Tester must demonstrate nancial
ability to satisfy a judgment for damages for
personal injury or property damage of at least ve
million dollars per occurrence. This requirement
may be met by submitting to the Commission
proof of liability insurance, self-insurance or a
surety bond of at least ve million dollars for
damages by reason of personal injury, death or
property damage caused by a fully autonomous
Voluntary Safety Self-Assessment
Data Collection:
Description of what data
will be collected, how it will be used, how privacy
will be protected, and how security will be
maintained, including customer feedback in the
conduct of the Pilot Project and crash data.
Descripon aached. ATTACHMENT / 7
Partnership with Municipalities, Other
Government Entities, or Other Public
Municipalities, other government
entities, or other public institutions may wish to
partner with a Tester to conduct a Pilot Project
within local jurisdictions or realms of authority.
In such cases, the Tester and partner entity(ies)
must enter into a multi-party Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) to conrm and memorialize
a commitment of support from appropriate local
elected ofcials or appropriate authorities from
other partner entities. A copy of the MOU shall be
included with the application.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
9. Submittal of the Application: The
application shall be submitted to the Chief Engineer
of MaineDOT at 16 State House Station, Augusta,
Maine 04333-0016 or submitted electronically
through the Maine Department of Transportation
Website. The Chief Engineer will send back a notice
of the date the application is considered complete
or request additional information as needed. Once
the application is complete, the Commission will
review the application.
a. A detailed account of the safety record,
including any crash history and subsequent xes,
of the ADS Equipped Vehicle intended to be
used in Pilot Project and associated ADS prior to
commencement of the Pilot Project in Maine
Descripon aached. ATTACHMENT / 5. a
b. A description of public safety precautions that
will be taken during the Pilot Project to ensure the
safety of the public.
Descripon aached. ATTACHMENT / 5. b
c. A description of any previous Pilot Projects or
live implementation of the Pilot Project vehicle and
associated ADS, noting any difculties identied or
encountered in any prior activities.
Descripon aached. ATTACHMENT / 5. c
d. A detailed description of a rst responder
interaction plan addressing how state, county or
municipal law enforcement ofcials and emergency
response personnel will be informed and educated
about the Pilot Project, including instructions about
how to proceed if unsafe or obstructive conditions
occur. A description on how rst responders can
disable the vehicle in an emergency must be included.
Descripon aached. ATTACHMENT / 5. d
e. In lieu of the requirement of sections 5(a)
through 5(d), above, a Tester may submit with the
application a copy of its Voluntary Safety Self-
Assessment as submitted to the National Highway
Trafc Safety Administration.
Voluntary Safety Self-Assessment
Safety and Risk Mitigation
In lieu of the requirement of secons 5(a) through
5(d), see 5(e)
Autonomous Vehicle Pilot Program
Application for Permit to Test an ADS-Equipped Vehicle
Chapter 800: Autonomous Vehicle Pilot Program Rules / Secon 3