TP_015_F Fire Alarm System Deficiency Form
Fire Alarm System Deficiency Report
When deficiencies are not corrected within 45 days of the certification inspection or testing, the
Contractor must submit this deficiency report to the Department of Licenses and Inspections.
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Agent Information
Provide the contact information for
the building owner/owner’s agent.
Provide the address of the
property where the deficiency is
Provide the names of the
Contractor and fire alarm inspector.
Contractor Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Fire Alarm Inspector Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Inspection: _____________________________
(A) Provide information on any
minor deficiencies.
ote: The sections noted are
referenced from the Fire
Alarm System Certification
Form (TP_009_F).
(B) P
rovide information on any
major deficiencies.
(A) Minor Deficiencies Identified:
Section 4:
Any modifications to system since last inspection (explain): ________________________________________________________________
Section 5:
Fire control is not accessible
Remote annunciator did not test satisfactory
Battery charging circuit is not operating and/or at proper voltage
Control panel supervision did not test satisfactory
Ground fault monitoring did not test satisfactorily
Test of control lamps, LED’s interface equipment, audible/visible
trouble & alarm signals not satisfactory
Section 6:
Signs missing and/or manual fire alarm boxes did not test
Water flow switch tests not satisfactory
Smoke detector inspection/tests, thermal elements, control
output not acceptable
Valve, tampers, low temperatures and/or low air pressure not
Non-restorable and restorable heat detectors not satisfactory
Fire pump running, trouble and/or alternate power tests not
Alarm verification not satisfactory
Range hood / other suppressions system not interconnected and/or
not satisfactory
Smoke detectors not tested according to NFPA 72
Air handler duct smokes not interconnected properly
Duct smoke detector tests not satisfactory
Section 7:
Visible alarms not satisfactory
Elevator interface and/or detection not satisfactory
Sound levels not satisfactory
Door hold open devices not satisfactory
Air handlers over 2000 cfm shutdown unacceptable
Electronically locked egress doors not satisfactory
Section 8:
☐ Primary power source not satisfactory
☐ NAC power supplies not satisfactory
☐ Secondary power source not satisfactory
☐ Additional controls, etc. not satisfactory
Section 9:
Fire fighter phone systems not satisfactory
Monitoring not UL approved
Daily test & two telephone lines/monitoring not satisfactory
Monitoring test not satisfactory
(B) Major Deficiencies Identified: ☐None ☐Checked Below ☐Other
More than 10% of initiating device failed or missing
More than 10% of notification devices failed or missing
F.A.C.P. in trouble with system impairment
Firefighter phones inoperative or missing
☐ System monitoring out-of-service
☐ Elevator recall inoperative
Other (describe): _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Upload completed forms through the “Submit an
Annual Certification Report” option in eCLIPSE.
The Deficiency Form must be presented by the Contractor to the building owner/agent upon completion. By signing below, I certify that the above Fire Alarm System,
tested in accordance with NFPA 72 and the Philadelphia Fire Code, failed the annual inspection. Systems out of service must be reported immediately to the Philadelphia
Fire Department at 215-922-6000.
Signature of Inspector: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
ignature of Building Owner/Owner’s Agent: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________