Office of the Registrar
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0009
. P
lease type directly into each field.
2. Provide all documentation and obtain all required signatures or your request will not be returned.
3. Submit a personal statement on how the change/ addition of major or minor will affect your graduation. You can attach your personal
statement or write it on the back of this form.
4. Submit this form to window "R"(Registrar) in the Student Services Center (SSC) after obtaining all signatures.
MPORTANT: Newly admitted students may not apply for a change of major until the first day of instruction.
The requirement term identifies the catalog year for your major requirements at San Jose State University.
ast name First Middle
Contact Information: Phone#
Current Major/Concentration:
Type of Degree Requested e.g. BS, BA, BFA, please specify:
Proposed Graduation Term/ Year: __________________
Have you applied for graduation? ____ Yes (or in progress) _____No. If no, new major advisor’s signature__________________________
Attach Required Documentation: Printed name: __________________________
1. Major/ Minor form(s) for current major/ minor and requested major/minor
. P
ersonal Statement
Copy of unofficial transcript printed from MySJSU
4. Fill in the following information
Earned Units (UE) from 2 year institution (If this number is 70 or above, please put 70)
Earned Units (UE) from 4 year institution (other than SJSU)
Earned Units (UE) from AP/IB scores, military credit, etc.
Earned Units (UE) at SJSU
For approval of your new or added Major/Minor, the following signature(s) is/ are required from your new Major/ Minor Department(s). This
request is valid for one month after the date of the first signature.
1. Check box(es) that apply to you:
New Major &
Major Advisor’s or Chairperson’s Printed Name/Signature/Date
Additional Major(Double
Major) & Requirement Term:
Major Advisor’s or Chairperson’s Printed Name/Signature/Date
New Minor &
Minor Advisor’s or Chairperson’s Printed Name/Signature/Date
Additional Minor(Double
Minor) & Requirement Term:
Minor Advisor’s or Chairperson’s Printed Name/Signature/Date
Department Chair/Director’s Printed Name/Signature/Date College Associate Dean’s Printed Name/Signature/Date or H&A students
should get the signature of Director, H&A Student Success Center
Addition/Change of Major or Minor
Students with 90 or more units
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit