Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
Fill in court name and street address:
Superior Court of California, County of
Fill in case number and name:
Case Number:
Case Name:
Request to Waive Court Fees
If you are getting public benefits, are a low-income person, or do not have
enough income to pay for your household’s basic needs and your court fees, you
may use this form to ask the court to waive your court fees. The court may order
you to answer questions about your finances. If the court waives the fees, you
may still have to pay later if:
• You cannot give the court proof of your eligibility,
• Your financial situation improves during this case, or
• You settle your civil case for $10,000 or more. The trial court that waives
your fees will have a lien on any such settlement in the amount of the
waived fees and costs. The court may also charge you any collection costs.
Your Information (person asking the court to waive the fees):
Street or mailing address:
State: Zip:City:
Your Job, if you have one (job title):
Name of employer:
Employer’s address:
Your Lawyer
, if you have one (name, firm or affiliation, address, phone number, and State Bar number):
No Yes
(If yes, your lawyer must sign here) Lawyer’s signature:
The lawyer has agreed to advance all or a portion of your fees or costs (check one):
Why are you asking the court to waive your court fees?
If your lawyer is not providing legal-aid type services based on your low income, you may have to go to a
hearing to explain why you are asking the court to waive the fees.
What courts fees or costs are you asking to be waived?
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information I have provided
on this form and all attachments is true and correct.
Superior Court (See Information Sheet on Waiver of Superior Court Fees and Costs (form FW-001-INFO).)
Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, or Appellate Division of Superior Court (See Information Sheet on Waiver
of Appellate Court Fees (form APP-015/FW-015-INFO).)
My gross monthly household income (before deductions for taxes) is less than the amount listed below. (If
you check 5b, you must fill out 7, 8, and 9 on page 2 of this form.)
Check here if you asked the court to waive your court fees for this case in the last six months.
(If your previous request is reasonably available, please attach it to this form and check here:)
I receive (check all that apply; see form FW-001-INFO for definitions):
Food Stamps
Supp. Sec. Inc.
County Relief/Gen. Assist. IHSS CalWORKS or Tribal TANF CAPI
I do not have enough income to pay for my household’s basic needs and the court fees. I ask the court to:
(check one and you must fill out page 2):
let me make payments over time
waive all court fees and costs
Family Size Family Income Family Size Family Income Family Size Family Income
1 $1,264.59 3 $2,164.59 5 $3,064.59
2 $1,714.59 4 $2,614.59 6 $3,514.59
If more than 6 people
at home, add $450.00
for each extra person.
Judicial Council of California,
Revised March 2, 2018, Mandatory Form
Government Code, § 68633
Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.51, 8.26, and 8.818
Request to Waive Court Fees
FW-001, Page 1 of 2
Sign here
Print your name here
waive some of the court fees
Case Number:
Your name:
Check here if your income changes a lot from month to month.
If you checked 5a on page 1, do not fill out below. If you checked 5b, fill out questions 7, 8, and 9 only.
If you checked 5c, you must fill out this entire page. If you need more space, attach form MC-025 or attach a
sheet of paper and write Financial Information and your name and case number at the top.
Your Money and Property
All financial accounts (List bank name and amount):
Your Gross Monthly Income
List any payroll deductions and the monthly amount below:
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
To list any other facts you want the court to know, such as
unusual medical expenses, etc., attach form MC-025 or
attach a sheet of paper and write Financial Information and
your name and case number at the top.
Check here if you attach another page.
Wages/earnings withheld by court order
Any other monthly expenses (list each below).
Paid to: How Much?
Important! If your financial situation or ability to pay
court fees improves, you must notify the court within five
days on form FW-010.
Total monthly expenses (add 11a –11n above):
If it does, complete the form based on your average income for
the past 12 months.
Fair Market
How Much You
Still Owe
Cars, boats, and other vehiclesc.
Fair Market
How Much You
Still Owe
Make / Year
List the source and amount of any income you get each month,
including: wages or other income from work before deductions,
spousal/child support, retirement, social security, disability,
unemployment, military basic allowance for quarters (BAQ),
veterans payments, dividends, interest, trust income, annuities,
net business or rental income, reimbursement for job-related
expenses, gambling or lottery winnings, etc.
Real estated.
Fair Market
How Much You
Still OweAddress
b. Total monthly income of persons above:
i. School, child care
e. Other personal property (jewelry, furniture, furs,
stocks, bonds, etc.):
Your total monthly income:b.
Household Income
Your Monthly Deductions and Expenses
List the income of all other persons living in your home who
depend in whole or in part on you for support, or on whom you
depend in whole or in part for support.
Gross Monthly
b. Rent or house payment & maintenance
e. Clothing
f. Laundry and cleaning
Child, spousal support (another marriage)j.
Total monthly income and
household income (8b plus 9b):
Transportation, gas, auto repair and insurance k.
Installment payments (list each below):
Paid to:
Food and household supplies
Utilities and telephone
Medical and dental expenses
Insurance (life, health, accident, etc.)
Revised March 2, 2018
Request to Waive Court Fees
FW-001, Page 2 of 2
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