Job Number: (for office use only)
Application for Zoning / Use Registration Permit
Use this application to obtain permits for compliance with the Philadelphia Zoning Code.
Property Address
Identify the location of work for the
If a specific location applies or the
project involves multiple parcels,
please note additional details or
address information in the space
Identify how you are associated
with the property.
Licensed professionals include design
professionals, attorneys, and
expediters. A tradesperson must have
an active Philadelphia license for their
trade or hold a PA Home
Improvement Contractor Registration
and provide their license number.
Property Owner
Identify the deeded property owner.
If the property owner is a ‘company’, a
separate supplemental ownership
information form will be required.
If there was a recent change of
ownership, documentation (such as a
deed, a settlement sheet, or an
agreement of sale) will be required. For
multiple parcels, attach a
supplementary sheet if there are
different owners.
Select the category that best
describes the proposed use of
the site. Separately identify any
existing uses to remain as well.
If ‘Other’ is selected, provide a
description of all uses in the space
provided and note the quantity of
principal uses.
See § 14-601 for use categories,
subcategories, and specific use types.
Application Scope
Use this section to indicate the
project scope. Check the box that
best describes your request.
* ‘Parking Only’ requests should not
include any additions or new
construction, but may include fencing,
retaining walls, and landscaping.
** Sign types may be accessory and /
or non-accessory. No other
development may be proposed.
*** A Zoning Permit is not required for
fencing that meets code requirements.
See § 14-706 and A-301.2.1.
**** This option does not include partial
demolition. Use change in gross floor
area (section 6d on page 2) if scope is
partial demolition.
Specific Location or Additional Parcels
I am the: Property Owner Tenant Equitable Owner Licensed Professional or Tradesperson
Name Company
License #
The property owner is a/an: Individual Company (if selected, complete a separate Supplemental Ownership Information Form)
Check box if new owner is being listed
Single-Family Two-Family
Other; describe below and note quantity of uses: (#)
Proposed Use(s):
Existing Uses to Remain:
Scope of Request (select one):
Change of Use Only Change of Use to ‘Family Day Care’
Parking Only * Signs Only **
Fencing Only *** Full Demolition Only ****
New Construction, Addition, or Change in Gross Floor Area of a Building or Structure
Lot Line Relocation Only (Adjustment, Consolidation, or Subdivision)
Combined Lot Line Relocation & New Construction, Addition, or Change in Gross Floor Area
Conditional Zoning Approval