Project Narrative
Please submit a Project Narrative via email to referencing Seed Grant Proposal in the subject heading.
The Project Narrative must provide sufficient detail to allow for a thorough review. The narrative must conform to a
single-spaced format and page limitation of 3 to 6 pages, including figures and tables for sections 1 through 7 below.
Excluded from the page limitation are references cited, biographical sketches, facilities and resources statement, and a budget
and budget narrative.
(1) Purpose of the Study: Clearly articulate the purpose of the study with a well-conceived and organized research proposal, providing a
straightforward formulation of your research inquiry. Be sure to state your particular emphasis.
(2) Significance of the Investigation: Describe how the proposed activities address an important problem or barrier to progress in a field of
investigation. Prior to getting started, a literature review is essential in gaining balanced and sufficient knowledge of the field. Describe how your
research concept will impact the field of study, and advance knowledge.
(3) Specific Aims/Objectives: Specific aims are the major goals and objectives you propose to accomplish. Be sure all objectives relate directly
to the central purpose of your proposal. They should be well-conceived and organized.
(4) Approach/Methodology: Describe the general research methods that relate directly to the specific aims you have proposed. Describe your
hypothesis if applicable or central purpose and how your approach, methods and analyses will contribute to the successful conduct of this
(5) Investigators(s): State you/your collaborators' professional qualifications and capabilities and how these will contribute to the successful
conduct of the research activities. Explain the investigator's experience, ability and commitment to successfully prepare a comprehensive
extramural research proposal. See below requirement for the Biographical Sketch.
(6) Innovation: Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research by utilizing novel concepts, approaches,
methodologies, instrumentation or interventions. State how innovative procedures are feasible and within your sphere of competencies. Indicate
if the approach is novel to one field or if the proposed research has the potential to promote interdisciplinary and collaborative proposals.
(7) Environment: Explain if there is access to appropriate resources and how conducting the research at FDU (i.e., academic environment, subject
populations and/or collaboration with colleagues) will contribute to the probability of success. If external collaborations are proposed, state how
the collaborative environment/resources will contribute to the success of the proposed research.
Research Compliance
The investigator's conduct of research must adhere to research regulatory compliance as mandated by the University and government sponsors.
Please contact the FDU Compliance Coordinator (Kim Diccianni at 201-692-2219 or to schedule training and to ensure
compliance as per below.
Training: At a minimum, seed grant recipients, including research students, much complete compliance training in Responsible Conduct of
Research and undergo Human Subject Protections training as applicable.
Compliance with Human Subject Protections: Proposed research that includes human subject participation and/or requires a chart or data
review must include preliminary review prior to the time of application by the Compliance Coordinator to ensure that the proposed human subject
research activities are reasonable, and conform with federal regulations governing the protection of human subjects in research.