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TID 272﹝07/2019﹞
Payment Procedures 繳款程序
For application to be submitted in person
Please present the duly completed fee demand note a
the Shroff and Form Sales Counter a
Room 1309,
13/F of the Trade and Industry Tower and pay the application fee by means of (i) crossed cheque; (ii)
cash; or (iii) Easy Pay System (EPS). Payment by cheque should be made payable to “The Government
of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”.
請攜同填妥的繳款表格前往工業貿易大樓 13 樓 1309 室收款及表格出售處,以(i)
2. Please return Part A of the fee demand note with a franking by the Shroff and Form Sales Counter to the
Registration Unit for Hong Kong Registered Wine Exporters at the Textiles Trader Registration Office at
14/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong for processing of the
請將經收款及表格出售處機印的繳款表格甲部交回香港九龍城協調道 3 號工業
貿易大樓 14 樓紡織商登記辦事處香港「備案葡萄酒出口商」登記分組,以便處
For application to be submitted by pos
Please mail the duly completed application form and fee demand note, together with the required
supporting documents and a crossed cheque to the Registration Unit for Hong Kong Registered Wine
Exporters at the Textiles Trader Registration Office at 14/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde
Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong. The crossed cheque should be made payable to "The Government of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region".
政府」的劃線支票,一併郵寄到香港九龍城協調道 3 號工業貿易大樓 14 樓紡織
2. The Department will process the application upon receiving the documents stated in (ii) 1 above. The
payment receipt will be mailed to the applicant after vetting of the application.
本署會在收到(ii) 1 所述的文件後予以審理。有關的付款收據會於申請審批完成
For application to be submitted via the Department’s e-Form Submission Service
ay the application fee by e-Cheque o
y mailing the crossed cheque and duly completed fee
demand note to the Registration Unit for Hong Kong Registered Wine Exporters at the Textiles Trader
Registration Office at 14/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong.
The e-Cheque or crossed cheque should be made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region".
線支票及填妥的繳款表格送交香港九龍城協調道 3 號工業貿易大樓 14 樓紡織商
The Department will process the application upon receiving the documents stated in (iii) 1 above, the
duly completed application form and the required supporting documents submitted electronically via the
above service. The payment receipt will be mailed to the applicant after vetting of the application.
本署會在收到(iii) 1 所述的文件、及以上述電子服務遞交、並已填妥的申請表格