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How long have you worked in the early childhood education field?
Less than 2 Years 6-10 Years
2-5 Years 10+ Years
Please check the box that best describes your educational history:
No high school diploma Associate Degree (Major:____________________________) Doctorate
High school diploma/GED Bachelor Degree (Major:_____________________________)
1-year certificate Master Degree (Major:_______________________________)
Please check the box that best describes your educational goal:
Earn an Early Childhood or School-Age Credential
Take a few early childhood courses to obtain or upgrade job-related skills
Earn an Early Childhood, Infant/Toddler or School-Age Certificate
Earn an Early Childhood Associate Degree
Earn an Early Childhood Associate Degree and transfer to a four-year college/university to earn Bachelor’s Degree
Earn an Early Childhood Bachelor’s Degree
2. Education Information
The following four requirements, as outlined in the CDA Competency Standards book, must be
completed prior to submitting this application:
1) Have you completed 120 hours of education in 8 subject areas in the last 5 years? Yes No
2) Do you have at least 480 hours of professional experience within the past 3 years? Yes No
3) Have you completed the professional portfolio within the past 6 months? Yes No
4) Have you gathered family questionnaires within the past 6 months? Yes No
I intend to apply for the following type of CDA Credential (please choose one):
Center based infant/toddler (children up to 36 months of age)
Center based preschool (children agesS 3 to 5 years)
Family Child Care
Are you currently enrolled at a community college? Yes No
Is there a community college you would like to attend? ___________________________ Campus: _______________
3. Employment Status
Program License Number: Program Name:_______________________________________________
Start date of employment at your current program: ______
What is your current job title?
(check only one)
Assistant Teacher
Family Child Care Professional
Non-Teaching Professional Staff
Non-Teaching Support Staff
What age groups do you teach?
(please check all that apply)
Infants (0-12 Months)
Toddler (13-36 Months)
Preschool (37 Months – Pre-K)
What is your current hourly wage?
How many hours per week ______ (0-60) and months per year _____ (0-12) do you work?
Average daily number of children in your classroom __