21 Finance of America Commercial LLC is licensed or exempt from licensing in all U.S. states | | NMLS ID #1133465 | 6230 Fairview Rd, Suite 300,
Charlotte, NC 28210 | (800) 227
-8107 | AZ Mortgage Banker License BK #0926974 | Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license
| Finance of America Commercial LLC only makes mortgage loans for business purposes.
REV. 03.03.2021
Short-Term Loan Application
Fix & Flip | Bridge |
New Construction Property Loan
Desired Interest Calculation: (Fix & Flip or New Construction only)
Interest on the Full Note Amount (Interest is paid on the Initial advance + rehab funds held back)
Interest on Drawn balance (Interest is paid only on drawn funds. Applicable LLPA and minimum interest will apply.
May not be available to all customers)
Desired Loan Term:
12 month 18 month
Desired Interest Reserve:
No interest held in escrow
6 months interest held in escrow
12 months interest held in escrow
Yes No Does the property require any zoning changes to complete as proposed?
Yes No Is the property subject to Ground Lease (leasehold) or Mineral Oil Lease?
Yes No Are there any code violations?
Yes No Do you intend to subdivide the property or request partial releases?
Yes No Is the house already under contract to be sold upon completion?
Note: If the property is any of the following, the property is ineligible: Farm, ranch, vineyard, orchard, Dome or geothermal, Log
home, Cooperative, Bed & Breakfast, Boarding/Half-way House, Manufactured home, Condotel, or Care Facility.
General Contractor Information
Name: _______________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________
License Number: ______________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Note: If you’re not using a General Contractor, FACo may require your company to have the proper licensing and experience.
Include your pre
ferred Vendor information below. If left blank/no choice, FACo will proceed to order services through our
preferred Title, Escrow, and Insurance Vendors to avoid any processing delays.
Title, Escrow, & Insurance Information
Title Company : ___________________________________ Title Contact: ______________________________________
Title Phone: ______________________________________ Title Email: ________________________________________
Escrow Company: _________________________________ Escrow Contact: ____________________________________
Escrow Phone: ____________________________________ Escrow Email: ______________________________________
Insurance Company: _______________________________ Insurance Contact: __________________________________
Insurance Phone: __________________________________ Insurance Email: ____________________________________
If Applicable; Condo Association Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Condo Association Contact Info: __________________________________________________________________