Gospel Discipleship Type Assessment
With each of the questions below, choose the ONE answer that you think BEST answers the question
FOR YOU. You will most likely agree that more than one, perhaps even all, of the options is true, but
choose the one that you think is the best response in your own personal opinion. The only wrong choice
is a choice that does not reflect what you think.
1. W
hich of these words best describes discipleship to you?
a. Empowered
b. Serving
c. Companionship
d. Mentoring
2. Which feels most like discipleship to you?
a. Initiating a new ministry for Jesus that uses my specific gifts and graces
b. Serving those who are hungry or thirsty
c. Sitting with someone who is going through a hard time
d. Learning about the Bible from a great teacher
3. What could best help you understand your faith and how to live it?
a. A spiritual gifts test and a conversation with someone who can help me discern the
b. A Methodism 101 class on the vows of membership
c. A small group discussion
d. Meeting with a trusted leader or pastor to talk about purpose
4. What is the best witness to your personal faith?
a. Living an authentic, faithful life
b. Doing mission work so people see Jesus in my actions
c. Spending time paying attention to other people and loving them
d. Leading through Christ’s example
5. Who would you most want to trade places with in the Bible?
a. One of the disciples when the Holy Spirit shows up on Pentecost (Acts 2)
b. The Good Samaritan who rescues the traveler beat up on the side of the road (Luke 10)
c. One of the people walking on the road to Emmaus with Jesus (Luke 24)
d. The woman at the well who gets to talk one-on-one with Jesus (John 4)
6. What works best to help you grow in your faith?
a. Having the freedom to figure out my own path
b. A defined list of things to work on
c. Collaborating with friends on how to grow
d. Receiving direction from a trusted mentor
7. What is the biggest strength of your particular church?
a. We make space for all kinds of people
b. We have incredible programs and outreach
c. We have wonderful fellowship with each other
d. We offer solid and useful teaching on the Bible
8. What would you like people to say about your particular church?
a. People figure out their life’s purpose here
b. People here are the hands and feet of Christ
c. We do life together well
d. Each person matters to us
9. What would be your favorite vacation?
a. A vacation where I learn and practice a new skill at the same time as I experience a
beautiful place.
b. An active vacation, like hiking the Grand Canyon
c. A cruise where I see new places and meet new people
d. A quiet retreat by myself or with the people I love most
10. Which word bests describes the leaders in your church?
a. Counselors
b. Organizers
c. Companions
d. Mentors
11. Which phrase best describes your pastor?
a. Encourages and empowers the people
b. Casts a compelling vision that gets us moving
c. Walks alongside us through life
d. Excellent teacher and preacher
12. What is the best way to make a disciple?
a. Cultivate that person’s gifts so s/he lives fully into the person God calls her/him to be.
b. Engage in mission and worship together
c. Build a meaningful relationship that encourages growth through sharing faith with each
d. Teach the biblical principles of discipleship, like studying the parables or Sermon on the
13. Which book title appeals most to you?
a. The Purpose-Driven Life
b. Go! How to Become a Great Commission Church
c. Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, and Serving God
d. Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey
14. What do you think the purpose of the church is in the 21
a. Helping people recognize and cultivate the gifts God has given them.
b. Making a difference in our community in the name of Jesus
c. Providing space for people to develop authentic, loving relationships with Christ and
each other
d. Teaching people how to live like Jesus
15. Which phrase best describes who faithful people of God are?
a. People who know who they are and whose they are
b. People who are transforming the world for Christ
c. People who love God and love neighbor
d. People who follow Jesus
16. When the church is off track, ____________.
a. People quit contributing - no one wants to share their gifts with a broken community.
b. No one’s life is being changed for the better.
c. People quit caring about each other.
The leadership tends to be in trouble or get in trouble.
17. To
grow in my own discipleship, I need ____________.
The chance to start a new ministry that God has laid on my heart.
b. To do something engage in Bible study, help lead in worship, or go on a mission trip
that will move me out of my comfort zone.
c. To open my home and my heart to a new small group of people.
d. To spend some time learning from the wise people of faith in our congregation.
18. The church should _____________________.
a. Pay attention to how the Holy Spirit is moving in its midst.
b. Teach people how to go into the world and make a difference in people’s lives
c. Build a supportive and loving community.
d. Be an example for the rest of the world.
19. The church is missing the point when __________________.
a. It isn’t allowing people to use their gifts to serve God.
b. It isn’t making a difference in the community.
c. It isn’t getting to know its neighbors.
d. Its leadership is failing to lead.
20. I have been most frustrated with church when _______________.
a. I haven’t found my place there.
b. We aren’t doing anything.
c. People are fighting and gossiping.
d. The pastor isn’t helping me grow.
21. The kind of pastor who would be best for us ______________.
a. Nurtures our gifts and empowers us to serve.
b. Is a go-getter who inspires us to work for Jesus.
c. Loves us deeply and is present in our lives.
d. Is a great teacher and preacher of the word.
22. The best way to share Jesus with others is to _______________.
a. Help them understand that they are special to God and God has a purpose for their
b. Show them Jesus by talking the talk and walking the walk.
c. Love them and help them see God in their own lives.
d. Teach them about Jesus in a personal way.
Thank you for completing the Gospel Discipleship Assessment. To help us help you grow in your
discipleship, please share your name and church name with us. Thank you!
Your Name ___________________________________________________________________
Your Church Name ____________________________________________________________
For use only in churches or with individuals engaged in the Gospel Discipleship process with
Michelle J. Morris. For further distribution, contact Michelle at michelle.morris@arumc.org.
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