1. Maidstone Borough Council takes our
responsibilities under the Data Protection
Legislation very seriously. We will not disclose
information to any unauthorised person.
Information may be shared with other services
within the Council or disclosed to other Local
and Public Authorities or Government agencies
that have a legitimate reason to request the
disclosure. The Council is under a duty to protect
the public funds we administer and so we may
use the information you have provided to prevent
or detect crime and / or fraud. If you want to
know more about our Data Protection Policy and
GDPR please visit:
2. If the proposed work includes erecting a new
building or extension you must include a block
plan to a scale of at least 1:1250 showing the
size and position of the building, the boundaries
and the drainage.
3. Where work is to commercial premises
a Full Plans application must be submitted.
4. If you are building near, or over a public sewer,
you may need permission from Southern Water.
5. Where the proposed work involves insulating
the cavity walls of a building, you must tell us:
a) The name and type of insulation to be used.
b) If the insulating material is approved by
the British Board of Agrement or conforms
to a British Standard.
c) If the installer is a person who is subject
of a British Standards Institute Certificate
of Registration or has been approved by the
British Board of Agrement, for the insertion
of that material.
6. Where the proposed work includes an unvented
hot water system, you must tell us:
a) The name, make, model and type of hot
water storage system to be used.
b) The name of the body which has approved
or certified that the systems performance
meets the requirements of Part G,
Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations
2002 as amended.
c) The name of the body which has issued
any current registered operative identity
card to the installer or proposed installer
of the system.
7. Please keep descriptions brief, for example
“single storey rear extension”. If carrying out
alterations, please state what these are.
8. Building Notice charges must be paid at the time
of submission. If work does not start the notice
will be made invalid after 3 years from the date
of submission.
9. The Building Act, The Building Regulations and
supporting documents such as the Approved
Documents can be downloaded from the
Planning Portal: www.planningportal.co.uk
10. Building Regulation and Planning are two
dierent permissions. Permission under the
Building Regulations does not mean that the
work has planning permission. Not all work
requires both Building Regulation and Planning
permission. Further information on permission
required can be obtained from the Planning
11. The notes are for general guidance only.
For more complete information please consult
Regulation 13 of the Building Regulations
(as amended).
Local Authority Building Regulation charges are
non-profit making and are set to recover the cost
of the service being provided. There are two methods
used to establish the charge for building work:
Standard charges have been set for certain
dwellings, extensions and alterations may be
determined using the table over the page.
Individually Determined Charges will be provided
for work not listed on the standard charges table
or for applications involving more complex work.
Please email details to building@maidstone.gov.uk
or call 01622 602701 for a quotation.
You must pay the full fee when submitting this
building notice application. Your application will
not be made valid until you pay the full fee.