City of Coon Rapids
Fire Protection Permit Application
Job Site Address: Permit # ________ Date_____
Business Name:
Total Project Valuation: $ The Applicant Is: Owner Contractor
(Must include material and labor costs)
Property Owner
Name Email Address
Address Unit #
City State Zip Phone #
Name Email Address
Address License #
City State Zip Phone #
Specific Description of Work to be Completed
Permit becomes void if the work does not begin within 180 days or is suspended at any time for over 180 days. Permits issued and inspections made
by the City are a public service and do not constitute any representation, guarantee or warranty, either implied or expressed, to any person as to the
condition of the building or conformance to applicable construction codes. The undersigned acknowledges that this application has been read and
that the above is correct and agrees to comply with all the ordinances and laws of the City of Coon Rapids.
Periodic and/or a final inspection of this work is required by the Minnesota State Building
Code. It is the responsibility of the applicant to call the Coon Rapids Fire Department at
763-767-6549 to schedule an inspection.
Applicants Signature ________________________ Date___________________
For Office Use Only
Entered __________ Issued____________
Permit Type
01 Residential
02 Commercial
03 Other (Specify)
Type of Work
New Building
Existing Building
Addition Repair
Remodel Reinspection Fee
Print Form
Submit Form
11155 Robinson Drive
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Fire Protection Permit Fees
Building Information
Sprinkler Permit First 10 Heads $103.00
Each Additional 10 Heads $21.00 _______
Special Suppression System
Alarm Permit
Additional Panels
Alarm Devices $2.00 ea. _______
on Fee $100.00 _______
Second Reinspection $200.00 _______
Third Reinspection $300.00 _______
Subtotal ________
State Surcharge ____$1.00
Total Permit Cost _________
Total Square
Footage _________
Height _________
Length _________
Width _________
Occupancy G
roup _________
Type of Const
ruction _________
Hazardous Material Yes____ No_____
Flammable Li
quid Yes____ No_____
F101 Final Fire Protection
F102 Final Fire A
larm Panel
F103 Hydrostatic Test
F104 Dry System air Test
F105 Flow Test
F106 Fire Pump Test
F107 Annunciators/Signal Devices
F108 Consultation
F109 Correction
Required Inspections
System Information
Sprinklers NFPA 13 ______ Other ______
Number of Heads
Dry System
All _______ Partial_______
High Piled
Storage Yes______ No_________
Monitored S
ystem Yes______ No_________
*If yes, UL Central Station Certificate for the property is
required prior to occupancy. The certificate shall list all
devices connected to the system.