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The purpose of this document is to instruct Certified Entities, who wish to continue
proctorship with CDOT, on how to report Quality Assurance information. This is a required
document. This document is not intended for first time applicants. First time applicants
should download the application from the website listed on the cover page of this sheet.
The Entity is required to maintain all program records for five years, and submit such records
as requested by CDOT. The Entity will make available such records for audit, and maintain a
“student record” for each time an individual is trained. These records shall be open and available
for inspection, by CDOT, during the ‘entities’ regular business hours. Upon request, the Entity
will permit an inspection, by CDOT, of the facilities used for operations and training.
In Order for an entity to continue proctorship with CDOT, without interruption, the
attached document must be filled in completely. Failure to do so could result in suspension
of the entity’s certification.
Return a paper version of this document that contains original signatures, and photocopies
or email of the other documents listed in Part I. Do not include blank pages or information
pages. The information pages are for entity use. Contact the branch if you need other
submittal methods.
All documentation must be returned by the due date listed on the last page of the
application, once yearly, or as requested, until renewal is required. At such time, a new
application for Flagging Certification is required.
Check one of the boxes below to indicate what type of Entity you are. Please give a detailed brief
description of the entity
Private/Small Business Temporary Workforce
Governmental Entity Non-Profit Corrections
School Law Enforcement Other