CalFresh Outreach
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
Income for the last month before taxes
(or average monthly income)
Include child support, alimony, unemployment, social security, retirement, disability, regular
assistance from family, etc. (exclude SSI)
Include rent, mortgage, property taxes, homeowners insurance, homeless shelter expenses
Include gas/electric, water, sewage, garbage, cell phone, land line phone
Additional information if applicable:
Monthly childcare payments: ______________
onthly child support payments (court ordered only):
Exemption Info (Check any that apply to you):
I work on average 20 hours per week
Have been approved for State or Federal Work Study
Approved for Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOP/EOPS)
Approved for College Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)
Approved for Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) Program
Enrolled in the Puente Project
Enrolled in the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program
Part of a Foster Youth Program (START)
Receive Cal Grant A
Other _________________________________
Demographic Data
(please check all that apply for anyone in the household, does not affect eligibility)
Senior (60+) Working Children (<18) Latino
Homeless Disabled
None of the above
Any additional information you want to include:
To Complete Later: Oasis Upload ROI Email WIC Referral BCW#: _______________
Income and Expenses: y
ou may be required to provide documentation to the County for further consideration