To be completed by employee:
Employee name
Job title
Human Resources
Family and Medical Leave Request
Social Security Number
Supervisor or Dept. Head
Clear form
Eligible employees are entitled under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for
certain family and medical reasons. Submit this request form to your supervisor or department head at least 30 days before the
leave is to commence, when possible. When submission of the request 30 days in advance is not possible, submit the request as
early as is possible. The employer reserves the right to deny or postpone leave for failure to give appropriate notice when such
denial/postponement would be permitted under federal or state law.
Yes Counting any periods of time you worked for the University System of Georgia, University System office (whether they were consecutive or
not), have you
worked for a total of 12 months or more? (If “yes,” continue to question 2. If “no,,” stop here.
Sign and submit this form to your supervisor or department head.)
During the past 12 months, have you worked at least 1,250 hours (approximately eight months of 40-hour weeks or one
year of 25-hour weeks)? (If “yes,” continue to question 3. If “no,” stop here. Sign and submit this form to your supervisor
or department head.)
Have you previously received medical or family leave?
If yes, provide information below:
Dates of leave _______________ to _______________
Purpose of leave
Yes Have you taken any intermittent medical leave?
Yes Have you taken time off from scheduled hours?
If “yes,” provide details
6 Yes Is your spouse employed by the University System of Georgia, University System Office?
If “yes,” spouse’s name:
Reasons for requesting leave
Leave must be granted for any of the following reasons:
• For a serious health condition that prevents you from performing the duties of your job;
• To care for your child, spouse, or parent who has a serious health condition; or
• To care for your child after birth, or for placement after adoption or foster care.
I request leave for the following reason:
Personal serious health condition
Serious health condition of:
Birth of a child
spouse child parent
Adoption or placement of a child for foster care
Scheduled date of adoption or placement
Dates of leave requested
I request leave from ____________________ to ____________________
I request intermittent leave according
to the following schedule:
I request a reduced schedule leave
according to the following schedule:
The total number of leave days I request is
Employee statement
USO Family & Medical Leave Request Form p.2
I agree to return to work on _________________________________. If circumstances change such that I will not be able to
return to work on that date, I agree to inform my supervisor by submitting a NOTICE TO MY SUPERVISOR. I understand my
benefits will continue during my leave and I must arrange to pay my share of applicable premiums.
Signature _____________________________________________ Date ______________________
Employee was hired on __________________ S/he started in this department on ______________________
Employee is
Full time
Part time
Current schedule commenced on _____________________ (If there was an earlier schedule, list below):
Employee has previously requested family or medical leave on _______________________
Leave taken from ______________ to ______________ Total time taken ____________
Name of supervisor or department head: _______________________________________
Date: ________________________ Telephone #: __________________________
All completed forms should be submitted to the HR Benefits Section and
will be maintained in the HR Benefits Section.
Prior leave requests confirmed:
Leave is
Denied for the following reason(s)
Request approved /denied by: __________________________________________ Date:_________________
Complete the FMLA Departmental Response to Employee form
Provide a copy of this form and the Approval/Denial form to the employee
Revised 04/2008