Appendix i: Information Section
Section B: Personal Information (Pages 2-3)
al Security Numb
er (SSN)
Required to receive Finanical Aid) If you do not have a Social Security
or Taxpayer ID
at the time you file th
is application, you may leave
the field
however, you should obtain a Social Security number, unless you are prohibited by law from doing so, and submit it to the college
by the
time you begin enrollment. Failure to
provide your correct
Social Security number may result in penalties levied against you
by the
Gender, Transgender & Sexual Orientation - (Optional) Per state law (AB620) colleges are required to request voluntary demographic information regarding the sexual orientation, gender
identity, and gender expression of students. (California Education Code section 66027)."Transgender" is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not
matching one's assigned sex (identification
by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex). "Sexual orientation" describes an enduring pattern of attraction-emotional, romantic,
sexual, or some combination of these-to persons of the opposite sex, the same sex, or to both sexes, as well as the genders that accompany them. "Gender Identity" means one's private sense of
being male or female. "Gender Expression" means a person's gender-related appearance and behavior, whether or not stereotypically associated with the person's assigned sex at birth.
Race/Ethnicity - (Optional) Per U.S. Department of Education guidelines, colleges are required to collect racial and ethnic data but are prohibited from discriminating against applicants on the basis
of race, color, or national origin in all programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Ethnicity is sensitive information, protected by federal law and the Office of Civil Rights. It is used
primarily by agencies affiliated with state reporting and evaluation of educational programs.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) - If you have qualified for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and
subsequently been issued a Social Security Number, please enter the number on page 2.
Section C: Citizenship / DACA (Page 4)
Current and former U.S. military members, and their dependents (parent/guardian, spouse, or child), stationed in California, that declare California as their State of Legal Residence and/or Home of
Record, are eligible for California residency and other benefits. Your "State of legal residence" (also called "domicile") is the place you consider as your true, fixed, and permanent home. It is the state
to which you officially intend to return after your military service. "Home of record" is almost always the state where you first joined the military. "Home of record" and "State of legal residence" are
usually the same, because most people joining the military do so in the state that is their legal residence. However, "Home of record" and "State of legal residence" need not be the same.
California Community Colleges are prohibited from using personal demographic information for discriminatory purposes as part of the admission process to their college. Many of the questions
in the Personal Information section are mandated by federal and state laws; furthermore, colleges are subject to policies and regulations regarding how they can collect, store, and use the data.
Dependency Status Determination (Minors) - For the purposes of determining residency, unlike in general law, a minor is defined as someone under 19 years of age. If you are a minor you
must answer this question (Section B, page 2, question #8) to determine if you are subject to care and control of a guardian. If you answer "Yes" to this question, you must provide information about
your Parent/Guardian in Section E: California Residency (on page 5) and where indicated throughout this application.
Parent: For the purposes of this college application, your parent is a natural or adoptive mother or father with whom you live and/or who provides your support, care, and
control. If you have two parents, you can enter the name of either one.
Guardian: For the purposes of this college application, your guardian is a person other than a parent who has been legally appointed to provide your support, care, and
control. If you have two guardians, you can enter the name of either one.
Section D: U.S Military Members & Dependents (Page 4)
Section E: California Residency (Page 5)
For the purposes of determining tuition, all students are classified for California residency at the time of application for admission. When determining the length of time lived continuously in
California, disregard absences from California for education, business, or vacation that did not affect your intent to maintain residency in California and did not involve activities as a resident of
another state.
Court-Ordered Foster Care - Current and former foster youth are eligible for residency consideration, as well as priority registration at all California Community Colleges (AB 12). You have been
in foster care if you were removed from your biological family through an order by a court, which can include placement with foster parents, in a group home, or with relatives/extended family
members. If you were living with relatives you must have been placed through the foster care system by an order of the court. Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in out-of-home care
under the supervision of the Juvenile Probation Department. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in foster care. Having a legal guardian does not
necessarily mean that you have been in foster care. If you need assistance with determining whether you were in foster care, or when you exited from foster care, you can contact the California Foster
Care Ombudsman's office at (877) 846-1602 or
Homeless Youth - State regulation (AB 801) allows for homeless youth to receive special residency consideration and eligibility for priority registration. If you are under age 25 and, at any time
within the last 24 months, have been determined to be homeless by a high school or school district counselor, emergency shelter or transitional housing program, or director of a runaway or homeless
youth basic center or transitional living program, you must submit verification of homeless status to the Admissions Office at the college to which you are applying.
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Section F: High School Education (Page 6)
Information about your last high school, secondary school, or registered homeschool, is required for the purpose of determining residency and tuition fees. If you plan to enroll in high school and
college at the same time, you may be required to submit permission from your high school Principal granting approval for concurrent enrollment. Please contact the college Admissions Office for more
information. Providing information in Section G: High School Transcript Information (page 7) is optional.
When submitting an application for admission to a California Community College, the college must obtain acknowledgment from the applicant that the applicant understands the
financial aid opportunities that exist for CCC students. This acknowledgement will be obtained using a checkbox field on the Submission page (page 9).
AB 540 and California Dream Act - Under California law AB 540, students who attended high school in California for three or more years and who graduated from a California high school
(or attained the equivalent) are exempt from paying nonresident supplemental tuition until they take steps to make California their permanent residence. See Admissions Office for more information.
Section J: Financial Aid Acknowledgement (Page 9)
Section K: Consent to Release (Page 9)
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California Community Colleges and the CCC Chancellor's Office must obtain the consent of the applicant before using any data from an application for admission for other purposes such
as research and planning. In the CCCApply online application, consent is confirmed through electronic signature technology.
Discharge Type & Date - Members who served in the U.S. military, and their dependents, who were Not dishonorably discharged within three years of the day before the first day of instruction for
the term in which you are applying are eligible for residency consideration and should contact the Admissions Office for information on the required documentation of discharge.