Fisk: HR 04/04/2019
Fisk University
Progressive Discipline Form
The purpose of the progressive discipline form is to ensure all employees are working
collaboratively to undergird Fisk University’s mission. When there are personnel
obstacles to effectively and efficiently undergird the mission, conversations need to be
held to place the relevant employee on notice of the behavior to enable them the
opportunity to improve. However, if employee behavior does not improve there are
additional steps to the progressive discipline continuum.
Employee Name: _________________________ Job Title _______________________
Department: _____________________________ Supervisor: ____________________
Date of Incident: _________________________ Date: __________________________
____Verbal Warning
____Written Warning
____Final Written Warning
Reason for Warning
1. Violation of or failure to observe
a. University, work, or safety rules
b. Work Procedures
2. Failure to satisfactorily complete assigned duties.
3. Insubordination
4. Tardiness, absenteeism, or failure to report for work
5. Under the influence of and/or possession of drugs or alcohol
6. Dishonesty
7. Failure to interact collegially and effectively with co-workers, students, and
8. Accessing or disclosing confidential information without authorization.
9. Other (Please refer to Progressive Discipline Policy): ________________________
Details of actions that warranted the warning.
The following immediate and sustained corrective action must be taken by the
employee. Failure to do so will result in further disciplinary action up to and including