11155 Robinson Drive
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Fire Protection Permit Fees
Sprinkler Permit – First 10 Heads $103.00
Each Additional 10 Heads $21.00 _______
Special Suppression System
Alarm Permit
Additional Panels
Alarm Devices $2.00 ea. _______
on Fee $100.00 _______
Second Reinspection $200.00 _______
Third Reinspection $300.00 _______
Subtotal ________
State Surcharge ____$1.00
Total Permit Cost _________
Number of Stories _________
Total Square
Footage _________
Height _________
Length _________
Width _________
Occupancy G
roup _________
Type of Const
ruction _________
Hazardous Material Yes____ No_____
Flammable Li
quid Yes____ No_____
F101 Final – Fire Protection
F102 Final – Fire A
larm Panel
F103 Hydrostatic Test
F104 Dry System air Test
F105 Flow Test
F106 Fire Pump Test
F107 Annunciators/Signal Devices
F108 Consultation
F109 Correction
Sprinklers – NFPA 13 ______ Other ______
Number of Heads
Dry System
All _______ Partial_______
High Piled
Storage Yes______ No_________
Monitored S
ystem Yes______ No_________
*If yes, UL Central Station Certificate for the property is
required prior to occupancy. The certificate shall list all
devices connected to the system.