROW (Section, Easements (Sections 3.2, 3.2.5, 5.4,, Fig. 3.2.1-a. & 3.2.5-a), Stormwater setbacks (20ft)
(Section 5.8), Sight Distance (use Intersection Sight Distance Worksheet (Section 5.4), Culverts (Section
b. Auxiliary Lane and Bike Lanes
c. Frontage Improvements, lane and shoulder widths, paving limits and detour plans
d. TIS/TOA/offsite requirements, if applicable
e. Level of Investment Area - Sidewalk or SUP along frontage
f. Coordination requirements with Capital projects
g. Transit Facilities requirements and locations, if required
4. Phasing of Site Development and TIS Improvements
5. Agreements: Inspection (Chapter 6), Signal (Chapter 2) & Letter Agreements (Chapter 2)
6. Signal Design (Section 5.13)
7. Noise Analysis (Section 3.6)
Refer to the DelDOT Development Coordination
Manual for additional guidance.
Please Note: While DelDOT personnel intend to provide the best available direction at pre-submittal
project coordination meetings, all final decisions are contingent on the design details and pertinent
facts as provided in a formal submission.
ost Meeting Use
and Action Items:
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Revised 6/8/20